26 02, 2019

Garlic planting, CERES-style

By | 2019-02-26T13:07:33+00:00 February 26th, 2019|Nursery, Nursery Advice|2 Comments

“There are five elements: earth, air, fire, water and garlic”, so said the French culinary writer Louis Diat, and we would tend to agree. Nothing beats the satisfaction of tucking into a delicious plate of spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino seasoned with your own home grown garlic! It’s time to get your cloves planted. Below we [...]

21 02, 2019

Environmental & Sustainability Educator of the Year 2018

By | 2019-02-21T16:18:13+00:00 February 21st, 2019|CERES Courses, CERES Education, Enviro Ed Course, Stories|0 Comments

The Environmental & Sustainability Educator of the Year 2018, Lorna Pettifer In 2018 Lorna Pettifer Manager of Education and Training at CERES was awarded the inaugural Environmental & Sustainability Educator of the Year by Environment Education Victoria. Lorna is the Learning Innovation Director at CERES and has designed and delivers the  CERES Environmental [...]

5 02, 2019

Motives – Change – Inspiration – CERES Environmental Education Course

By | 2019-02-05T17:04:40+00:00 February 5th, 2019|CERES Courses, CERES Education, Enviro Ed Course, Pathways|0 Comments

In September to October of this year, I undertook the environmental education course hosted at CERES.  My main motive for doing the course was to see what other options I had for environmental work, but I came out with a lot more information that inspired me to enact change in my own space. The [...]