650+ participants

650 registered in the Codeheat contest 2017/18 and learnt how to participate in the FOSSASIA developer community.

2000+ merged pull requests

More than 2000 pull requests were merged during the contest. Participants also submitted scrum reports, wrote blog posts and created entirely new projects in the FOSSASIA community.

37 mentors

Mentors are developers, engineers, university students, professors, and generally contributors who love to share and be a part of our open source community. They help creating better software for a better and just world.

Grand Prize Winners

Shubham Gupta Developer at FOSSASIA
Harshit Khandelwal Developer at FOSSASIA
Aakash S. Mallik Contributor at FOSSASIA

Finalist Winners

Pranav Kulshrestha Developer at FOSSASIA
Shridhar Goel Developer at FOSSASIA
Aditya Srivastava Developer at FOSSASIA
Yogesh Sharma Developer at FOSSASIA
Samagra Gupta Developer at FOSSASIA and IIIT- Vadoadra
Shubham Kumar Developer at FOSSASIA

Proudly supported by

Interested in becoming a partner or sponsor? Get in touch


Open Event

Open Event

Make Open Event useful for events and meetups and help to release a successful event management and ticketing tool for communities.



Phimp.me is an image application for Android that does not miss out on features. Help to make the app more stable and support more social accounts in the app.



Apart from progressing on the issues on the different SUSI.AI repositories, we want to focus on the development of the chat app and Skills editor. Another goal is to plugin SUSI to all kinds of web applications.

Susper Search

Susper Search

Susper is a distributed Peer to Peer search engine using Yacy and Elastic Search. The front-end uses Angular JS and Material design.



Meilix is a beautiful Linux distribution based on Debian and lubuntu using LXQT and other lightweight applications. With the Meilix generator users can generate their own customized Meilix version for events, kiosk systems or home use.



The goal of Pocket Science Lab is to miniaturize science equipment and make it accessible for everyone. The PSLab project includes Open Source hardware and software applications for desktop and mobiles. We want to enable students and anyone interested in Citizen Science to conduct experiments.



Yaydoc is a documentation generator for Git and GitHub projects generating a complete website with search capabilities and automatic deployment on each merged pull request.



At every event the same question comes up "how to print out badges". There are a number of proprietary websites out there, by why not create our own automatic badge generator for events?

Badge Magic

Badge Magic

Badge Magic is an Android app to control LED name badges using a Bluetooth connection.

About "In the Heat of the Code"

In the Heat of the Code is a coding contest for FOSSASIA projects on GitHub.

The contest runs until 1st February 2019. Grand prize winners will be invited to present their work at the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit in Singapore from March 14th -17th 2019 and will get up to 600 SGD in travel funding to attend, plus a free speaker ticket.

Our jury will choose three winners from the top 10 contributors according to code quality and relevance of commits for the project. The jury also takes other contributions like submitted scrum reports and technical blog posts into account, but of course awesome code is the most important item on the list.

Other participants will have the chance to win Tshirts, Swag and vouchers to attend Open Tech events in the region and will get certificates of participation. Sign up here now

About Image


Mario Behling


Hong Phuc Dang


Michael Christen

Founder SUSI.AI


Quan Nguyen Developer at FOSSASIA
Andre Rebentisch Senior Developer
Saptak Sengupta Developer at FOSSASIA
Hon Nguyen Developer at FOSSASIA
Lorenz Gerber Developer at FOSSASIA
Tarun Kumar An Open Source Aficionado
Madhushanka Padmal Developer at FOSSASIA
Chirag Wadhera Developer at FOSSASIA
Isuru Abeywardana Developer at FOSSASIA
Nicco Kunzmann Free Software Enthusiast
Areeb Jamal Developer at FOSSASIA
Dilpreet Singh Developer at FOSSASIA
Abhinav Khare Developer at FOSSASIA
Anup Kumar Panwar Developer at FOSSASIA
Chetan Kaushik Developer at FOSSASIA
Akshat Garg Developer at FOSSASIA
Bhavesh Anand Developer at FOSSASIA
Jogendra Kumar Developer at FOSSASIA
Nikit Bhandari Developer at FOSSASIA
Saurav Vishal Developer at FOSSASIA
Harsimar Singh Developer at FOSSASIA
Anshuman Verma Developer at FOSSASIA
Ritika Motwani Developer at FOSSASIA
Sanskar Jethi Developer at FOSSASIA
Mohit Kumar Developer at FOSSASIA
Akshat Jain Developer at FOSSASIA
Praveen Ojha Developer at FOSSASIA
Arundhati Gupta Developer at FOSSASIA
Harshit Kedia Developer at FOSSASIA
Saurabh Srivastava Developer at FOSSASIA
Harsh Patel Developer at FOSSASIA
Abhinav Raj Developer at FOSSASIA
Divyanshu N Singh Developer at FOSSASIA
Mohit Sharma Developer at FOSSASIA
Praduman Singh Developer at FOSSASIA
Priyanshu Khandelwal Developer at FOSSASIA


The contest begins at 9:00 AM (SGT/GMT+8) on September 10, 2018 and runs until 11:00 PM (SGT/GMT+8) on February 1, 2019. Participants should take the time to read through the contest FAQ and familiarize themselves with the introductory information and Readme.md of each project before starting to work on an issue.

Sign up
  • September 5, 2018 Official Announcement of "In the Heat of the Code"

    Heat of Code officially announced.

  • September 10, 2018 Coding Starts

    September 10, 9:00 AM (SGT/GMT+8)

  • Sunday Weekly, 2018/19 Scrum Update and Social Media Update

    Participants provide a weekly scrum to the mailing list, and update on their Twitter and Facebook by Sunday 10AM local time.

  • 15th Every Month, 2018/19 Monthly Blog Post

    Contributors submit a monthly blog post as a Google Doc and post it on the Codeheat spreadsheet. After approval participants will receive access to the FOSSASIA blog to post it. This process should be finalized by the 15th each month starting in September. The posts should focus on features and technologies of projects.

  • Before November 1, 2018 First Developer Meetup Took Place and Screencast of Project Submitted

    Contributors organize the first outreach event or meetup before November 1st. They also submit a screencast with regards to their work and publish it on the FOSSASIA YouTube channel after having it reviewed by mentors.

  • 15th November 2018, 3:00 PM (SGT) Google Hangout with Participants and Mentors

    At 3:00 PM Singapore time on 15th November 2018 a Google hangout will take place where participants can present their work and get feedback from mentors.

  • Before January 22, 2019 Participants submit Gist, second screencast and presentation on Google docs.

    Participants provide a Gist with work outcome, screencast of their project and a presentation on Google Docs until January 22nd, 2019, 23:00 (SGT/GMT+8).

  • Before January 22, 2019 Second Outreach Event Organized by Participants

    Contributors organize the second outreach event or meetup before Before 22nd January 2019.

  • February 1, 2019 Coding Ends

    Until February 1, 2019, 23:00 (SGT/GMT+8).

  • February 5, 2019 Winners and finalists are announced. Contributors receive certificates and Tshirts.

    Announcement of Winners and Finalists on February 5, 2019, 23:00 (SGT/GMT+8). All participants with at least 5 pull requests merged will receive a digital certificate afterwards. Contributors with 10 PRs will receive a Tshirt (if postal service is feasible).

  • March 14-17, 2019 Grand Prize Winners participate in FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit

    The FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit takes place from March 14-17, 2019 in Singapore.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate

We are looking for great coders no matter the status, age, gender or background. However, in order to be one of the grand prize winners you need to be able to travel to the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit to Singapore from March 14-17, 2019.

What are the prizes?

Everyone who gets five pull requests merged during the contest period will receive a digital certificate of participation from the FOSSASIA organization. Developers with 10 merged PRs or more will receive a Tshirt or other cool items from FOSSASIA (if postal distribution is feasible).
Out of the top ten contributors in the contest three grand prize winners will be chosen by the jury. The grand prize winners will receive 600 SGD in travel support (please provide blog post and receipt, reimbursement at the event) and a free speaker's ticket to the FOSSASIA Summit in Singapore from March 14-17. Plus, they will have the chance to present their work at the event. Other finalists will receive a 100 SGD travel voucher for a conference of their choice (please provide blog post) and a free ticket for the FOSSASIA summit, if they can attend.

How are the Winners chosen?

When deciding on the Winners, the jury will review the work of the 10 developers with the highest number of contributions gained during the contest. Apart from the code commits we expect a monthly blog post, community outreach, screencasts and other contributions.
Basically we are looking for good developers who are team players. That is why the sheer number of tasks is not the only main criteria for choosing the grand prize winners. Same as in GSoC we are looking for quality work. In the end from the 10 highest scoring developers, the jury will name 3 finalists as grand prize winners that will receive the travel stipend to attend the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit. Because some tasks are more challenging than others just by the nature of the type of task (for example, heavy coding versus solving a text typo bug), it is entirely possible that someone who completed 15 issues could be chosen as a Grand Prize Winner over someone who completed 35 issues, if they are both among the top 10 contributors, they are eligible to be among the Winners.

How to contribute code in the contest?

* At first developers sign up on a Google form here to participate.
* Then FOSSASIA admins will add them to the FOSSASIA Code Heat team on GitHub within a week (usually earlier).
* Each developer then searches for issues that interests him/her and claims ownership of a particular issue. The developer works on the issue and if there are questions asks on the chat channel of the project. The main channel for decision making is however always the GitHub issue itself.
* Once finished, the developers make a pull request from his/her own forked repository to the development branch of the project and submit their work for review.
* Pull requests need to pass Travis builds, code CI tests and ensure migrations work.
* Mentors and core-developers from the organization evaluate the work submitted. If the work is accepted, the developer earns 1 point for each accepted pull request and 1 point if they close an issue. So you could earn two points if you close an issue with a pull requests. [Please Note: Sometimes developers try to “beat the system” by submitting lots of small improvements as pull requests. Please consider that the jury is mainly interested in the substantiality and quality of code contributions and the sheer number is not the main criteria.]
* After the pull request has been merged developers can claim another issue to work on if they wish.
* If the work needs polishing, the task remains open and the core-developer may give the submitter additional time and guidance on improving their work.
* If the work does not meet expectations, the task can be reopened for another developer contestant to claim and work on.
Please follow FOSSASIA Best Practices to achieve the desired outcome.

What other contributions are part of the contest?

Other contributions in the contest are blog posts, weekly scrum updates to the project mailing list, screencasts and organizing meetups. We would like to see the following contributions from participants in the contest:
* A weekly scrum to the mailing list by Sunday 10AM your local time
* A weekly project update on your Twitter and Facebook and address it @fossasia @mariobehling @hpdang
* A monthly blog post by 15th of each month according to the blog post guidelines on a Google doc (Contributors with accepted blog posts will receive access to the FOSSASIA Blog)
* Help to maintain cloud deployments of projects with the existing teams
* Organization of two developer outreach events or meetups (a) one before November 1, 2018 and (b) the second one before February 2019 and share the info on Facebook and Twitter
* Support of high-school students in the Google Code-In program
* Create two screencasts or videos about the project you are working on for the FOSSASIA YouTube channel (a) before November 1, 2018 and (b) before February 2018 (You will receive access to the FOSSASIA Youtube)
* Make a project presentation with Google docs by January 31, 2019
* Create a Gist with a list of the work outcome by January 31, 2019

When does the contest begin? Can I join the contest at any time?

The contest begins at 9:00 AM (SGT/GMT+8) on September 10, 2018 and runs until 11:00 PM (SGT/GMT+8) on February 1, 2019. Participants should take the time to read through the contest website and familiarize themselves with the introductory information and Readme.md of the project before starting to work on an issue. Interested developers can join the contest at any time during the program.

How do developers register for the contest?

1. Developers should join the community and sign up for the following channels
* Signup for the FOSSASIA Newsletter
* Star and fork repositories you are interested in on GitHub
* Join the FOSSASIA Chat on Gitter
* Follow FOSSASIA on Twitter and the Codeheat Twitter account
* Like FOSSASIA on Facebook
* Join the FOSSASIA Group on Linkedin
* Follow the FOSSASIA Linkedin Page
* Subscribe to the FOSSASIA YouTube Channel
2. Once the contest is open developers will be able to sign up on a Google form here.
3. Developers will receive an invite to the FOSSASIA GitHub within a week (usually earlier). All developers should then make their participation public by showing their membership as “public” in their GitHub profile.

Why should developers participate in the contest? 

The idea of the contest is to introduce developers to the FOSSASIA projects and to provide an opportunity to build up their development profile, learn how to work according to Best Development Practices and ultimately become part of the development team. The contest also provides an entry point and preparation for future coding programs like the FOSSASIA Google Summer of Code.
Many young developers are not yet deeply familiar with Open Source and the contest is an easy way to get involved in this international community of developers, who want to help you learn and succeed. The contest is a gateway to learning new skills as well as learning to work in a collaborative software development team. At the end of the contest, developers can show their friends, teachers, co-developers and family members the work they did on public repositories and the project applications itself - used by people around the world.

What programming languages do participants need to know?

There are various programming languages used in FOSSASIA projects ranging from web front-end to back-end technologies and Linux technologies. You could even code on hardware firmwares and design hardware as a project. Here are a few languages that are popular: Java, Kotlin, Javascript, HTML, Python, C++, Shell Scripts.

What do I need to do to be among the winners?

For us everyone is a winner, who contributes in whatever way in the community. However in contest setting there are some points you should fulfil to increase your chances to be a finalist. To be among them it is important to work according to the FOSSASIA Best Practices and to provide the following:
* Continuous substantial contributions, pull requests, and code reviews
* Participate in chats on the project channels
* Provide continuous updates in weekly scrums, monthly blog posts
* Create two screencasts and a presentation
* Provide a Gist with a list of the work outcome of your work by January 31, 2018

What is a scrum and where should I submit it?

A scrum is a simple update to inform others about what a developer is working on and if there are any impediments a developer encounters. In many company software projects developers provide a daily scrum in a live standup face to face. As Codeheat is not a full-time program and happening online, weekly scrum updates on the mailing list are more suitable. There are three questions that should be answered in a daily scrum mail:
1. What have you worked on yesterday?
2. What are you planning to work on today?
3. Are there any impediments that prevent you from achieving your goal?
Each answer should include a short sum up of the item and a link to the respective issue/pull request. Each pull request should have an issue that it is related to. Scrum mails should be send out every Sunday morning before 10AM local time.

Which projects can I work on? Can I also contribute to other FOSSASIA projects as part of the contest?

You can always work on any project in the FOSSASIA GitHub org, but in the contest we count the contributions made in the projects listed on the Codeheat website.

How is the travel funding paid out and what happens if a grand prize winner is not able to get a visa? 

The travel funding is provided in cash at the FOSSASIA Summit itself. In the event a Grand Prize Winner is not able to join the FOSSASIA Summit because he/she cannot obtain a visa or for any other reason, the runner up selected by the jury will be chosen as the Grand Prize Winner and the original Grand Prize winner will receive the 100 SGD travel funding to attend a local event in his/her area (the original Grand Prize winner will retain the title as a winner).

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