Turin, Italy: Attack Against Military Contractor Leonardo-Finmecanica in Solidarity with Afrin


“Just came back from a month on the front. Hell is nothing, I’m falling apart. We’ve been attacked by the Kobra. A nightmare. Tell it. Speak about Italian helicopters who kill civilians and comrades. I saw with my eyes the jihadis use Katyusha A4, a weapon of NATO”. – An Italian YPG fighter

For more than 50 days, the region of Afrin, in northern Syria, suffers the fascist attack of Turkey’s Erdogan together with the jihadist groups of ISIS and Al-Qaeda. During this new genocide campaign, Turkey is deliberately bombing hundreds of thousands of civilians while Islamist mercenaries and Turkish soldiers leave a trail of devastation, looting, rape and murder, practicing ethnic cleansing.

At the moment, almost 300 civilians have been brutally killed (including women and children) while the injured amount to over 700 people.

At the same time, hundreds of Kurdish women and men, the same hypocritically praised by the West in Kobane and Raqqa liberation war against ISIS, fight and die street by street.
Despite the great resistance put by YPG / YPJ, in recent days Turkish soldiers and Jhiadist militias have arrived at the gates of the city of Afrin, besieging it and condemning to the massacre the hundreds of thousands of people, inhabitants and refugees, who are living in the city.

This is made possible by the massive use of modern NATO technology, such as war planes, artillery, tanks and drones, and especially by the complicit silence of European governments, Russia and the United States.

For this reason, on the night of 12.03.2018, some solidarity activist with Afrin’s resistance, burned the warplane in front of the Turin-based factory of Leonardo-Finmecanica.

Leonardo is the Italian company with more economic interests in the military defense system, collaborating with the Erdogan militias in the development of surveillance systems for the coasts and maritime borders, armaments, helicopters and radar systems.

Italy plays a leading role in the massacre that is taking place in Afrin.

The Augusta Westland AW-129 helicopters are light multi-role attack helicopters, produced under license from Leonardo, the same helicopters films in recent weeks to shoot indiscriminately on areas inhabited by civilians.

We do not want to remain silent to watch.
We do not want to be accomplices of this massacre.
We will not leave the people of northern Syria and the Afrin population alone.
The accomplices and responsible for this war are (also) in Europe, remember that they are murderers and that there is no peace for those who make war.

# Fight4Afrin

Long live Afrin’s resistance
Everywhere Afrin, Everywhere Resistance.

(via #Fight4Afrin)

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