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Thomas Smith, Daniel Smith and Aaliyah Ingram at their home in Cowra in the state's central west.

'Huge victory': three children win David and Goliath case over asbestos death

With their mother no longer a part of their lives, Aaliyah, 16, Daniel, 9, and Thomas, 7, were left to fend for themselves following the death of their father Daniel Ingram six years ago.

  • by Carrie Fellner


Ice use is hitting regional communities particularly hard.

'I was in such deep denial that I was an ice addict': why the stereotype stops users seeking help

The violent crystal meth junky stereotype bears little resemblance to the white collar, hospitality, and shift workers addicted to meth, a Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug Ice advises.

  • by Kate Aubusson
South East Queensland's hospitals are at full capacity, due to "unprecedented" demand.

Queensland health authorities say system working despite logjam

Health officials blame 'unprecedented demand' for services but the emergency medicine college says the problem has been building for some time.

  • by Stuart Layt


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