
The Theory of Interest Rates

Capital and Interest Theory

What are interest rates, where do they come from, and what purpose do they serve? Economist Jeffrey Herbener explains why Turgot, Böhm-Bawerk, and Mises got it right.
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Can the EU Survive the Next Financial Crisis?

Cronyism and CorporatismGlobal EconomyMoney and Banking

Blog10 hours ago

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the EU supra-national socializing model is failing structurally, politically, economically and financially. 

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The Human Action Podcast

11 hours agoPower & Market

A new Mises Institute podcast series, focused on Austrian theory in-depth.

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Hello Jerome Powell, We Have Questions


Given the Fed has never spotted a bubble in real time, why should anyone believe we aren't in one right now?

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Money-Supply Growth Slows in February

Money Supply


In February, year-over-year growth in the money supply was at 3.1 percent. That was down from January's growth rate of 3.3 percent, but was up from February 2018's rate of 3.0 percent.

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One Reason the Modern Left Keeps Winning: They Think Long Term

03/28/2019Power & Market

A reason the left is good as what it does: it thinks big and thinks   long term. Conservatives and libertarians, meanwhile, like to give up   immediately if something seems like it might take a while, or if other   people don't embrace their ideas instantly.

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Murphy Dissects His Discussion of MMT With Warren Mosler

BiographiesFree MarketsHealthOther Schools of Thought

Bob and Warren Mosler discuss the assumptions behind Modern Monetary Theory and its implications for economic policy.
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"Objective Journalism" Has Always Been a Myth

Media and CultureU.S. History


Objective reporting in journalism has always been based on a myth. Happily, the facade of objectivity is now breaking down.

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Misesian Insight: Cantillon Effects among Trading Nations

What the international trade and monetary system needs in order to grow healthy are free markets, sound money, and entrepreneurs to maintain, accumulate, and employ capital for best satisfaction of consumers around the world.

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Is Mexico "Neoliberal"?

Global EconomyWorld History


Mexican interventionists are now pushing the idea that Mexico is a country dominated by a free-market ideology which they call "neo-liberalism." But any serious look at Mexico's government makes it clear this is not the case.

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