Posts Tagged ‘Russia’

Athens, Greece: Grenade Attack Against the Russian Consulate by FAI / FRI Revenge Cell ‘Mikhail Zhlobitsky’

Friday, April 19th, 2019

We assume responsibility for the grenade assault on the Russian Consulate on Tzavella Street in Chalandri [suburb in Northern Athens] on March 22.

Each state seeks continuity, which is of particular importance both for its existence and for the preservation and expansion of its vital space. We define the vital space of a state structure as a concept that raises every economic and spatial interest. Applying this policy to us is what we commonly call imperialism. This policy is not a strategic choice of a state, but it is indistinguishable from its very existence. Automatically, each state applies or follows the imperialist policy of an alliance in that country. This position comes to overthrow the rhetoric of the holy fellowship of the smaller ones in dynamic states towards the more powerful ones, which the left has been trying to make for years and parts of the anarchist space embraces. Over the years, many alliances have been built up and, as a result, many skirmishes, depending on the interests at stake. Under the veil of these inter-axiomatic contrasts in combination with the economic and political conjuncture, discrepancies in the dynamics of each state are created or adjusted. Relationships between states have always been a dynamic condition that is modified on the subject rather than a static situation. (more…)

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Network Trial Begins in Petersburg (Russia)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

From the Russian Reader:

Network case defendants Viktor Filinkov and Yuli Boyarshinov in the cage at court yesterday. Filinkov (left) wears a sweatshirt emblazoned with the slogan, “Your taser can’t kill our ideas.” Photo by Alexander Koryakov. Courtesy of Kommersant

The Defendants Were Assigned Roles: Network Trial Gets Underway in Petersburg
Anna Pushkarskaya
April 9, 2019

The court trial in the case of the “anarchist terrorist community” Network got underway in St. Petersburg. Viktor Filinkov, a 24-year-old programmer, and Yuli Boyarshinov, a 27-year-old industrial climber, have been charged with involvement in Network. Federation Council member Lyudmila Narusova, who attended the hearing, pointed out the “ability to throw grenades,” which the prosecution included in the evidence against the defendants, was taught officially to members of the patriotic youth movement Yunarmiya.

“This case has nothing to do with the rule of law,” Narusova noted.

Filinkov and Boyarshinov’s case is being tried in St. Petersburg by the Moscow District Military Court. In January, the same court sentenced Igor Shishkin, who made a deal with case investigators, to three and a half years in prison. Subsequently, the FSB placed Network on the Russian federal list of banned organizations. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Who’s to judge? About the shooting attack on the courthouse in Kiev (Ukraine)

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

The time has come to elaborate further on our attack on Holosiivskyi district court in Kiev.

Among the commentaries on the attack, we’ve read more than once that some people don’t understand our motives. They don’t get how does Azat Miftakhov’s arrest in Moscow have anything to do with a courthouse in Kiev. We’ll try to explain, because it’s important to get this seemingly obvious message across.

Choosing the target:
We decided to go for a government court building. A lot of us have a good idea of what exactly is a courthouse today. Who among us hasn’t been in court? Who’s never had a friend or acquaintance on trial? Everyone felt this utter disdain for judicial robes, those who are fainter of heart – even fear. Why do we have to respect and accept them? Someone gave them the right to take our freedom and our lives, so now they sit there, up high, when you are languishing underneath, behind bars, with a watchdog in uniform hovering over you. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Kiev: Anarchists shoot 15 rounds at the windows of Goloseyevsky court (Ukraine)

Friday, March 15th, 2019

On the morning of March 12, 2019, the police reported on the attack on the court.

The day before, we – the anarchists of Kiev, held an action of solidarity with the anarchist Azat Miftakhov detained in Moscow.

Once in prison, in the clutches of the punitive system, our comrades should be aware of the support, which is usually expressed in the form of concerts, pickets, letters… But more important is the confidence that their cause continues to live, confidence in the justification and consistency of their struggle. We do not care about Azat’s involvement in explosives and other episodes, because anyone who calls himself an anarchist is already guilty, and deserves punishment from the point of view of the state.

The best we can do for them is to continue the struggle and resistance. To make it clear that repression is not only a reason to show solidarity out of a sense of comradely duty, but also to once again realize the need for the complete destruction of the state and all its manifestations. What could be better for a comrade than to realize that the repressions only radicalized and rallied the movement, and his being in captivity is not in vain and, whatever may happen to him, his cause will live until the complete victory of the social revolution.

This time we decided to use the method of attack, unpopular for this case, among anarchists – firing from a rifle firearm. We have made 15 shots at the windows of the judges of the Goloseevsky district court of the city of Kiev.

The angle and place of fire were not chosen by chance, we took all measures to avoid casualties among the not involved population. Only persons belonging to power structures, representatives of the authorities and conscious citizens who decided to prevent us could suffer. Accidental victims were excluded.

Freedom to Azat! Comrades anarchists, it’s time to move from protest to resistance! With solidarity and partisan greetings!



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Overview of repressions against anarchists and antifascists in Belarus in 2018

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

At the beginning of the year everybody were shocked by “Network case” in Russia where anarchists were tortured and detained. According to the FSB, a chapter of the “Network” also operated in Belarus. The KGB hasn’t publicly reacted to this statement, however, we noticed increased efforts to recruit youth associated with the anarchist movement in different parts of Belarus.


At the beginning of February 2018, the KGB started investigating a regional educational organisation Critical Thinking. One of the volunteers was summoned to an informal chat via phone – previously he had been detained together with Russian anarchist Piotr Ryabov and sentenced to a fine for “public display of Nazi symbols”[1] and the confiscation of his hard drive. At the same time, his mother was called for an informal conversation. Several friends of this volunteer were picked up by the police, questioned and later released. The police was interested in the activity of Critical Thinking, as well as attempted to force people to sign cooperation papers[2].

On February 8, the anti-extremist police in Mogilev visited parents of an activist. They were asking about their child’s activity, her political interests and so on. The flat was searched with a warrant issued under a criminal case initiated in 2017, when red paint was spilt on Lenin’s statue in the city. The raid happened in one more flat of parents of another activist. This activist was considered a witness on the same criminal case [3]. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Four articles about repression against comrades in Russia

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

1. Did the FSB use a neo-Nazi agent provocateur in their case against Russian anti-fascists? (“Network” Case)

2. Moscow Anarchist Azat Miftakhov: Arrested, Tortured and Missing

3. Torture First, Ask Questions Later (The Case of Azat Miftakhov)

4. “Expressive Eyebrows”: Azat Miftakhov Jailed After Secret Witness Testifies

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Posted in Social Control

Radical Anarchists in the Belarus, Ukraine, Russia – 2018

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

We have prepared another video: Radical Anarchists in the BUR 2018 (Eng)

Video on Anarchy Today: https://a2day.net/radical-anarchists-in-the-bur-2018/

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Posted in Autonomy

Russia: Network Case Suspects Go on Hunger Strike

Friday, December 7th, 2018

Network Case Suspects Go on Hunger Strike
OVD Info
December 2, 2018

Dmitry Pchelintsev and Andrei Chernov, residents of Penza and suspects in the so-called Network case, have gone on hunger strike, claiming remand prison officials and FSB officers have intimidated them during their review of their criminal case file, something to which they are entitled by Russian law. Several Penza suspects in the case have claimed they have been put in solitary confinement, handcuffed to radiators, and threatened with violence.

Pchelintsev and Chernov went on hunger strike on November 29, as reported by the Parents Network, a support group established by the mothers and fathers of the young men, who have been accused of involvement in a “terrorist community” that, allegedly, was planning an armed uprising during the March 2018 presidential election and 2018 FIFA World Cup, held in Russia this past summer.

It was on November 29 that wardens put Pchelintsev in solitary, demanding he admit to breaking the rules by talking with other inmates during yard time. He responded by going on hunger strike, and Chernov joined him as a token of support and solidarity. On November 30, wardens again tried to bargain with Pchelintsev and threaten him. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Indonesia: From the Anarchist Individualist Network of Yogyakarta to comrade Mikhail, all Anarchist and Anti-Fascist in Russia!

Friday, November 16th, 2018

From the Anarchist Individualist Network of Yogyakarta to comrade Mikhail, all Anarchist and Anti-Fascist in Russia!


Anarchists and Anti-Fascists in Russia have faced a wave of repression from the State following an action carried out by a 17-year-old young anarchist named Mikhail Zhlobitsky who blew himself up at the Arkhangelsk city FSB building on the morning of October 31. After the action some Anarchists and Anti-Fascists were arrested and received continued repression.

We hope for solidarity and strength for all anarchists and anti-fascists in Russia, Indonesia and worldwide.

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Posted in Autonomy

Graffiti mural for Mikhail Zhlobitsky (Australia)

Saturday, November 10th, 2018

Narrm / Melbourne, so-called Australia: Graffiti mural in memory of 17 year old Russian Anarchist-Communist Mikhail Zhlobitsky who died while carrying out an explosive attack against the FSB (Federal Security Service) Regional Headquarters in Arkhangelsk, Russia on October 31st.

“Never Forget Our Fallen Comrades!”

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Posted in Autonomy

Anarchist-bombers and the operation of the special services against anarchists – We are calling for solidarity (Russia)

Friday, November 9th, 2018

The special services in Russia are preparing to destroy the anarchist movement. The pretext is the bomb attacks of the young anarchists.

17 years old anarchist Mikhail Zhlobitsky blew himself up in the building of FSB of Arkhangelsk city in the morning of the 31st of October. Before the explosion he posted messages in the ‘Vkontakte’ social network and in ‘Rechi buntovshchika (‘Speeches of the Rebel’)’ chat in Telegram messenger (t.me/rebeltalk). In these messages several minutes before the explosion he warned about the action in preparation, and named the reasons –  propaganda by action and revenge for the torture and repressions by FSB against the anarchists.

Michael’s 14 year old supposed comrade was arrested by special services in Moscow on the 2nd of November. Special services accuse Kirill Kuzminkin in preparing a bomb attack on a neo-nazi march. Kirill denies the accusation. Cops claim that components for the production of explosives have been found in Kirill’s house. Kirill’s father claims that these are components for the production of firecrackers, and special services are trying to present the teenager as a terrorist.

At the same time the police and special services countrywide interrogate anarchists, socialists, anti-fascists, and even libertarians. Subscribers of “Narodnaya Samooborona (People’s Self-Defense)”, the largest Russian anarchist resource, and “Rechi buntovshchika (‘Speeches of the Rebel’)”, the anarchist chat in the Telegram, where Mikhail Zhlobitsky’s message about the upcoming attack on the FSB was posted, are being massively verified. For example, in Krasnodar, about a hundred people were summoned to talk with the police. They were asked about their attitude towards anarchism, “Narodnaya Samooborona” and the action of Zhlobitsky. It is reported that the police and special services intend to check all the subscribers of the “Narodnaya Samooborona” group in social networks – these are 26 thousands of people. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

In Arkhangelsk anarchist Misha Zhlobitsky explodes FSB reception (Russia)

Thursday, November 1st, 2018

October 31, 2018 8:52 local time in the city of Arkhangelsk at the entrance to the reception room of the Regional Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation in the Arkhangelsk Region an explosion was heard. The rebel anarchist Mikhail Vasilievich Zhlobitsky, also known in the Telegram channel as Valerian Panov, blew himself up. This is the first case of anarchists undermining the FSB in 19 years – the previous attack was organized in 1999 against the reception office of the FSB in Moscow by the New Revolutionary Alternative organization.

Mikhail Zhlobitsky died as a result of a self-detonation, causing injuries of varying severity to three FSB officers. He was 17 years old.

A few minutes before the explosion, the anarchist left a message in the chat group under the nickname Valerian Panov. Here is what he wrote: (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

‘Network Case’ – Campaign statement about the accused (Russia)

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018

Rupression.com campaign statement about the accused

In February 2018, a campaign was launched in Russia to support those accused in the Network case. Among the main goals of the campaign were fundraising for legal costs, organizing humanitarian support for the arrested and offering support to their relatives. The resources gathered have so far been distributed according to the financial circumstances of the respective families and the needs of the arrested. Further financial support is being distributed according to the choices made by those the arrested throughout the investigation.

Currently two of the accused, Igor Shishkin, and Yegor Zorin, are firmly siding with the investigation.

Igor Shishkin has not filed a torture complaint, although traces of torture were reported on his body by the Independent Public Oversight Committee (ONK). He has signed agreement prior to being present in court, which means that he has fully admitted his guilt. He is actively cooperating in the investigation of the criminal case, and also giving testimony against other suspects. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

About the ‘Novichok’ attacks (UK)

Tuesday, September 18th, 2018

An old game, the intrigues of the State. Sergei Skripal, a Russian spy who defected to England is poisoned with an exotic substance in unclear circumstances, his daughter found slumped with him on a park bench, both so delirious that the paramedics and police thought that they had been exposed to a bad batch of drugs initially. Emergency chemical, biological and nuclear warfare protocols are activated in what looks like a hopelessly inept government response in the town of Salisbury, and the spy and the young daughter are in a critical condition with high-level hospital treatment in the ‘protection’ of the State. A media wave of predictable standards accompanies; the politics of fear, nationalism and cold war, with the FIFA Russia 2018 World Cup as the spectacle which is the backdrop to the chemical attack. It looks like a hit in Putin’s ‘soft war’ against the British Crown.

Weeks later, two locals, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, who have no apparent connection to the spy, his daughter or the Russian government, fall critically ill in Amesbury on June 30, 2018. Hallucinations and psychomimetic effects leading to unconsciousness, alleged BZ* drug-type reactions from a neurotoxin thought to be so immediately deadly it needs sophisticated lab equipment to produce it and special handling. (more…)

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Arman Sagynbayev: I Was Tortured by the FSB (Russia)

Thursday, September 13th, 2018

“Two Wires Came Out of the Box”: Penza-Petersburg “Terrorism” Case Suspect Arman Sagybayev Says FSB Tortured Him with Electrical Shocks in Minivan

Antifascist and anarchist Arman Sagynbayev, who was arrested and remanded in custody as part of the Penza-Petersburg “terrorism” case, had until recently admitted his guilt. On September 4, he withdrew his confession, explaining that initially he had been tortured into testifying against himself and other young men arrested in the case, and then had been afraid to go against case investigators. His defense counsel has sent a statement to the Russian Federal Investigative Committee. Mediazona has published Sagynbayev’s deposition to his lawyer, in which Sagynbayev recounts how FSB field agents tortured him after detaining him in Petersburg.

In November 2017, officers of the Russian FSB [Federal Security Service] used unlawful investigative methodw (torture) against me. The circumstances were as follows.

On 5 November 2017, at approximately six o’clock in the morning, the doorbell of an apartment at [omitted] in St. Petersburg, where I was located at the time, rang. I opened the door, since when I had asked who was there, I was told the neighborhood beat cop was at the door. As soon as I opened the door, at least four men burst into the apartment. They yelled that they were from the FSB. They pushed a weapon (pistol) into my face before making me face the wall and handcuffing me with my hands behind my back. The men searched the apartment. (more…)

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