Getting started with WooCommerce Email Marketing

Tools, tips, and extensions

Emails are an integral part of a successful eCommerce store. From transactional emails to abandoned cart remarketing to celebrating milestones, get set up for a successful email relationship with your customers.

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Getting started with WooCommerce Email Marketing

Understanding the Email Lifecycle

Good eCommerce email marketing builds relations with your customers by sending emails with useful information at relevant times. That means sending resources that are meaningful to your subscribers based on the stage of the buyer's journey they’re in.

What are the different stages of a buyer's journey, and what emails should you send at each stage?


Email Tools and Integrations

WooCommerce has robust email tools built right into core. To send a greater range of messages, you can integrate your store with leading email services like MailChimp, and add email marketing extensions.

Learn more about the tools and services we recommend for WooCommerce.


Best Practices for Email Marketing

Email automation uses pre-set workflows and sends specific emails according to conditions you define. This way, your subscribers get personalized emails without you having to keep track of individual conversations.

Follow a few best practices to create seamless, ongoing conversations with your subscribers.


Get Inspired: Great Marketing Emails

Go beyond the typical with email templates and get some creative inspiration – here are some of our favorite messages across all the stages of the email lifecycle.


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