Category Archives: Germany

Italy: Support Hambi Resistance – Calendario Eventi (Ita/Deu/Eng)

Received on 29.03.18: Campagna complice e solidale a quella che, dal 2012 ad oggi, è diventata uno dei simboli della lotta per la liberazione della Terra dalle catene del capitalismo: la resistenza per difendere la foresta di Hambach! Da 6 … Continue reading

Posted in Earth Riot, Eco-Resistance, Eco-Struggle, Environmental Struggle, Events, Fuck RWE, Germany, Hambach Forest, International Solidarity, Italy

Berlin, Germany: Incendiary Sabotage Action Against Military & Corporate Communications Infrastructure in Solidarity with Afrin

Ruling over people is re-organizing: using nets and algorithms, states and companies are accessing our lives every day. Now, in this moment, while reading this text, and in future times. And it expands. We are under surveillance and control. Today, … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Anti-Militarism, anti-technology, Arson Attack, Berlin, Direct Action, Germany, Incendiary Attack, International Solidarity, Rojava, Sabotage

Afrin Is Not Defeated! (Video)

Received on 24.03.18: Compilation of video messages for World Afrin Day in solidarity with Afrin from revolutionary organizations around the world. Afrin Is Not Defeated! Long Live The Rojava Revolution! Fight4Afrin! 

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Colombia, Defend Afrin, Germany, Indonesia, International Solidarity, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Videos

Berlin, Germany: Invitation to Discussion and Chaos Days, May 10-13, 2018 (Video)

Received on 25.03.18: Between the 10th and 13th of May the Chaos- and Discussion days are taking place in Berlin. Quite a few things are already being planned. Until now there has been an open Meeting for the preparation taking … Continue reading

Posted in Berlin, Events, Germany, Videos

Greifswald, Germany: Solidarity Action for Anarchists and Antifascists in Russia

18.03.18: In solidarity with the anarchists and antifascists who have been tortured and arrested in Russia we protested in front of the court in Greifswald (North-east Germany) today, on the day of action for the (political) prisoners and the day … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Antifa, Antifascism, Antifascist Prisoners, Banners, Direct Action, Fuck Putin, Fuck The FSB, Germany, Greifswald, International Solidarity, Russia

Berlin, Germany: #Fight4Afrin – Arson Attack Against a ThyssenKrupp Vehicle

13.03.18: We are off to join the silent majority in this broken country to scream outrage. For days there have been calls to militantly campaign for the revolution in Kurdistan side by side with fighting groups worldwide, showing solidarity and … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Arson Attack, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Germany, Kurdistan, Rojava, Rojava Revolution

Soltau, Germany: #Fight4Afrin – Molotov Attack Against Military Vehicles by Anti-Militarist Group Sehid Efrin Polat

13.03.18: Armed with Molotov cocktails, we attacked and burned some vehicles from the German army (Bundeswehr) in Soltau last night. The trucks were parked on a NATO-wire-secured site in the Soltau industrial area, Carl-Benz-Strasse. We acted in solidarity with the fighting … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Anti-Militarism, Anti-Militarist Group Sehid Efrin Polat, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Efrin Polat, Fuck The Bundeswehr, Germany, Kurdistan, Molotov Attack, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Uncategorized