Posts Tagged ‘Squatting’

Berlin, Germany: Attack against an office of the leftist party „Die Linke“ – Solidarity to Squats in Athens and Berlin

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

Late Saturday evening, May 4, we committed an attack with stones against the store front of the office from Sebastian Schlüsselburg, member of the Committee on Justice and Secret Service, parliamentarian of „Die Linke“ in the district of Berlin-Lichtenberg. Most of its windows were smashed.

This is our direct answer to the latest events for which these political representatives of pure social-darwinism hold responsibility. To be mentioned first is the voting in the parliament of the district (BVV) Lichtenberg for the plans of construction of the stupid waterpark in the Rummelsburg Bay, which is another project for the city of the rich and tourists. This includes the eviction of homeless people, who squatted an area in the bay with their tents. It is clearly visible what role the leftist parties play in this process. After their usual approaches towards the resistance, finally ALL of them voted for the construction. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Andalucia: Two comrades sentenced in Arraijanal (Spain)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

On February 2018, Arraijanal, one of the last parts of natural beach on the coast of Andalucia (Spanish state), was squatted to protect it from the attempt of environmental destruction in order to build a football stadium and sports town on this area. Some centenary trees were cut down and the area was fenced in, but that didn’t stop the activists from establishing a permanent protest camp.

This protest camp have been evicted several times, but our comrades managed to reoccupy it and keep the struggle during six months, and for now the building works have been stopped.

On May 24th, two comrades involved in this project got arrested while the police was trying to remove banners and camping material from the occupation. That resulted in a court case in which they are accused of resistance, offense against authority and bodily harm to the cops proceeding this arrest. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

[Berlin, Allemagne] Liebig34.Restera.Bruyante.Sale. Résistante… et plus que jamais! + Video

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Liebig34.Restera.Bruyante.Sale. Résistante… et plus que jamais! + Video

Vous l‘avez probablement déja entendu: le bail du squat anarchiste, queer et féministe „Liebig34“ situé à Berlin-Friedrichshain prend fin aujourd‘hui, le 31/12/18. Dès demain, le 01.01.19, le projet est menacé d‘expulsion. Mais juridiquement, avant que nous puissions être expulsé.es, Gijora Padovicz, spéculateur immobilier et propriétaire de notre maison, doit porter plainte contre l‘association et les habitant.es de la Liebig34. Une perquisition pourrait être le premier pas pour vérifier qui sont les habitant.es. Chez nos ami.es de la Rigaer94, on a pu voir à quoi une telle perquisition pourrait ressembler. Le passé a pu montrer encore et encore, que les keufs n‘agissent pas forcément sur une base juridique solide et qu‘ils peuvent expulser des squats dans toute „illégalité“. Donc, tout est possible. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Call for Solidarity with the Imprisoned of Operazione Scintilla, Italy

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

Summary of the recent repressive operation in Italy in connection with the resistance against the Italian migration regime

This is a translation of an original article in German, with pictures.

On Thursday 7 February 2019, at 4:40 a.m., the eviction of the squat “Asilo occupato” (“the occupied kindergarden”) in Via Alessandria 12 in Turin, occupied since 1995, began. The eviction was carried out as part of the “Operazione Scintilla” (“Operation Spark”). Several hundred
Carabinieri in riot gear, police officers and Guardia di finanza with machine guns and plain clothes police not only evicted the house, but also arrested six anarchists. A seventh person is still being searched for.

The charges are serious: formation of a subversive association, incitement to crime and the possession, manufacture and transportation of explosives in a public place. The charges are related to the resistance against the Italian migration regime, namely against the deportation camps/prisons CPR and CIE (Centro per l’Immigrazione e il Rimpatrio = Immigration and Repatriation Centre; Centro di identificazione ed espulsione = Identification and Deportation Centre), more information below. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

PDF: Issue #3 of Trespass Journal

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

We’re glad to finally present Issue 3 of Trespass Journal!


In this issue, which is online and freely distributed, you’ll find a translation from English to Dutch of a journal article about how a moral panic was generated to enforce the criminalisation of squatting in the Netherlands and a translation to French of a brief text about migration on Idomeni in Greece, near to Macedonia, which was previously published in Trespass 2 in Italian.

As interventions in five languages, we have an analysis of the lack of support to the ZAD in Brittany, plus short pieces about the opening of a new anarchist social centre in the Paris suburbs, community resistance to preserve a park in London, the demolition of a community gym in Athens, an (unsuccessful) eviction threat in Catania, and an eviction in Catalonia. And a report on the resquat of the watertower in Utrecht! There’s plenty more news and analysis on this website.

The language diversity contained in this issue mirrors the commitment we have been putting in towards overcoming the dominance of the English language and creating a journal that goes beyond borders. We’ve also been updating the blog in different languages. HOWEVER as you will no doubt have noticed, this introduction is only in English and we are sorry for that. We can only do so much, and this issue was already very overdue … to translate it into Catalan, Spanish, Dutch and French is too much work. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Athens: A Report on the Occupation of Averof at the Polytechnic University (Greece)

Monday, December 17th, 2018

The following text is an initiative of debriefing and not a result of a collective work with all the participants. Some of them may even disagree with the style and the concerns of the text. However, it is an attempt to reveal the facts and considerations that define the project.

On the morning November 14th, comrades, individuals and members of collectives occupy the central Polytechnic building in order to stand a political presence during the three-days anniversary of the 1973 insurrection and to keep the polytechnic open on November 17th. The two objectives are related to a wider political aim. To not compromise with the bourgeois-democratic state – (especially as a final and positive result of an insurrection )- and therefore to refuse the cessation of the conflict with the state repressive forces. For some of us, it was also important not to portray the uprising as an event of the past, as a museum piece. On the contrary, to express the necessity of these moments to exist nowadays and that its memory can be honored only if and when it is becoming action. We acknowledge that a part of the people participating in the Polytechnic rebellion of 1973 struggled against Authority, whether it was dictatorial or democratic. That’s why the request was ‘DOWN WITH AUTHORITY’. Some consciously or not, continue the struggle started from that moment until now. Many of the greatest incidents of the post-dictatorship period occurred in Polytechnic and were straightly connected to struggles bearing an anarchist sign. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Milan: Villa Vegan squat is under eviction! Days of resistance! (Italy)

Thursday, November 1st, 2018


In recent days it has come rumor that they want to evict Villa Vegan Tuesday, October 30th.

We believe it is a trust information and we are determined to resist, so let’s make a call to all the people in solidarity reach us to prepare together resistance and mobilization against the eviction. It is welcome anyone who wants to support the place, who has crossed over the years, who has carried on the struggles that here have found complicity, all the comrades who they think that if they want to evict an anarchist space occupied by 20 years must cost him dear.

In all these years of occupation Villa Vegan has hosted comrades from all over the world, has given logistical support to many self-managed projects, especially those from the hardcore punk scene, and a lots of fights, including those of against prison system and in solidarity to prisoners, ecologists and for liberation animal, against racism and CIEs (renamed then CPR), transfeminist queer and against gender violence, antifascist; struggles that refuse relations with institutions and always in opposition to the capitalist system and the state. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Eviction of community squat in Sallynoggin – Dublin (Ireland)

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

Received Sept 2nd:

Pigs Pepperspray Community And Refuses Bail For Rooftop Occupier

Children hospitalized from Gardai deploying chemical weapons, pepper spray proven to be excessive and a lethal weapon which was used on the Sallynoggin community last night.

Sallynoggin community have collectively organized in steps to get a reaction, from chains, to sit ins, blockades and long running occupations against a sex offenders clinic. Yesterday it was violently evicted and resisted by the community.

Two were arrested: one woman charged with threatening and abusive behavior and the other protester took to the roof of the property while eviction was ongoing. For over 12 hours battling with the cops trying to smash the window in to drag the lone roof protester in by the window and cops on the ground agitating and abusing the crowd.

The lone occupier from the roof is now being refused bail tomorrow morning in the CCJ, At parkgate st phoenix park. Come along and show your solidarity against the brutality.

Along to mark to the calendar if around to show support with further court dates for the other ares-tees: 21st of September, Dun Laoghaire court, Co.Dublin.

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Posted in Social Control

Resistance of Taman Sari residents about Eviction and information on conflicts area (Indonesia)

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

From ABC Indonesia:

At present, Taman Sari residents are facing evictions carried out by the Bandung city government. Previously there were clashes which caused one backhoe to be burned by residents and students of Bandung. The clash resumed in front of the Bandung Mayor’s Office, between a mass of activists and police who were repressive towards demonstrators. A third warning letter has been issued and the final eviction was announced to be held today, Monday, August 27, 2018. Anti-authoritarian activist and citizen are building barricades and gathering as many mobs as possible. The Indonesian Human Rights Commission has going to the location of the conflict today, and gave an ultimatum of mediation within three days. Outside of the three days, the possibility of open clashes will occur.

We call for international solidarity for the struggle of Taman Sari, Bandung, as well as at various other points of conflict in Indonesia such as Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta about New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) and Bara-Baraya, Makassar.

Surely our Palang Hitam Indonesia / Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross is trying to help them in every conflict area!

Spread our words. Let the world know we are fighting too. Long live international solidarity!

More information (especially Palang Hitam Indonesia/Indonesia Anarchist Black Cross),
Instagram Account: @palang__hitam
Website: palanghitam.noblogs.org
Email: civilrebellion@riseup.net

Struggle Account (Instagram):
Taman Sari Struggle Account: @tamansarimelawan
Agitasi:Tamansari Clash, One Backhoe Burned
Agitasi: Tamansari Against Eviction: Anarchists and students clashed with police
Yogyakarta Struggle Account : @jogja_darurat_agraria
Palang Hitam Indonesia: Communique From Yogyakarta Anarchist After Anti-Feudalism Mayday Riots 2018
Bara Baraya Struggle Account: @barabaraya.bersatu
Sukoharjo Struggle Account: @sukoharjo.melawan.racun
Pontianak Struggle Account: @bicf.movement
Parung Panjang Struggle Account: @agjt.subparungpanjang
Bekasi Struggle Account: @bekasimelawan
Pasar Griya Struggle Account: @pasargriyamelawan
Jombang Struggle Account: @jombang_darurat_agraria
Surabaya Struggle Account: @surabayamelawan
Talang Struggle Account: @talangmelawan
Banyuwangi Struggle Account: @forbanyuwangi
Kendeng Struggle Account: @kendengmelawan_
Kapuk Poglar Struggle Account: @komitetolakpenggusuran
Solo Struggle Account: @soloberlawan
Dermayu Struggle Account: @dermayuorameneng

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Posted in Social Control

Berlin: Solidarity with Athens Squats – Pig Patrol attacked on Rigaer (Germany)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

In the evening of March 15, International Day against Police Violence, we attacked a prowling Riot Police van in the „dangerzone“ (label used by authorities for this Friedrichshain area) of Rigaer Street with many stones.

This was to send a small message of solidarity to the evicted squats in Athens, Villa Zografou and Alkiviadou Squat.

After the attack we left this area and learned from scum media, that a police helicopter came to Friedrichshain in order to find us and that this helicopter was attacked with laserpointer, what resulted in the arrest of three people.

Police started the war in our areas long ago, we must face this aggression. The execution of Hussam Fadel Hossein, Iraqi refugee, in the refugee camp of Kruppstraße in Berlin, on September 27. last year by police officers is one of many connections to the evicted Alkiviado Squat, that resulted in the arrest of many refugees.

And the eviction of Villa Zografou is the connection to the struggle of house projects in Friedrichshain against daily police aggression.

Anarchy and attack

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Posted in Direct Action

‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – Call for international solidarity and action to defend R94 in Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94
in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods.
Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year
bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system.
In solidarity with all threatened projects, individuals and emancipatory struggles, we would like to better connect our structures and work on a closer link based on support, in our struggles.

Let’s keep walking this path together, but first a short summary of the recent past and our situation.

Last year saw us, the neighbourhood and people around, on the receiving end of much police repression, starting with the declaration by the state that our street and neighbourhood was a danger zone (Gefahrengebiet), giving the police extra search and detain powers and a green light for constant street harassment of anyone fitting their vision of a ‘leftist’, not white or somehow not normative person (this evolved into almost anyone being controlled, no matter how they presented).
This saw a massive rise in police riot vans cruising the streets, meaning constant conflicts for the neighbourhood, and in our efforts to fight for a autonomous and cop free area.
Rigaer 94 was at the centre of these conflicts, as the state and its cops declared it the crux of militant struggle.
This tactic can be seen in the wider context of reactionary imposed controls and intimidation, such as states of emergency and curfews, employed as constant stress factors (and datamining) to those against the aggressive progression of gentrification and public control. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Forest occupation in Bure – Stop the nuclear monster (France)

Saturday, November 26th, 2016

Emergency call-out from the forest occupation in Bure, France: the nuclear monster is coming in for a kill

You know how these occupations often go: bad people start destroying the environment, good people intervene, and in the end the bad people get the papers to favour them and start the bulldozers once more. This is exactly what just happened in the woods of Lejuc, near the village of Bure in France. And that’s why we need you. To come. Here. And resist. Big time.

«Some people re-occupied this forest two months ago. To support them I decided to put myself on the line and officially squat the place. I changed my home address here, there’s a mailbox and everything now, and I’m an official resident. Hopefully I’ll makes destroying all this a bit more difficult for Andra bastards!» says Sven Lindstrom, the first official squatter of the Lejuc forest. For obvious reasons he’s entitled to have his say in this call-out. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

International Month of Solidarity and Fight for Squatting : 19 Nov-19 Dec

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Month of Solidarity and Fight for Okupation (squatting). From the 19th of November to the 19th of December

Web (Spanish): https://okupamadrid.espivblogs.net/

We understand okupation (squatting) as a tool of fight whose main purpose is far from the idea of shaping recreational places. It is an strategy to fight, theoretically and practically, against property as a key pillar of capitalist democracy. Okupation (squatting) is beyond merely logistic. It brings partnership among comrades, builds affinity networks and solidarity, as well as create meeting points to discuss, share experiences or to make out some self criticism. Okupation is not and end but a mean that allows us to organize ourselves and conspire. It is a tangible expression of the notion of “Do it yourself”.

The power has done everything to erase any self-management projects since they prove our capacity to organize ourselves outside the system.

For that purpose, many strategies have been deployed. From harsh repression; raids, arrests, police farce, to “kinder” strategies based on negotiation. Despite superficial differences, the final end of these strategies is the control and domestication (of our ideas and practices) of social movements. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

19-11-2016 Demo – Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists! (Netherlands)

Friday, October 14th, 2016

19-11-2016 Demonstration: Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists!

On Saturday November 19th, there will be a demonstration in The Hague, The Netherlands, against the wave of repression that Hague anti-fascists and anarchists have been facing in the last year. One who attacks one of us, attacks all of us. Solidarity through struggle!

Within the last year, repression against anti-fascists and anarchists has greatly increased, with The Hague in the middle of it. An area ban for anarchists was issued for the Schilderswijk, in an attempt to break the struggle against the racist, violent, and murderous police. After that that, another area ban was issued, this time against anti-fascists who have been resisting against the extreme right wing Pegida demonstrations. Damage claims of 50,000 euro were demanded from several anarchists who resisted against the eviction of social center De Vloek, which had been squatted for 13 years. The mayor also tried to shutter the local Autonomous Center. Furthermore, subsequent demonstrations were forbidden, people were intimidated by the police at home and on the street, numerous preventative arrests were made, and attempts were made to recruit informants.

But these are not just attacks against individual anarchists and anti-fascists. This is an attack against all who fight against racism, this is an attack against all who stand for a world without exploitation and discrimination, this is an attack on all of us. And this attack cannot go unanswered! This is a call for solidarity, because solidarity is our weapon against the isolation being forced on us by the police and the mayor. We must defend our autonomous spaces and structures!

Come to The Hague on November 19th. Because the chains of the state dripping with racism and oppression must be broken! Because one who doesn’t fight has already lost.

Fight repression!


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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Berlin: Black July – Text and actions against the social peace (Germany)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

While the situation in the rebellious Northern Part of Friedrichshain is calming down for the moment and we find time to build Rigaer 94 back up again, the social war around us is continuing with its normal intensity. We received news about the state attacks on people and squats in Thessaloniki. Here and there we are fighting against the social democracy and confront the social war with polymorphous struggle. Whether in the black july or in our daily local conflicts, we are involved in a common fight that gains power in its mutuality.

In this very moment, the greek state seems to be striking out with a general attack against autonomous structures. In Thessaloniki and in other cities, self-organized structures of migrants are especially becoming more and more endangered. While fullfilling its function as a manager of migration-streams, the state attacks those who try to move, self-determined, through a world of exploitation and oppression and who won‘t bow to it‘s authority.

Three occupied houses in Thessaloniki were affected and over a hundred people arrested. One person was killed during the eviction [Correction received: one day after the three evictions, a young migrant woman died due to medical negligence at one of the state’s detention facilities in Thessaloniki.]. In Athens, squats which are being used by migrants are also threatened with eviction. The goal is to create an atmosphere of fear, while oppressing those who are self-organising and attacking the authority of the state. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy