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L3 Technologies, Inc. is committed to conducting operations and activities in a manner that provides and maintains safe and healthful working conditions, protects the environment, and conserves natural resources. In meeting this commitment, it is L3’s policy that no employee shall engage in any conduct that violates any environmental, health or safety law, or is otherwise inconsistent with the health and safety needs of our employees and the environmental needs of our communities. L3 is also committed to the continual improvement of its environmental management systems, its environmental, health and safety (EHS) programs, and to the prevention of pollution.

It is company policy that:

  • We will manage our facilities and operations in compliance with all applicable environmental, health and safety laws and regulations.
  • We will not create unacceptable risks to the environment or to our employees and will minimize risk to the Company, its employees and the environment from previously existing and potential conditions.
  • We will pursue opportunities to prevent pollution by minimizing the quantity and degree of hazard from chemicals used in and by reducing waste from our operations.
  • We will incorporate environmental, health and safety considerations into our business decisions.


Auditing and Compliance

L3 has a robust EHS audit program conducted by its EHS professionals that regularly examines the environmental, health and safety programs at our locations for compliance with applicable national, state and local laws and regulations, and with company policies. The resulting audit reports and action plans ensure accountability, while fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


Certification to ISO Standards

L3 encourages our business units to establish management systems which systematically enable those organizations to reduce EHS impacts. Six locations have been certified to ISO 14001:2015, while an additional facility is in the process of migrating its health and safety management system from OHSAS 18001 to the new ISO 45001 standard.


L3’s Sustainability Initiatives in Action

Across the company, L3 facilities are engaging in a variety of sustainable activities to improve the health and safety of their employees and to protect the environment in the communities in which they operate. In fact, our commitment to sustainable design is demonstrated in our 147,000-square-foot Northampton, Massachusetts site which was built as a LEED® Certified™ manufacturing facility.

One of the cornerstones of L3’s efforts to help the environment focuses on controlling and reducing energy consumption at our facilities. Thoughtful energy management not only lowers harmful carbon emissions, but often has the added benefit of reducing energy costs.

  • At one facility, we implemented a comprehensive energy management project designed to save energy and reduce air pollutants. It resulted in a 41% annual reduction in energy usage and lowered CO2 emissions by nearly 19.5 million pounds per year.
  • We also replaced inefficient light fixtures with LED units, cutting our annual electricity usage for lighting by 65% and reducing CO2 emissions by nearly 100,000 pounds per year.
  • L3’s installation of a regenerative thermal oxidizer reduced natural gas usage by 75%, lowering energy consumption and related emissions in the process.

L3 conserves and protects natural resources through initiatives such as recycling to reduce business consumption, along with programs that safeguard water, soil and air quality in our communities.

  • We achieved 83% annual water savings by installing a closed-loop system to recycle water for water jet glass cutting.
  • By reclaiming condensate water from hangar HVAC units in cooling towers, we also used 15% less water in the towers.
  • We incorporated bioswales, specially landscaped retention areas planted with native plants, into parking lots to collect and filter precipitation runoff.

  • In one year, recycling activities at a single L3 location resulted in the collection of 210 tons of metal, 113 tons of office paper, 8.3 tons of lead-acid batteries, 1.15 tons of plastic bottles, and 20,000 used lamps.

A key component in L3’s efforts to improve air quality at its facilities is to reduce dependence on vehicles that contribute to smog formation by promoting greener transportation options.

  • One L3 site lowered vehicle emissions by replacing 34% of its fleet with a combination of electric golf carts, hybrid and electric security vehicles, bicycles, and an intra-campus shuttle to help people get around its large campus. Charging stations for electric cars were also installed at a number of facilities.


L3 Sustainability in the Community

L3’s sustainability efforts extend to our communities. Texas-based L3 Aerospace Systems has served as one of the lead sponsors of the Iron Lion, Greenville High School’s entry into the national Solar Car Challenge, which provides students with the opportunity to showcase their efforts.


Our Commitment

At L3, we believe sustainability efforts that include a well-run environmental, health and safety program along with conservation of resources make good business sense. When we invest in projects like the ones highlighted above, we reduce our environmental impact, improve working conditions for our employees, and contribute to the overall well-being in our communities — all while attaining financial returns that improve our business. We also do our part to allow future generations to meet their resource needs.