Posts Tagged ‘USA’

May Day Anti-Gentrification Actions in Philadelphia (USA)

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

For May Day we claim responsibility for the following actions:

-Deflating the tires and painting the windshield of a yuppie housing shuttle bus.
-Throwing paint at the facade of two OCF properties.
-Smashing glass and cutting all non-hydraulic cables of at least four construction machines at the site of a development project intending to manicure a once wild place.

All of our targets are part of the ongoing gentrification of the city.

Solidarity with the comrades in Italy facing repression.

On May Day anarchists aren’t sleeping!

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PDF: April Issue of Anathema (USA)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019


In this issue:

Manifest Gentrification
Update on the Shooting of Kaleb Belay
What Went Down
Save on Septa and Get a Free Pizza!
Hearing the Calls
Dockless Scoots and Bikes
Campus Organizing
Assessing Risk
Ongoing Infrastructure Scars Across the Land
Whither the Insurrection?
Identity and Power
The Revolution Will be Messy
International Solidarity
Super Happy Fun
We Can Fight Gentrification
Revolutionary Letter

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June 11th: The international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners

Monday, April 1st, 2019

June 11th: The international day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist prisoners. In the 15 years this tradition has been observed, June 11th has facilitated support and action inspired by imprisoned anarchists — from noise demonstrations outside of jails to letter-writing nights, from fundraisers to arson. Setting aside this day is one way of remembering anarchists who are serving long prison sentences, generating support for them, and inspiring solidarity actions.

Because social struggles phase in and out, this day is a way to make sure that our imprisoned comrades are not forgotten. Our lack of memory is partially a result of the techno-alienation of the larger culture we’re fighting against. But it’s also a product of the dynamics of the anarchist space. People become burnt out and the cycle of forgetting continues.

June 11th is a way of combating that amnesia, of trying to sustain a long-term memory in the anarchist space. Not only does this generate support for anarchists locked in the state’s prisons, it forces us to look back at what came before. Considering what previous generations did can both inspire us with ideas we’ve forgotten, and help us understand how our current practices came to be. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘We Will Never Abandon Rojava’ by Keith Malik Washington (USA)

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

From AMW:

“Revolutionary change will not come as a singular event, nor an immediate exchange of power, but an ongoing struggle to free us all from the bonds of oppression and distribute power to communities of resistance. The illusion that a small group can seize state power and enact the will of the majority has dried up in the gulags, prisons, and killing fields of nation-states around the world. The Cantons of Rojava, a network of councils without the State, has introduced a new revolutionary paradigm… As we formulate our next steps, we harken to Rojava as a model. Just as it is grounded in the Kurdish liberation movement in Rojava, we here must ground ourselves in the black liberation movement against slavery.”

Burn Down the American Plantation (What We’re Working Towards), pg 68-69, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement

Revolutionary Greetings Comrades!

Did you really think for one moment that I was going to remain silent?

I began working with RAM because of Rojava. The Kurdish struggle struck home. Do you realize that these Sisters and Brothers in Northern Iraq and Syria helped fight and defeat ISIS? Yeah! That is right! These beautiful people, who Donald Trump wants to abandon, sacrificed their lives for the good of all. I was careful when I decided to speak out. Right around the time Trump made his announcement that the U.S. would pull out of Syria – George W. Bush had died. It wasn’t really good for me to say what I needed to say but now I am going to say it!! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

New Issue of Anathema! (USA)

Friday, March 8th, 2019


In this issue:

Krasner was Never a Prison Abolitionist
Checking in on Amazon
What Went Down
Policing Update
Whether Guilty or Innocent: The Vaughn 17
Neither God Nor Master
Who do you Protect?
A Review of “Diagnostic of the Future”
Yiddish Anarchist Conference Reportback
World News
Poem: Faceless

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Posted in Library

Wild Resistance #6 – A Journal of Primal Anarchy (USA)

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

No 6. Winter 2019.
210 pages. Printed on recycled paper.
Ebook/PDF versions are out now.
Books ship late February 2019.

Click here to pre-order the book.
Click here to buy the EBook.

Opening Editorial: Kevin Tucker
Reachin’ Out
To the Captives: Kevin Tucker
The Spectacular Growth and Failure of Cities: John Zerzan
Wolf Encounters: Four Legged Human
Breath at the Threshold: Joan Kovatch
Surprisingly Peaceful Extreme Anarchies: Peter Gardner
Art and Meaning: John Zerzan
Walking: Gabriella Halas
The Puzzle of Symbolic Thought: John Zerzan
Fucking it Up: Fossil
Twilight of the Evening Lands: John Zerzan
Sex & Gender, Less Exact: Kevin Tucker
Human Nature: John Zerzan
Rewilding with Children: Two Filthy Trolls
The Case Against Philosophy: John Zerzan
Casing Philosophy: Cliff Hayes
This is Not a Pipebomb: Kevin Tucker
Philosophy, Case-Skinned: Joan Kovatch
The Postmodern Now: John Zerzan
True Crime Case File: Attacks on Self-Driving Cars
Hunters by Choice: an Interview with Luis Felipe Torres Espinoza
The Point of Contact: an Interview with Madhusree Mukerjee
Regardless of Intent: an Interview with Sita Venkateswar
Block 22: Cliff Hayes
Affluence without Abundance
The Horse in Human History
Wolf Nation
Natural Causes
Lost Connections

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Posted in Eco Struggle

PDF: New Issue of Anathema! (USA)

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019


Philadelphia Anarchist Publication

In this issue:

2018: Year in Review
Challenging Infrastructure Beyond the State
What Went Down
It’s Robbin’ Season
Selling Out the Neighborhood
From Cyntoia to Bolsonaro
Monkey Wrenches and Black Banners
Wendy Trevino Poem

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Posted in Library

USA: Fire Ant – Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #2

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

[PDF for Printing] (8.5×11)

Fire Ant is a quarterly publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.

Issue #2 features writings by anarchist prisoners Michael Kimble, Jennifer Gann, Eric King, Sean Swain, Noah Coffin, and Marius Mason, as well as writings in solidarity with anarchist prisoners internationally.

If you would like to support Fire Ant and wider efforts in solidarity with anarchist prisoners, please print and distribute this publication or donate to Bloomington ABC’s Anarchist Prisoner War Fund.

The Fire Ant collective can be contacted at
Fire Ant
PO Box 164
Harmony, ME 04942

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Posted in Library

USA: Green Scare Anarchist Bookfair call for band/music project submissions

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

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Posted in Autonomy

Philadelphia, USA: Cop Cars Attacked for Black December

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

On the last day of the year we slashed the tires of two cop cars parked outside their precinct. This attack was carried out in revenge, specifically for the police brutality against anarchists in Philly this summer, and in general for all the indignities, small and large, that police cause every time they do their jobs.

This attack taught us the importance of patience and determination.

It warms our hearts to see the police also being attacked in Portland, even though we disagree with some of the goals we read in the most recent claims because we don’t think there’s any justice to be found in the system. We hope the comrades
mean themselves when they speak of continuing “until something serious is done”, it’s obvious to us that the city and liberal campus they paint are not with us. We think it’s up to us to seek our own revenge.

The dead are with us in memory and through our actions.

Fuck the police!

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Posted in Direct Action

‘Days of Rages’ Patches Project (USA)

Thursday, December 27th, 2018

Days of Rage Patches is an anarchist project that focuses on making vegan, straight edge, green anarchist, anti-fascist, queer nihilist, post-left anarchy patches in exchange for funds to support prisoners.

Days of Rage Patches supports a list of eco-anarchist and Standing Rock imprisoned fighters. At the present time, the individuals we are supporting are: Joseph Mahmoud Dibee (https://bit.ly/2ozUXsO), Brian Vaillancourt (https://bit.ly/2Q3s5FV), Little Feather (https://bit.ly/2wE6dYF), and Dion Ortiz (https://bit.ly/2oJ4Dl3).


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Minneapolis, USA: Locks Glued At Neo-Nazi Business

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

In the early hours of Christmas morning, Santa visited De Roma Art Glass. But Santa didn’t leave any presents, instead he super glued the locks.

De Roma Art Glass is owned by the most notorious neo-nazi in Minneapolis, Julius De Roma.

No holiday cheer for fascists.

Solidarity with all those fighting fascism and authority worldwide!

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Posted in Direct Action

Philadelphia: Sabotages for Black December (USA)

Saturday, December 22nd, 2018

Happy Holidays Motherfuckers!
We don’t know how to do Christmas. What do you give the greedy scrooges that already take everything? Instead of a goose, we gave gift cards up and glued into ATMs and locks.

*Sung to the tune of Twelve Days of Christmas*
1 parking meter, 1 racist Starbucks, 1 Illegal Tacos
2 OCF cafes, 3 Citibike kiosks
5 realty offices, 110 ATMs

Except this wasn’t over 12 days it was in 1 night. This shit was fun and easy.
Here’s some things to consider if you want to try this at home.
-Plan and dress for the weather.
-Set high goals.
-Watch each other’s backs.
-Invite more people to participate with you.
-If using cardboard instead of gift cards don’t drop it in a puddle.
-ATMs have high quality cameras, cover up well.
-Bring extra supplies in case an opportunity arises.
-Don’t blow up your spot, look jolly not grinchy.
-Many small groups can cover more ground than one big group.
-For information on sabotaging ATMs read these communiques.

On Mikhail, on Alexis, on PZS, on Sebastian!

Solidarity with people facing repression near and far!
Solidarity with the Vaughn 17!

Ten years since the insurrection in Greece!

For a Black December!

’Tis the season of rage!

Ghosts of No Christmas Future
Coordinated Cells of Grinches
War on Christmas
Ugly Christmas Sweater Moms

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Posted in Direct Action

Anathema – Volume 4 Issue 11 (USA)

Wednesday, December 12th, 2018

A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical

Volume 4 Issue 11 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)

Volume 4 Issue 11 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)

In this issue:

Cash Bail
Yellow Vests From Afar
Brosnan Security In Chico
Welcome To The Future
Revolutionary Letter #18
On Splitting
N17 Report
Black December
Phones & Security Culture

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Posted in Library

Santiago, Chile: 3° Comunicado público de la “Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo”

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

Fotografía: Lienzo en el Encuentro del Libro y la Propaganda Anarquista en la población La Victoria el 13/10/2018.

La resistencia que hoy mantienen los/as compañeros/as en prisión es real, día a día tienen que convivir con lógicas tan podridas que a veces no se logra imaginar, desde la represión del carcelero, la autoridad penitenciaria, los nefastos códigos entre presos/as y la violencia que está totalmente a la orden del día y que puede culminar con la muerte, como lo fue el pasado 2 de Noviembre de 2018 cuando fue asesinado el compañero Kevin Garrido Fernández.

Esta pérdida es irrecuperable para sus familiares, amores, compañeros/as, para la lucha anticarcelaria y para quienes desde una perspectiva amplia practican la ofensiva contra el Capital y el Estado. A un compañero que actuó en consecuencia de sus ideas se le ha ido la vida a causa de una operación cómplice entre carceleros y presos al servicio de estos, lo que provoca un dolor y rabia inconmensurable, por lo que la indiferencia no es una opción. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle