The ALP lost the NSW election with its small-target strategy, its refusal to take on the privatisation agenda and its sly accommodation to racism.

On International Women’s Day, March 8, 57 countries signed on to a United Nations’ statement calling for universal sexual and reproductive healthcare, including access to safe abortions, and comprehensive sexuality education.

Australia was not one of the signatories.

The latest Newspoll for the NSW elections on March 23 has Labor and the Coalition neck and neck. A Coalition or Labor minority government dependent on crossbench support is considered to be likely by the pundits.

Socialist Alliance condemns the racist, anti-Muslim terrorist atrocity in Christchurch, New Zealand. By actively promoting racism and Islamophobia, the Morrison government of Australia and the Trump US administration share responsibility for this atrocity.

The Green Bans movement, as it became known, inspired a new type of union practice. The precedent it set could not be more relevant today.

Conventional trade unionism, which focuses exclusively on the pay, conditions and safety of the workers, pretends not to have a position on the critical social questions of the day, including climate change.

“NSW not for sale!” was one of the chants at a Fix NSW rally on March 3, 20 days out from the state election.

Lead Socialist Alliance candidate for the Legislative Council in the NSW election Rachel Evans gave this speech to a Justice Action election forum on February 25.

Susan Price is the Socialist Alliance candidate for the seat of Parramatta in the March 23 NSW state election. Price spoke to Green Left Weekly’s Jim McIlroy about the Socialist Alliance election campaign, its aims and policies.

The Socialist Alliance will be running three Hunter-based candidates in the March 23 NSW state elections.
