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NBC News
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14 منٹ NBC News
Daily cannabis use, especially of the high potency strains, is linked to an increased risk of developing psychosis, according to new research.
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44 منٹ NBC News
Opinion | Sady Doyle: "We've created a system that is inherently rigged against some of the women whom we most need to hear." -
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1 گھنٹہ NBC News
The U.S. government is clearing strips of land inside sensitive wildlife habitats for endangered animals, birds and monarch butterflies as part of President Trump's promised border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. -
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1 گھنٹہ NBC News
.: The amount you earn does not determine your worth, but it does make a big difference when it comes to achieving life goals and feeling confident in our careers. Here's how to get yours.
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2 گھنٹے NBC News
A black lawyer has filed a complaint against a Maryland sheriff's deputy who detained him after mistaking him for a suspect.
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2 گھنٹے NBC News
The Kim Sisters moved to the U.S. in 1959, becoming a top-selling act in Las Vegas and regular performers on national TV. -
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2 گھنٹے NBC News
"I am reading zero pages," Alec Baldwin said while portraying President Trump's reaction to the Mueller report on Saturday Night Live.
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3 گھنٹے NBC News
Dozens of religious leaders in Tennessee have added their signatures to a statement denouncing the 2019 “slate of hate.” -
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3 گھنٹے NBC News
Analysis: The debate over the future of health care is beginning to take shape on the campaign trail. The differences have never been bigger.
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3 گھنٹے NBC News
"I just saw that having my own company was the way to be independent. Engineering requires a lot of creativity. And the inspiration doesn't just come from being in the lab and from a textbook," Angelique Johnson, an electrical and biomedical engineer, said
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4 گھنٹے NBC News
A pet zebra escaped from a Florida home and was shot and killed by its owner, who wasn't licensed to own the animal.
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4 گھنٹے NBC News
After years of seeing garbage pile up on the beaches and waterways where she lives, activist Dianna Cohen decided to attack the pollution at its source: by removing plastic from her life. She wants to convince the world to do the same.
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5 گھنٹے NBC News
White reporters were denied entry, while at least two black reporters and the publisher of a local African-American newspaper were allowed inside, the Savannah Morning News reported. -
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5 گھنٹے NBC News
A man in South Carolina will be charged with murdering a college student who may have entered his car mistakenly thinking it was a ride-share vehicle, police in Columbia said.
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5 گھنٹے NBC News
Anna Sorokin is scheduled to stand trial on grand larceny and theft of services charges alleging she swindled $275,000 in a 10-month odyssey.
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5 گھنٹے NBC News
Women make up 9.1 percent of the U.S. construction workforce, and earn an average 95.7 percent of what their male counterparts make, according to The National Association of Women in Construction. Here’s what it’s like to be one of them. -
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6 گھنٹے NBC News
A 30-million page library is heading to the moon to help preserve human civilization. -
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6 گھنٹے NBC News
A 20-year-old convicted of raping his neighbor and then offering to do work around her house to make it up to her is being sent to prison for 50 years.
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6 گھنٹے NBC News
Norway plans to build world's first "floating tunnel." -
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6 گھنٹے NBC News
86-year-old Betty Goedhart is the world’s oldest performing flying trapeze artist, a title made official by Guinness World Records. She started just eight years ago.
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