Monthly Archives: October 2011

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Getting Funny Right

402 words

For a long time, Left-leaning satirists and comedians  have owned funny. Credit it to nepotism or closed doors, but the best humor you could hope for Right-of-center was the occasional libertarian toker or cartoonish redneck self-parody. Blogger Jonathan Chait congratulated the Left for their mastery of satire in a post for The New Republic only a few months ago. Read more …

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Ezra Pound & the Angel

Miguel Serrano with a picture of Ezra Pound

1,136 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

From the end of the 1930s to the mid-1940s and beyond, I was greatly interested in the personality of the American poet Ezra Pound. I saw a lot of myself reflected in him. Indeed, during the Second World War he was opposed to the government of his country and embraced the cause of Italy and Germany. Read more …

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What We Can Learn from Leftists

Donald Rumsfeld and buddy Saddam Hussein

745 words

October 24, 2003

Editor’s Note:

This essay is from Michael Polignano’s book Taking Our Own Side, available in hardcover, paperback, and PDF download here. Read more …

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The Corner at the Center of the World:
Traditional Metaphysics in a Late Tale of Henry James

J. P. Morgan

4,116 words

“The human individual is, at one and the same time, much more and much less than is ordinarily supposed in the West; he is greater by reason of his possibilities of indefinite extension beyond the corporeal modality, . . . but he is also much less since, far from constituting a complete and sufficient being in himself, he is only an exterior manifestation, a fleeting appearance clothing the true being, which in no way affects the essence of the latter in its immutability.” Read more …

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Counter-Currents Matching Grant Update 
Trick or Treat?

138 words

Since our last update, we have received $451.93 in additional donations, in increments from $13.60 to $100. Because every donation is matched dollar for dollar up to $6,000, that means that we are $903.86 closer to our goal of $25,000. Read more …

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Counter-Currents Matching Grant Update 
Waiting for the Great Pumpkin

295 words

Tomorrow, October 31, Halloween, at 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time, the Great Pumpkin will rise from the pumpkin patch and bring the first Counter-Currents fundraising campaign to a close. Read more …

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More Food for Thought

79 words

Counter-Currents/North American New Right publishes a FREE monthly electronic Newsletter. It includes information on our web traffic, most popular articles, upcoming books, special offers, etc.

The next letter will go out November 2nd. Read more …

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Die singende Revolution

897 words

Übersetzt von Deep Roots

English original here

The Singing Revolution ist ein Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf der winzigen Ostseenation Estland um Souveränität, einer Nation, die das halbe zwanzigste Jahrhundert im Griff des Sowjetimperiums verbrachte. Read more …

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Remembering Ezra Pound:
October 30, 1885 to November 1, 1972

623 words

“A slave is one who waits for someone else to free him.” — Ezra Pound

One of the ongoing projects of the North American New Right is the recovery of our tradition. One does not have to go too far back before one discovers that every great European thinker and artist is a “Right Wing extremist” by today’s standards. Read more …

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We’re a Culture, Not a Costume Too

847 words

A student group at the University of Ohio has received praise from the mainstream media for its “We’re a culture, not a costume” campaign.  The group is called Students Teaching About Racism in Society.  As with all multicultural groups, it is fundamentally a product of the administration, beginning in 1988 as a class.  Ohio University also features a multicultural center with no fewer than 31 separate student organizations (including STARS) featured on the site.   Read more …

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“Was Lassie Jewish?”


1,182 words

Recently Counter-Currents contributor Jef Costello published a light-hearted piece entitled “Aryan Cows?,” in which he discussed contemporary hysteria over “Aryan” and “Nazi” cattle.

He also wondered, tongue-in-cheek, “Was Blondie, Hitler’s shepherd, an Aryan dog?” Read more …

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What Did Ezra Pound Really Say?

2,465 words

From 1945 through 1958 America’s iconoclastic poet — the flamboyant Ezra Pound, one of the most influential individuals of his generation — was held in a Washington, D.C. mental institution, accused of treason. Pound had merely done what he had always done — spoken his mind. Unfortunately for Pound, however, he had made the error of criticizing the American government in a series of broadcasts from Italy during World War II. Read more …

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What is Money For?

4,741 words

We will never see an end of ructions, we will never have a sane and steady administration until we gain an absolutely clear conception of money. I mean an absolutely not an approximately clear conception.

I can, if you like, go back to paper money issued in China in or about A.D. 840, but we are concerned with the vagaries of the Western World. Read more …

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1,064 words

Ezra Pound’s Radio Broadcast #102, June 26, 1943

An idea is colored by what it is dipped in. Take for example the more or less Teutonic idea of materialism. Marx and Engels get to foolin’ ’round with Hegel’s philosophy, or something, and evolve or devolve what is called Marxian materialism, and it gets toted off into Russia. Read more …

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Maîtres de l’Univers

4,750 words

English original here

Note de la Rédaction :

Voici le discours d’Alex Kurtagic Durant la conférence du National Policy Institute à  Washington D.C., le 10 septembre 2011.

Il y a deux ans, j’ai posé la question : « Que faudra-t-il ? » Read more …

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Brooks Adams’ The Law of Civilization & Decay

1,132 words

Brooks Adams’ work on The Law of Civilization and Decay[1] is a reprint of the original American edition published in 1896. It was the first of a series of similar treatises and started the line followed, among others, by Spengler. Briefly its thesis is this — “As the attack in war masters the defence, and the combative instinct becomes unnecessary to the preservation of life, the economic supersedes the martial mind, being superior in bread-winning. Read more …

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Leader-ful Resistance:
The Predicament of the Right Today

1,978 words

The concept of “leaderless resistance” was popularized on the Right through the writings of Klansman Louis Beam in the 1980s and 1990s, after having allegedly been invented by American intelligence officers in the 1960s as a possible strategy for resisting a theoretical Communist takeover of the United States.

It is really just an adaptation of the cell structure, Read more …

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Brooks Adams on the Romans

Peter Chardon Brooks Adams, 1848–1927

1,241 words

Brooks Adams was an American historian and critic of capitalism from a classical republican/agrarian/populist point of view.

Brooks Adams was from an immensely accomplished family. He was a great-grandson of President John Adams, a grandson of President John Quincy Adams, a son of diplomat Charles Francis Adams, and the brother of Henry Adams, Read more …

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The Romans

12,616 words

Chapter 1 of The Law of Civilization and Decay: An Essay on History
Second Edition
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1896 Read more …

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Death on the Installment Plan

The Dance of Death, 1474, fresco painting (Church of St. Mary, Beram, Croatia)

1,297 words

Translated by Tomislav Sunic

Ukrainian translation here

Ezra Pound, in his famous Canto XLV With Usura writes:  Read more …

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Japan, Refutation of Neoliberalism

8,060 words

No-one wants to talk about Japan these days. The conventional wisdom is that the bloom went off Japan’s economic rose around 1990 and that the utter superiority of neoliberal capitalism was vindicated by the strong performance of the American economy during the 1990s. Read more …

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On Usury

5,284 words

Usury does not mean high interest. It means any interest, however low, demanded for an unproductive loan. It is not only immoral but it is ultimately destructive of society. It has only been the rule of our commerce to take usury since the breakup of Europe following on the Reformation. Usury will destroy our society, but meanwhile there is no escape from it. Read more …

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Counter-Currents Matching Grant Update 
Coming Down to the Wire

215 words

As you probably now know, Counter-Currents is doing a fundraising drive from now until Halloween. We are now going into full telethon mode. Read more …

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Robert Stark Interviews Greg Johnson on Occupy Wall Street & Third Way Economics

26 words

Robert Stark interviews Counter-Currents/North American New Right editor Greg Johnson on Occupy Wall Street and Third Way economic alternatives. Read more …

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The Bulls from Brazil 
Aryan Cows?

1,031 words

The second rune in the Elder Futhark is “uruz,” and it refers to the “aurochs,” a familiar fixture in the lives of our ancestors. The aurochs was a very large beast, about the size of rhino, and was the ancestor of today’s cattle. Read more …

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Declínio e Queda de Muammar el-Qaddafi

747 words

English original here

O Coronel Muammar el-Qaddafi governou a Líbia por 42 anos. Ele chegou ao poder em um golpe militar contra o rei líbio Idris, que era basicamente o sátrapa do capital internacional, garantindo que a exploração dos recursos petrolíferos do país beneficiasse companhias estrangeiras e a si mesmo, mas não o povo líbio. Read more …

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Quel dieu Odin adorait-il ?

Franz von Stuck, "Wild Hunt," 1899

4,350 words

English original here

1. Introduction

Dans l’Edda Poétique, Odin narre sa découverte des runes :

Je sais que je pendis
A l’arbre battu des vents
Neuf nuits pleines,
Navré d’une lance
Et donné à Odin, Read more …

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How About Fascist Medicine?

1,369 words

Slovak translation here

Most productive Americans hate the idea of socialized medicine since they think that they will pay more into it than they will get out of it, and they are right. Americans who take care of their health—i.e., exercise and avoid smoking, junk food, excessive drink, and recreational drugs—should also hate the idea of socialized medicine, since they will be paying for the cancer treatments of chain-smokers, the triple bypasses of lard-asses, Read more …

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All Africans?

Milford H. Wolpoff, Professor of Anthropology and Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Museum of Anthropology at the University of Michigan

2,016 words

French translation here

In 2008, 60 Minutes ran a story on Spenser Wells, Explorer in Residence for the National Geographic Society, who is mapping the genetic linkages of the world population. The media are naturally eager to plug Wells’ genetic mapping because it supports the “Out of Africa” or “African Eve” hypothesis put forward in recent times by some geneticists. The Liberal Establishment is eager to proclaim that we are all part of a nebulous mass of humanity without any differences other than what can be learned. The interviewer, a blond woman, was pleased to state that she was “once an African” (sic). Read more …

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Tous Africains?

Milford H. Wolpoff, professeur d’anthropologie et Chercheur Associé Adjoint, Muséum d’Anthropologie à l’Université du Michigan

2,342 words

English original here

En 2008, 60 Minutes passa une histoire sur Spenser Wells, Explorateur Permanent pour la National Geographic Society, qui est en train d’établir la carte des liens génétiques de la population mondiale. Les médias sont naturellement pressés de creuser la carte génétique de Wells parce qu’elle appuie l’hypothèse « Out of Africa » ou « Eve africaine » avancée il y a quelque temps par certains généticiens. L’Establishment libéral est pressé de proclamer que nous faisons tous partie d’une masse nébuleuse d’humanité sans aucune différence à part celles qui peuvent être acquises. L’intervieweuse, une femme blonde, était fière de déclarer qu’elle était « jadis une Africaine » (sic). Read more …

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