Stalwarts Say

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel
Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel
February 06, 2019

“The Vibrant Gujarat Summit celebrates India’s impressive economic growth and its enormous contribution to the global economy. I congratulate my good friend Prime Minister Modi on initiating this summit and on his vision to propel India into the future through the power of innovation. I will never forget my visit to India’s Gujarat last year and the warm welcome I received…Today the cooperation between our countries is stronger than ever and together we both have limitless possibilities.”

Matthew Griswold Bevin, Governor, Kentucky, USA
Matthew Griswold Bevin, Governor, Kentucky, USA
February 06, 2019

“India is one of the ten largest trading partners of the United States and climbing quickly…The people of India are demanding action and bold leadership, which they have in their Prime Minister. It is an honour for me to work with him…The opportunities before India and the United States are incredible.”

Kim Yong Rae, Deputy Minister for Trade, Industry and Energy, South Korea
Kim Yong Rae, Deputy Minister for Trade, Industry and Energy, South Korea
February 06, 2019

“India has a great potential to become a major economic powerhouse of the global economy given its very favourable and enabling factors such as its young, large population, its highly skilled workforce and its cutting edge science and technology…Since taking office, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing various reforms and initiatives to make India more enterprise-friendly.”

Menno Snel, Minister of Finance, Taxation and Customs, The Netherlands
Menno Snel, Minister of Finance, Taxation and Customs, The Netherlands
February 06, 2019

“We are honoured to host more than 200 Indian companies that have chosen The Netherlands as the location of their European activities…Prime Minister Modi once said, ‘We walk together, we progress together, we think together, we resolve together and together we take this country forward’ and I couldn’t agree more…Together we can take The Netherlands and India forward and achieve our common sustainable goals.”

Jin Liqun, President, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Jin Liqun, President, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
February 06, 2019

“India is a key partner of the AIIB as the 2nd largest shareholder in this institution…The bank has financed rural roads in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh that will cut distance between the rural people and the market, thus improving their livelihoods…Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a staunch supporter of this bank. His personal friendship with the Chinese leader Xi has fostered the two countries’ friendship, which is clearly manifested in this bank.”

Mukesh Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Industries
Mukesh Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Industries
February 06, 2019

“The credit for this pioneering initiative, the Vibrant Gujarat Summit and its subsequent replication in several Indian states, must go only to one leader, the proud son of Gujarat, the visionary leader of India, Shri Narendra Modi, our beloved PM, under whose leadership India is the fastest growing economy in the world…The entire world has come to recognize PM Modi as a man of action.”

Dr. Martin Brudermuller, Chairman, BASF
Dr. Martin Brudermuller, Chairman, BASF
February 06, 2019

“I would like to applaud PM Modi on his flagship initiative ‘Make In India’ but what is even more admirable is his vision for an environmentally conscious growth which is evident in India’s commitment to the Paris Agreement. “

David Farr, Chairman, Emerson Electrics
David Farr, Chairman, Emerson Electrics
February 06, 2019

“We invest in India because we believe in the future of this country for innovation, growth, export of products and services….I commend the government and PM Modi for recognizing the impact of digital transformation on the world of business and the changes needed both in the business world and the government world and we appreciate their support.”

Gautam Adani, Chairman, Adani Group
Gautam Adani, Chairman, Adani Group
February 06, 2019

“You (PM Narendra Modi) have fundamentally restored confidence in the world that India will be the key engine for global economic growth. While your capability to drive economic reform is unmatched, what is even more unique is your ability to drive social reforms agenda; the scale and speed of your social reforms is without precedence in the modern history…You have fundamentally reshaped India, never in recent history has such a massive segment of population anywhere been given the opportunity for their empowerment in such a short period. You have truly shown what ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ means.”

Gautam Adani, Chairman, Adani Group
Gautam Adani, Chairman, Adani Group
February 06, 2019

“While we all know, Honourable Prime Minister Modi, that you are the architect who conceptualized the Vibrant Gujarat Summit, nobody could have imagined how a distant corner of the country would reflect on your dream and trigger a movement that would transform India’s industrial landscape… Vibrant Gujarat was the first indication of your tremendous foresight. This summit had all your defining stems, towering vision, unprecedented scale, strict governance and flawless execution.”

Lord Jonathan Marland, Chairman, Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council
Lord Jonathan Marland, Chairman, Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council
February 06, 2019

“India is at the beating heart of the Commonwealth group and it is incumbent upon India to take on the leadership for the future because of its incredible importance for the future of the Commonwealth and the size and creativity of this great country…With you as the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi, I feel the Commonwealth has a strong and vibrant future like Gujarat.”

Sudhir Mehta, Chairman, Torrent Pharmaceuticals India
Sudhir Mehta, Chairman, Torrent Pharmaceuticals India
February 06, 2019

“Gujarat’s model of all-round development, widely known as the ‘Gujarat Model’ is being widely emulated by many other states in the country. This summit can duly take its credit for its share in creating the ‘Gujarat Model.’ The Honourable Prime Minister has provided all-round visionary leadership to the country in the last four and half years, be it in economic reform, social reform, through environmental leadership shown in the COP21 Agreement in Paris or by the emergence of India as a powerful and influential country in the global arena. All these have been game-changing initiatives of the government under his visionary leadership.”
