
Tag: GOP

Bush Sr. Made a Killing – 50 Miners Buried Alive

Greg Palast 

While pundits are falling all over themselves spewing about the "civility" of the patrician George H. W. Bush, l must honor the memory those 50 men who were buried alive in a gold field in Africa so Bush Sr. could cash in.
To me, this is the most important story of my career — and almost ended it when Bush's gold mining company sued my ...more

The Truth Buried Alive

Greg Palast 

Of the thousands of bless you and f**** you messages that arrived at The Guardian papers after we broke the Florida vote swindle story in November 2000, none ruffled my editors' English reserve but one: a letter demanding we ...more

Mississippi: Ugly Old Trick Targets Espy Voters

Greg Palast 

[Jackson, Mississippi] In the vote-stealing biz it's called "push polling" in which a fake pollster cons a voter out of their vote. Mike Espy, US Senate candidate, reveals the return of an outlawed vote suppression tactic aimed at


Here’s how Brian Kemp is Stealing the Georgia Election

Greg Palast in Atlanta, Georgia for Salon

Half a million Georgia voters were purged with no notice — and their provisional ballots likely won't be counted. Brian Kemp, who until this week was Georgia's secretary of state, is stealing the gubernatorial election from Stacey Abrams. It begins with ...more

Handel’s Handlers Manhandle Reporter
To Duck Questions On Her Blocking Black Voters

Greg Palast 

GOP Congressional candidate Karen Handel will do anything to duck questions about her role in purging Black and Asian voters in the Georgia run-off race against Jon Ossoff. Stay tuned for the full story of the Stealing of the Sixth CD — reports this week by Greg Palast for Thom Hartmann and Democracy Now!

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Greg Palast (Rolling Stone, Guardian, BBC) is the author of The New York Times bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, now out as major motion non-fiction movie.

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