Behold another botched restoration of a religious artifact

The delightful trend of incompetently "restored" art continues, though at this point one wonders if it's for the publicity. Maria Luisa Menendez of El Ranadoiro says the local priest gave her permission to restore a chapel's 15th century sculptures, so she really ran with it. Read the rest

Amateur testicle surgeon confesses

Allan George Matthews is a surgeon. He's not a proper one, per se. You might call him a gentleman amateur. And a surgery the 56-year-old Australian performed to remove another man's painful testicle has landed him in court, the BBC reports.

Police became aware of the case in June when the man attended hospital after the wound he suffered during the operation became infected. Officers raided Matthews' home and seized medical equipment, firearms and four bottles of what they suspected to be amyl nitrate. Prosecutors alleged that Matthews was not authorised to perform such a procedure as he was not a qualified or registered medical practitioner.

The victim had been kicked in the bollocks by a horse and could not afford professional care, adds the Syndey Morning Herald.

The charges stem from an incident in a motel room in Port Macquarie on May 16.

Police allege Matthews met a 52-year-old man and surgically removed his left testicle.

It is the crown's case that Matthews is not qualified or authorised to perform such a procedure, and is not a qualified or registered medical practitioner.

The 52-year-old alleged victim attended the motel room after posting an advertisement online requesting assistance with a medical issue, police claim.

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