Mulley Communications

Mulley Communications do three things very well:

  1. Training
  2. Consultancy
  3. Events

1. We do training courses in all forms of Digital Marketing/Social Media:

Currently, the areas in which we do training:

If you are interested in finding out about our next training classes, fill in this form. (You will not be added to a spam list) or look at the list of all our training courses.

2. We do Digital Marketing Strategy consultancy that helps you with your overall business, not just your digital Marketing/Social Media/PR

As per the top line up there: We help make others successful.


  1. We chat.
  2. I create a Social/Digital Report Card on your company and competitors.
  3. Work with you on what your business objectives are.
  4. Align these business objectives to your digital.
  5. Devise social/digital metrics aligned to business objectives.
  6. Provide a draft plan to you after which you weigh up costs/benefits.
  7. Devise a final digital strategy that best fits your company/resources.

Maybe after reading these steps, you can figure it out yourself now? Great! Let me know how it goes.

An interesting thing about this: Normally when you bring us in to consult on your digital marketing, we end up broadening the work to overall marketing + comms and the way your organisation works as a business. Digital marketing needs to be a core part overall business and reflect your main business objectives.

In terms of consultancy what Damien does is help companies on their marketing and comms strategies, he helps with market research on whether their products will work, creating media plans on how to get quality media attention. We’re a company that likes to help businesses, groups and individuals get better at communicating, mainly using online resources like your own website, blogs, social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other online tools. AKA, we make you strong on the Internet.

3. We run Digital/Social/eCommerce events

Our events:

  1. SME Awards
  2. Web Awards
  3. Sockies/Social Media Awards
  4. eCommerce Awards
  5. conference.

All of the events are fun and slightly irreverent. Oh, and also affordable.

Give us a call or email (email is best way to make contact) and we can see if there’s a way to help you be even better.

We are not an award winning company, we are award giving

We set the standards in digital and social awards in Ireland. Every year we research and create new categories that others then copy. There wasn’t blog, social media, app categpries in awards shows in Ireland until we did them. We created the original Blog Awards (now copied twice and badly), the Web Awards, the Social Media Awards, the Cork Digital Marketing Awards. None of our award shows are pay to play i.e. sponsors don’t win prizes.

How we work

Sorry, but we don’t work with political parties or multi-national alcohol companies. If you want Damien to speak at an event then you will need to have a gender balance close to 50:50 and he probably won’t speak about the very broad topic of digital marketing/social media. Specific areas are fine.

Contact Mulley Comms:

Email is one of the better ways to get in touch. You can email me, Damien on Filling in this quick form will make things faster for both of us.

Or my mobile is 086 825 8586 (but I’m always in meetings or training sessions so it’s rarely answered). “We” are Damien Mulley and a team of highly talented trainers and consultants.

If you want to know about new courses, events and whatnots, we have a mailing list that we don’t update as much as we should:

Subscribe to the Mulley Everything mailing list

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Free Training documentation

We give away our training documentation, so why not download our online marketing documents for free and see what you can do yourself? You can now download our Facebook for Business documentation, Online Marketing Plan and our LinkedIn Training document.


Our latest research on Irish Teenagers who smoke is here. Teenagers and mobile use of Facebook. Our research on Teenagers use of digital media is here. Our survey on Facebook Usage is here. Our Google Eyetracking survey helps you understand how people look at search results. Our iPhone survey is a bit old now but still relevant!

Nothing to see here, no no.,,, Ssssh.