
Displaying 1 - 10 of 171

Ebenezer Scrooge's Tiresome Crusade Against "Consumerism"

Media and CultureSubjectivismValue and Exchange


Scrooge was wrong, and his Nephew Fred was right. While it's true the benefits of feasting with friends and family can't be calculated in a ledger, that doesn't mean those things have no value.

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Consumerism: Don't Blame the Market for Delivering What People Want

Philosophy and MethodologySubjectivismValue and Exchange


Those who oppose "consumerism" contend it is wrong to give consumers what they want if they want the wrong things.

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Defending the "Gentrifier"

U.S. EconomySubjectivismValue and Exchange


Gentrification gets bad press. It would appear that the gentrifier (he who engages in gentrification) is a malign exploiter, a bully, someone who takes advantage of the weak and the poor. And these are the nice things said about him.

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Subjective Value Is not Arbitrary Value

SubjectivismValue and Exchange


The prices of goods are not set mechanically by some kind of supply-demand curves but by the goal-seeking choices of individuals.

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Satisfaction and Desire: De-Homogenizing Mises and Hayek

SubjectivismValue and Exchange

Thanks to markets, our unchanging desires are being satisfied more and more effectively over time.

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James Buchanan on Methodological Individualism and the Market Process

Philosophy and MethodologySubjectivism

A rigorous application of methodological individualism is perhaps what most separates the Austrian and Public Choice schools from most others.
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Consumers Are Smarter than Bureaucrats Think


The government doesn't think you can make good choices voluntarily. So it's happy to step in and force you to make "better" choices.
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NFL's Problem is Poor Product, not Disrespect


One only has to follow the money to learn the real reason pro football ratings are down — competition from college football.
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Is Forced Military Service Good for the Economy?

Taxes and SpendingWar and Foreign PolicySubjectivismValue and Exchange

The latest argument in favor of conscription is that it's good for the economy. But, it's all just another central-planning scheme.
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