Monthly Archives: July 2015

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The Cuckservative

Parasitic wasp laying eggs inside living caterpillar host

Parasitic wasp laying eggs inside living caterpillar host

600 words

A caterpillar rests upon a twig,
With no intent to conquer earth or sky;
He merely wants to eat until he’s big
Enough to turn into a butterfly —
And on that day, he’ll think of flying high.

No soaring, tragic thoughts he entertains,
No hearty lust for trouble or for war;
He knows these things are never worth the pains
That could be spent on eating more and more —
At least until the time he’s waiting for.  Read more …

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The Jewish Question in the Spiritual World

DNSISolInvictus-45,631 words

Spanish translation here

In Italy, the Jewish question is not very keenly felt, unlike in other countries, in Germany in particular. There, as everyone knows, this question provokes deep tensions today not only on the plane of ideas, but also in society and politics. The most recent legislation, proposed by Göring, which bans not only marriages between Jews and non-Jews but also unmarried mixed couples, and permanently excludes Jews, or those already married to Jews, from all Nazi state organizations, are the ultimate consequence of these tensions.  Read more …

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“Dirty Japs”

3,953 words

De-Humanizing the Enemy

De-Humanizing the Enemy

From my childhood, I vividly recall a scene from an old war movie. The US Marines are storming some Pacific island and driving the terrified “Jap” defenders before them, much as safari beaters drive prey. The wild chase increases in momentum until the enemy is finally flushed from the trees and onto the beach. Halting their tanks, situating their machine guns for maximum effect, the marines open fire. Scores of Japanese are mowed down mercilessly. With no hope, with no escape, the survivors leap into the surf and try to swim for it. In a matter of minutes, there is not a living “Nip” among them.

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Diviser pour mieux régner:
La haine anti-allemande détourne des vrais problèmes

merkel_nazi11,535 words

English version here

Et rebelote : Une fois de plus le sentiment anti-allemand est généré dans l’Europe et le monde entier pour créer un bouc émissaire.

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Znaczenie filozofii dla zmiany politycznej

3,128 words

English original here

Tytuł tego eseju jest poniekąd mylący, ponieważ zamierzam dowodzić, że filozofia ma znaczenie dla wszelkiej ludzkiej aktywności, nie tylko dla polityki. Filozofia jest nie tylko metapolityczna, ale „meta-wszystko”[1]. Ale wiem, że moi czytelnicy zainteresowani są zmianą polityczną, zatem był to mój wybieg, aby zachęcić Was do lektury. Co więcej, twierdzę, że filozofia nie jedynie znacząca dla życia, ale jest sprawą najwyższej wagi.  Read more …

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Eric Bogosian’s Operation Nemesis

Eric-Bogosian-big1,608 words

Spanish translation here

Eric Bogosian
Operation Nemesis: The Assassination Plot that Avenged the Armenian Genocide
New York: Little Brown, 2015  Read more …

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Suicide & Obscurity:
A Very Brief Introduction to Oswald Kabasta & Franz Berwald

2,937 words


Carl Eldh, Berwald, Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, 2011

Oswald Kabasta, Conducts Mozart and Schubert, with the Munich Philharmonic and the Vienna Philharmonic, ©1996, 1940, 1941, 1942-43 Preiser Records 90303, Compact disc.

Ulf Björlin, Berwald: Overtures, Concertos & Symphonies, with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, ©2007, EMI Classics, 3 CDs.

On February 6, 1946, the Austrian conductor Oswald Kabasta “wrote a poignant letter . . . to the Mayor of Munich, thanking the orchestra and audience for their great enthusiasm and loyalty, Read more …

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The Conscience of a Cuckservative

OnYourKnees1,775 words

Translations: FrenchGerman

In the United States, the center-Left Democratic Party is a coalition of white liberals, non-whites, sexual minorities, religious dissenters, and environmentalists, in which the organized Jewish community is the senior partner.  Read more …

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About the Modern World

Architectural_elements-Gamla_stan-Stockholm104 words

I don’t like your cities, your grey filthy
Sidewalks, your cold gritty air, your soulless
Buildings, your blank rootless people who dress
Like each other and do not care to be
Anywhere else but inside metro areas
Where they can buy Thai food at night as
A way to express freedom from dreary
Lack of sophistication. I don’t think
Haute cuisine comes at 3 AM, and I  Read more …

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Greg Johnson on “Cuckservatism” on the TRS Death Panel

58 words

oscuxGreg Johnson joins The Right Stuff Death Panel on the newest episode of The Daily Shoah. Topics include:

  • The Conscience of the Cuckservatives
  • The pathetic reactions of Cuckservatives to the truth
  • The Donald Trump phenomenon
  • The true meaning of “white privilege” Read more …
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They Call Me White

finger_pointing_sculpture-255x300 (1)1,241 words

I have tried all my life to define myself as American. Until recently, I’ve never said “I’m a white man.” I’ve never said “it’s us versus them.” I’ve never said “we are superior to them.” I’ve never said “the problem is the blacks.” I’ve told my kids “We are Americans, a Christian family.” That’s how I have defined us. Not white. American and my family name. And my religion does not encourage me to have a racial identity: Read more …

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Robert Stark Interviews Greg Johnson on Eco-Fascism

45:12 / 6,632 words

Translations: CzechFrench

Editor’s Note:

treesThe following text is the transcript by V. S. of a conversation with Robert Stark first published at the Voice of Reason network on April 2, 2012 but no longer online there. To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here Read more …

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The Counter-Currents 2015 Summer Fundraiser

Bukowski587 words

Since our last update, on June 17th, the Counter-Currents 2015 Summer fundraiser has been quietly chugging away collecting 76 donations totaling $2,911.84 in amounts ranging from $5 to $250, including a number of new monthly donations, which are a huge help. This is a very strong show of support, and I very much appreciate it.

Our total is now $11,696.12Read more …

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To Cut Up a Mockingbird:
Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman

GoSetaWatchman6,095 words

Harper Lee
Go Set a Watchman: A Novel
Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2015

“I almost don’t care what the critics say as long as I can write another one.”[1]

Mockingbird is a classic, but you’ve probably read it before, and it’s no more relevant to your future legal career than 12 Angry Men is to picking a jury. Read more …

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Por qué la raza no es una “Construcción Social”

Leonardo da Vinci,Study of a skull, between 1510 and 1511

Leonardo da Vinci, Estudio de un Cráneo, entre 1510 y 1511

3,412 words

Traducción por A. Garrido. Enlace original aquí

El realismo racial es uno de los fundamentos intelectuales del Nacionalismo Blanco. El realismo racial es la tesis de que las diferencias raciales son hechos objetivos de la naturaleza, que pre-existen a la conciencia humana, a la sociedad humana, e incluso a la raza humana misma – ya que hubo diferentes especies y subespecies antes de que la humanidad emergiese. Read more …

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Why Race is Not a “Social Construct”

Leonardo da Vinci,Study of a skull, between 1510 and 1511

Leonardo da Vinci, Study of a skull, between 1510 and 1511

3,147 words

Translations: CzechFrench, Slovak, Spanish

Race realism is one of the intellectual foundations of White Nationalism. Race realism is the thesis that racial differences are objective facts of nature, which pre-exist human consciousness, human society, and even the human race itself—since there were different species and subspecies before mankind emerged. Read more …

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Analyzing the Effectiveness of Politically Motivated Mass Murder in the US

Iconic street sign posted around South Armagh at the time of the 1993 Sniper Campaign

Iconic street sign posted around South Armagh at the time of the 1993 Sniper Campaign

5,089 words

I see no use for violence in our movement. I am not a pacifist, nor do I believe that the current ruling class does not deserve it. But a brief comparison of the use of violence for political purposes throughout the last 100 years should make it clear why this is not the right choice for us, and such acts and their perpetrators should be expressly condemned. Since potential mass killers are probably not swayed by moral considerations, my argument against such violence is purely pragmatic.

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Atticus in Bizarro World:
Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman

GoSetaWatchman1,996 words

Harper Lee
Go Set a Watchman: A Novel
Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2015

As nearly everyone knows by now, Atticus Finch, that steadfast attorney from Maycomb, Alabama, led the local Citizens’ Council in the 1950s. When agitators from the NAACP and Communist Party came south to stir up trouble after the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown decision, he fought the good fight for segregation. Read more …

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Albion’s Hidden Numina
The Falling

1,120 words

TheFallingWatching Carol Morley’s new film, The Falling, I found myself wondering, slightly obsessively, exactly which year it was set in. I settled on 1970 because the visual cues in the home of the main character, Lydia, suggested that strange point in time where hallucinatory sixties psychedelia ossified into lurid home furnishings. Subsequent googling revealed that it was set in 1969. Read more …

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Robert Stark Interviews F. Roger Devlin on Sexual Utopia in Power

SexualUtopiaCoverMedium134 words

Be sure to listen to the excellent interview with F. Roger Devlin about his new book Sexual Utopia in Power on The Stark Truth. Click here. Topics include:

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Mussolini & Racism, Part 4
Racism & Other “Horrors”

Tullio Crali. prima che si apra il paracadute, 1939. Casa Cavazzini, Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Udine.

Tullio Crali, Before the Parachute Opens, 1939.

2,012 words

I will take a recent episode of a personal nature as a starting point for the clarification of certain ideas. This clarification might be useful to those who, within the Right, are not only concerned with problems related to the more contingent forms of political struggle. The episode is the following. In Rome, an organisation of the MSI [Movimento Sociale Italiano][1] was planning to dedicate a conference to the ideas that I defend. Read more …

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“The Betrayed” and Other Poems

The_Cenotaph,_Whitehall, words

The Betrayed

England asked us and we answered. Without
A second thought. We had no fear, no doubt,
No worries; we were English, we would go,
We’d fight for her—for glory, not for show—
And for love of our own people, our stout
And sturdy race. Our folk is worth about  Read more …

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Robert Stark Interviews Greg Johnson on Populism, Elitism, & Economics

Frans Francken the Younger (Antwerp 1581 - 1642), "Death and the Miser"

Frans Francken the Younger (Antwerp 1581-1642), Death and the Miser

8,194 words

Editor’s Note:

The following text is the transcript by V. S. of a May 2013 conversation with Robert Stark. To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target as.” To subscribe to our podcasts, click here..

Robert Stark: Hello, everyone! This is The Stark Truth with Robert Stark. I’m joined here with Greg Johnson. Hey, Greg! It’s nice having you on.  Read more …

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Mussolini & Racism, Part 3
Blood & Spirit

MussoliniFuturist1,249 words

After Mussolini considered the arguments presented in my previous articles, I told him that his approval of my formulation of racial issues would be help me in initiatives that I had already begun abroad under my own responsibility. For a long time I was in contact with certain German circles, having been invited to give lectures and presentations, and racial issues were among the topics I had discussed.

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The Long Crusade:
Profiles in Education Reform, 1967–2014

Wolters2,708 words

Raymond Wolters
The Long Crusade: Profiles in Education Reform, 1967–2014
Whitefish, Montana: Washington Summit Publishers, 2015

In 2009, historian Raymond Wolters published Race and Education, 1954–2007, a book remarkable for eschewing moral sermonizing about desegregation in favor of recording its actual effects, both positive and (more often) negative. Read more …

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Review of For My Legionaries

Corneliu Codreanu with his wife, Elena Ilinoiu

Corneliu Codreanu with his wife, Elena Ilinoiu

928 words

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
For My Legionaries
Introduction by Kerry Bolton; Historical Overview by Lucian Tudor; with new appendices and photographs.
London: Black House Publishing, 2015

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Remembering Beryl Cheetham

Beryl Cheetham (center) with Diana Hughes (left) and Savitri Devi, after the 1962 Cotswolds Camp

Beryl Cheetham (center) with Diana Hughes (left) and Savitri Devi, after the 1962 Cotswolds Camp

465 words

I was deeply saddened to hear that my friend Beryl Cheetham died in a nursing home in Erding, Germany, on June 30th. I knew Beryl since 2000, when I began research on Savitri Devi with the aim of writing a new biography. Beryl knew Savitri from 1961 to 1982, and she had a sense of responsibility to history. She kept all of her correspondence, many volumes of photographs, and files of magazines and clippings.

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Mussolini & Racism, Part 2
The Myth of the New Italy


Tato (Guglielmo Sansoni), Flying over the Coliseum in a Spiral (Spiraling), 1930

964 words

While race is typically considered a fixed, naturalistic and fatal given, in my book [Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race] I argued a dynamic conception: new races can be formed, while other races may mutate or disappear as a result of internal, spiritual factors, or what I called the “internal race.” As an example, I pointed to the Jewish type, which isn’t derived from an original pure race, but was molded by a millennial tradition; Read more …

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From Bozo to Bertolucci:
How Not to Watch the Films of Ed Wood, Jr.

EdWood4,128 words

Andrew J. Rausch and Charles E. Pratt, Jr.
The Cinematic Misadventures of Ed Wood
Albany, Georgia: Bear Manor Media, 2015

“Even a terrible piece of shit is somebody’s dream.” — Andre Perkowski

“It turns out that making movies is really, really hard.” — Joel “MST3k” Hodgson

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“To an Aging Countercultural Twit” & Other Poems

OldHippieLane1,140 words

To an Aging Countercultural Twit

At Woodstock you went walking in the nude,
But you were high on pot, and just a teen—
Your life is now more upscale and subdued,
And tinted with environmental green.

You still think Marx a genius, but not quite
As brilliant as Adorno or Marcuse;
Despite rheumatic damps, you will ignite
If someone sparks your old New Leftist fuse.  Read more …

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