Pietri, Charles (1932-1991)

129 contributions from 1958 to 1997

Subject of 3 publications from 1991 to 1999

    Name variants
  • Pietri, Ch

Historien, spécialiste du christianisme antique. - Ancien élève de l'École normale supérieure. - Agrégé d'histoire (1956). - Docteur ès lettres (1973). - Titulaire de la chaire d'histoire ancienne du christianisme de Paris-Sorbonne (en 1975). - Directeur de l'École française de Rome (1983-1991)

His·her bibliographic records on the web

His·her production on this platform

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    • Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (1 publication in 1988) sem-linksem-link

This author is the subject of some publications in these collections on this platform

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His·her co-authors on this platform

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  • Bernardi, Bernardo (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Càssola, Filippo (1 publication in 1990) sem-linksem-link
  • Duval, Paul-Marie (1 publication in 1989) sem-linksem-link
  • Fontaine, Jacques (2 publications from 1982 to 1985) sem-linksem-link
  • Gardin, Jean-Claude (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Gros, Pierre (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Guzzo, Pier Giovanni (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Krause, Clemens (1 publication in 1985) sem-linksem-link
  • Lenoir, Maurice (1 publication in 1990) sem-linksem-link
  • Maire Vigueur, Jean-Claude (1 publication in 1985) sem-linksem-link
  • Morel, Jean-Paul (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Ozanam, Didier (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Panciera, Silvio (1 publication in 1991) sem-linksem-link
  • Picard, Olivier (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Talamo, Giuseppe (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Tchernia, André (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Thébert, Yvon (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Vallet, Georges (2 publications from 1984 to 1985) sem-linksem-link
  • Vincent, Bernard (1 publication in 1986) sem-linksem-link
  • Voza, Giuseppe (1 publication in 1985) sem-linksem-link

He.she has written about these authority on this plateform

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  • Auberson, Paul (1 publication in 1985) sem-linksem-link
  • Seston, William (1 publication in 1983) sem-linksem-link
  • Simon, Marcel (1 publication in 1987) sem-linksem-link

These authors have written about this person on this platform

This author is cited on these documents on this platform

74 publications

This author cites these documents on this platform

51 publications

Linked data

Documents (93)

Historien, spécialiste du christianisme antique. - Ancien élève de l'École normale supérieure. - Agrégé d'histoire (1956). - Docteur ès lettres (1973). - Titulaire de la chaire d'histoire ancienne du christianisme de Paris-Sorbonne (en 1975). - Directeur de l'École française de Rome (1983-1991)

Birth place Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)
Death place Paris, 14e arrondissement (France)