Monthly Archives: February 2011

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A New Podcast! 
Nationalist Strategies

74 words

Editor’s Note:

The following MP3 podcast is a recording of the first of two talks given by Kevin MacDonald in the greater San Francisco Bay Area on February 19th and 20th, 2011. To preserve the privacy of the hosts and guests, I have edited out voices other than Kevin MacDonald’s. I also kept my own brief introduction. The running time is just over 34 minutes. So, without further ado, I give you Kevin MacDonald . . .

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Recollections of Ungern-Sternberg

4,492 words

Editor’s Note:

Ferdinand Ossendowski, 1876–1945

The following two chapters from Ferdinand Ossendowski’s Beasts, Men, and Gods give a good sense of Baron Roman Nikolai Maximilian von Ungern-Sternberg’s qualities and vision. Ossendowski joined the baron’s army as a commanding officer of one of his self-defense troops. He also briefly became Ungern-Sternberg’s political advisor and chief of intelligence. Ungern-Sternberg sent Ossendowski on a diplomatic mission to Japan and the United States, and when the baron’s regime collapsed, Ossendowski stayed on in the United States and wrote Beasts, Men, and Gods, which was published in 1922.

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Baron von Ungern-Sternberg

1,598 words

Baron Roman Nikolai Maximilian von Ungern-Sternberg, 1885–1921, photographed in 1921

Translated by Greg Johnson

Czech translation here

Translator’s Note:

The following text, published in 1942 or 1943 under the title “Baron von Ungern Venerated in Mongolian Temples,” deals with one of the 20th century’s most enigmatic figures whom I first encountered in the pages of Ferdinand Ossendowski’s brilliant Beasts, Men, and Gods.

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2,131 words

White Nationalists spend a lot of time analyzing the themes in movies and the impact they have on our people. However, we often ignore what lessons non-whites take. Blacks and Hispanics might be missing the point of some films, probably because they are making so much noise in the theater.

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Have You Enlisted Yet?

88 words

On the Counter-Currents mailing list, that is.

I am starting work on the fourth monthly Counter-Currents/North American New Right Newsletter, which contains information on our web traffic, upcoming books, the usual fund-raising telethon, etc.

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The View from Hippie Hill

2,575 words

A number of years ago I went through a long period of depression, and when I found myself coming out the other end of it, I developed an interest in “Eastern Philosophy.”

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Now Available for Pre-Order: 
The Columbine Pilgrim

590 words

We are pleased to announce our fourth title and our first work of fiction:

Andy Nowicki
The Columbine Pilgrim
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2011
112 pages

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A Bottom Up Solution:
Culture Hacking & the Cultivation of Everyday Genius

1,536 words

My mentor is a very productive but anonymous activist with a 160 IQ. He told me many years ago that the White nationalist movement isn’t going anywhere if it is dominated by people making clownish and unserious incitements to violence.

The worst thing about clownish and unserious incitements to violence is not the bad image it projects; bad as this is, the worst thing is that it is a short-circuit from what really needs to be done.

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Reflections on Carl Schmitt’s The Concept of the Political

Carl Schmitt, 1888–1985

2,166 words

Translations: EstonianFrench, Polish

“Why can’t we all get along?”–Rodney King

Carl Schmitt’s short book The Concept of the Political (1932) is one of the most important works of 20th century political philosophy.

The aim of The Concept of the Political is the defense of politics from utopian aspirations to abolish politics. Read more …

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The Culture of Critique & the Pathogenesis of Modern Society

3,201 words

Reinhart Koselleck
Critique and Crises: Enlightenment and the Pathogenesis of Modern Society
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1988

La politique, c’est le destin. — Napoleon

Koselleck’s Critique and Crisis (1959) is one of the great dissertations of the 20th-century German university system.

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Plato & Indo-European Tripartition

Plato, detail of Raphael’s “The School of Athens,” 1509–1510

1,125 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

In 1938, Georges Dumézil discovered, the existence of a veritable Indo-European “ideology,” a specific mental structure manifesting a common conception of the world. He writes:

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Florence or Athens:
The Word as the Weaving of Worlds

1,798 words

Translated by Michael O’Meara

The Revolution, despite appearances, is not a democratic phenomenon. There are good reasons why the birth of a world symbolizing the dawn of a new human era is born from a minority – and a minority not easily defined. For it’s the fringes that produce the cultures of the world, their symbolic oceans, Christ as well as the Red Flag.

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Sex Differences

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, “A Vision of Fiametta,” 1878

1,195 words

Translations: FrenchRussian

This essay is from Michael Polignano’s book Taking Our Own Side, available in hardcover, paperback, and PDF download here.

October 21, 2003

A few days ago I had a heated discussion about sex differences with a female friend of mine who calls herself a feminist. Read more …

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How I Found My Mission in Life

2,477 words

Since I am not all right, I sometimes find myself reading self-help books. I am not proud of this. There is something pathetic about a man almost forty-five who is still trying to straighten himself out. There is something still more pathetic about such a man relying on mass-market paperbacks in order to do so.

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James O’Meara on Henry James & H. P. Lovecraft 
The Lesson of the Monster; or, The Great, Good Thing on the Doorstep

2,000 words

The Annunciation by Simone Martini, 1333

We’ve been very pleased by the response to our essay “The Eldritch Evola,” which was not only picked up by Greg Johnson (whose own Confessions of a Reluctant Hater is out and essential reading) for his estimable website Counter-Currents, but even managed to lurch upwards and lay a terrible, green claw on the bottom rung of the “Top Ten Most Visited Posts” there in January.

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Raising Consciouness, Building Community:
Kevin MacDonald Visits the Bay Area

280 words

On Saturday, February 19th and Sunday, February 20th Professor Kevin MacDonald spoke on “Nationalist Strategies” and signed copies of his book Cultural Insurrections at two luncheons in the greater San Francisco Bay Area.

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605 words

Mississippi circuit court Judge Robert “Bobby” DeLaughter is going to federal prison.

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How Feminism Negates Folkways

3,863 words

“Women, I allow, may have different duties to fulfill; but they are HUMAN duties, and the principles that should regulate the discharge of them, I sturdily maintain, must be the same. To become respectable, the exercise of their understanding is necessary, there is no other foundation for independence of character; I mean explicitly to say that they must only bow to the authority of reason, instead of being the modest slaves of opinion.”

–Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, 1792 [1]

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Mr. Assange’s Digital McCarthyism

642 words

Upon superficial inspection, still-living superstar hacker Julian Assange and long-dead commie-stalker Joseph McCarthy seem like natural-born enemies and political polar opposites. Technically, the Arctic and Antarctica are polar opposites, too, but are they really that different?

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A Serious Man

Larry Gopnik

2,515 words

I don’t have much use for light comedies, but I love dark ones. Thus I have been a fan of the Coen brothers ever since their first movie Blood Simple, which I regard as a masterpiece.

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Benoist on Feminism, IQ, & the Wealth of Nations 
Interview on the Human Sciences, Part 4

860 words

Part 4 of 4

Translated by Greg Johnson

Specialists in evolutionary psychology claim that there are important differences between the sexes, and that these were acquired during the evolution of the species. To what does the New Right appeal to support its “differentialist feminism”?

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Klansmen, Irishmen, & Nativists:
The Origins of Racial Nationalism in America

2,640 words

The heterogeneity of America’s European population has always posed a challenge to its national identity. Only late in the nineteenth century was this identity extended to European immigrants assimilated in its Anglo-Protestant values and, in the twentieth century, to Catholics, whose Church (the “Whore of Babylon”) had learned to accommodate the Protestant contours of American life (or what John Murray Cuddihy called its “civil religion”). From this ethnogenesis, the original Anglo-Protestant identity of the American people gradually evolved into a more inclusive European Christian identity, though one closely tied to its Anglo-Protestant antecedents.

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1,044 words

In William Rome’s latest article at Occidental Dissent, he describes himself as a “Born Again Multiculturalist.” It’s the most complete exposition of a school of thought within the movement that appears novel at first blush, but is merely the latest avatar in a predictable cycle. Read more …

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Multiculturalism is Dead, So Where Do We Bury the Body?

495 words

I’ll never forget a painting I saw at a West Berlin youth hostel in 1985. The background depicted bombed-out ruins, presumably Dresden after the Allied firestorm. In the foreground were two women, their backs to us as they faced the charred, blown-out buildings. One woman was starting to lift her arm in a Sieg Heil salute, while the other rushed to grab her arm and stop her.

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Hunter Wallace Enters Retirement

79 words

Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent, who is barely 30, is entering retirement according to his most recent article, “Old Soldiers.” According to one of Wallace’s comments on his article, White Nationalism appealed to him when he was overweight, undersexed, unemployed, living at home, and alienated from his community. Read more …

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The Real White Racism

Angelina Jolie, apotheosis by race-betrayal

470 words

Racism is universal. Everybody is racist, including non-whites and mainstream whites.

Social conformity and blind obedience to perceived authority—that is to say, prevailing cultural norms—powerfully define the form of racism that predominates.

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“One White Man’s Scream Out Across the Internet” 
Why I Write

527 words

I write because I can’t stand what’s happening to whites.

It’s personal and it’s political. It’s as small as the chicken bones strewn in the gutter of the Grand Concourse in the Bronx, and it’s as big as the future of the United States and the rest of the West. It’s about the kind of world my white children will grow up in. It’s everywhere I look, so it’s no use trying to avert my eyes. I hate what I see, and I have to scream.

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Diagnosing “Passover Syndrome” Among White Liberals

538 words

Editor’s Note:

Don’t tell Richard Spencer, but I have been stopping by TakiMag every day since I discovered that Jim Goad is one of their regular columnists.

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What is the American Nation?

John Singleton Copley, Portrait of Paul Revere, 1768

2,669 words

The following is part of a larger series of articles that was written for an audience of French “revolutionary nationalists” whose image of America is almost categorically negative. Its ostensible aim was to highlight the positive in the heritage we White Nationalists claim. But at a deeper level, it was also an effort to convince myself that America has not been a historical disaster for the white race. The negative interpretation opposed here can be found in the chapter “Anti-Europe” in my New Culture, New Right: Anti-Liberalism in Postmodern Europe.

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Nihilism & the Meaning of Life in Nietzsche

2,929 words

Translated by Bruno Cariou

Editor’s Note:

The following text is Evola’s Preface to his translation of Robert Reininger’s Friedrich Nietzsches Kampf um den Sinn des Lebens [Nietzsche’s Struggle for the Meaning of Life] (1922) as Nietzsche e il senso della vita [Nietzsche and the Meaning of Life] (Rome: Giovanni Volpe, 1971).

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    Journey Late at Night: Poems and Translations

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    Baader Meinhof ceramic pistol, Charles Kraaft 2013

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    The Lost Philosopher, Second Expanded Edition

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