Posts Tagged ‘Operation Scripta Manent’

“Operation Scripta Manent” – Prosecutor sentencing requests (Italy)

Friday, March 8th, 2019

The Turin Public Prosecutor Roberto Maria Sparagna made the following requests for sentencing of those accused in the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial:

Alfredo Cospito: 30 years
Anna Beniamino: 29 years
Gioacchino Somma: 7 years and 6 months
Valentina Speziale, Marco Bisesti, Pasquale Valitutti, Omar Nioi, Erika Preden, Alessandro Mercogliano, Daniele, Stefano, Claudia, Sergio: 6 years and 6 months
Alessandro A. , Francesca G.: 8 years
Nicola Gai: 10 years
Danilo Cremonese: 10 years
Patrizia Marino: 7 years and 3 months
Carlo Tesseri: 8 years and 3 months
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Stefano Fosco, Elisa Di Bernardo: 7 years

For none any extenuating circumstances.
No contested recidivism.

From Anarchist Black Cross Italy
Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Social Control

Madrid: ATM burned in solidarity with Lisa and other anarchist prisoners (Spain)

Sunday, March 3rd, 2019

On the night of February 18, a bank ATM in the Usera neighborhood was set on fire. This small action is a sign of encouragement for Lisa, recently moved from Germany to Madrid; for the repression of the G20; the comrades arrested in Madrid on 30 October – accused of burning another Bankia ATM – and for the comrades in Italy, recently beaten in new operations against the anarchist environments in Turin and Trento, as well as for the comrades on trial in the Scripta Manet and Panic operations.

Let the Spanish and Italian states know that anarchist solidarity will not stop. And it will be formed by more than words. Sabotage is easy and simple. In the possibilities of its reproduction is its strength.

Also, this small action serves as a contribution to the week of agitation and propaganda against gentrification, spatial capitalism and in defense of squatting.

Freedom for Lisa, freedom for all!

Long Live Anarchy!

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Posted in Direct Action

Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation (Italy)

Sunday, February 24th, 2019

[Below in French and Italian / Sotto in francese ed italiano].

Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation.

On Monday 11 February in the bunker hall of the Turin prison a large group of comrades expressed their solidarity with the anarchists on trial following the “Scripta manent” operation (6.09.2016). Roberto Sparagna (the public prosecutor in the trial) was unable to take a word to formulate his indictment. After several slogans and the reading of the following text, the Court interrupted the hearing. The courtroom was evicted through the intervention of the riot squads. During the protest, solidarity was expressed to all the anarchists arrested and on trial during this period, following the repressive operations “Scripta Manent”, “Panico” and “Scintilla”, and against the eviction of Asilo Occupato in Turin.

Freedom for all prisoners! Long live anarchy!

Below the text: (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

About the repression against anarchists in Italy

Friday, February 22nd, 2019


Unfortunately, Italy has a long history of repressive operations against anarchists. Since Operation Marini in 90s, the waves of repression against comrades, which brought into jail many people with charges of terrorism or criminal association, were countless. Just to name a few of the biggest repressive operations: Cervantes, Croce Nera, Ardire, Mangiafuoco, Thor, Ixodidae, Nottetempo, Fuoriluogo…

These operations usually lead to several house raids in all Italy and to the arrest of several comrades who spend 1 or 2 years in pre-trial detention. Then they face trials with charges of ‘association’ and usually they are also accused of several direct actions for which the inquisitors never found any responsible. Sometimes the public engagement of these comrades in the anarchist struggle and their open expression of anarchist ideas (direct actions support, prisoners solidarity, running an anarchist magazine or website and so on) is the only evidence that the prosecutors bring into the court. For this reason, in the majority of the cases all the accused are later acquitted at the trial, but only after having spent many months or years in prison.

Besides these huge operations, there is a constant small-scale repression against local anarchist groups which are especially active on the territory, for example with struggles against police repression, evictions, detention centres for migrants, jails, gentrification, corporate interests… In these cases anarchists are constantly repressed with recurring trials and spend much of their time going in and out of prison, house arrest or other restrictions of their freedom. This kind of police strategy of trying to burn out comrades with the aim of destroying the local anarchist group happens in many cities but since many years has been especially strong in Torino. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Italy : Updates on the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial

Thursday, December 13th, 2018

At the hearing on 14th November a calendar of future hearings was once again announced after the expert appointed by the court to transcribe phone tapping asked for more time, obtained a 60-day extension and a second expert was also appointed. The prosecutor made it known that the judicial police had forgotten to deliver a CD audio and asked for an extension of the custody measures, but for the moment a calendar was set out complying with the length of custody… which is due to expire at the end of February (taking account of the 30/35 hearings till now, from mid-January the deadline slides to 18th February, plus some more days considering the hearings due in January). During the hearing of 14th, a DNA expert appointed by the court following Capra (DNA expert for the defence)’s report, gave his statement; the expert for the defence had challenged the reliability of the old report in several points. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Paris, France: Diplomatic Vehicle Torched in Memory of Mikhail Zhlobitsky and in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrades Facing Repression

Saturday, November 17th, 2018

On Sunday the 11th of November, today’s greatest slaughterers commemorated the first world war’s butchery (and they prepared for future carnage). We continue to carry the old slogan of the anarchists from that era: against their war, against their peace, for the social revolution.

On the night of Monday, November 12th to Tuesday, November 13th, in this militarized capital and under video surveillance, we torched a car of the diplomatic corps at the intersection of Rue Spontini and Foch Avenue, as well as the big bourgeois Porsche that was parked next to it (yes, it is possible to bring war to the rich and the powerful!).

For the comrade Mikhail Zhlobitsky: we want to remember him this way, not with words, but with flames. Solidarity with Russian anarchists who respond to repression with direct action. Solidarity also to the anarchists who face the judiciary in Greece (CCF), in Italy (Operations Scripta Manent and Panico) and everywhere else. A thought for Krème and S., imprisoned in Limoges.

For anarchy!


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Posted in Direct Action

Montanaso Lombardo, Italy: Greenhouses of the CREA Research Center Destroyed

Monday, October 29th, 2018

On the night of October 2nd, with the half-moon as an accomplice who discreetly guided our steps without exposing us too much, we entered the property of the CREA Research Center of Montanaso Lombardo (Lombardi). We devastated the institute’s four big greenhouses, destroying almost all of the experimental plants they contain.

It is not surprising that the media have remained silent about this action, despite the serious damage done to their research: indeed, the CREA research centers are under the direct control of the government, who have every interest in concealing the actions that put spanners in the works of their projects.

CREA specializes in the sequencing and genetic engineering of plants and hyper-technological modernization of agriculture and livestock. Their latest research, funded by the government, is focusing on the development of the so-called GMO 2.0.

We will not passively observe the umpteenth project that manipulates the living by annihilating spontaneity in the name of profit. Before leaving, we left some huge slogans inside the greenhouses: “NO BIOTECH”, “NEITHER OLD NOR NEW GMO” and “HAMBACH RESISTS”.

Solidarity with those who fight in defense of the earth against industrial civilization.

Greetings of complicity to the comrades affected by the Scripta Manent and Panic operations.

Anarchists Against the Misery of the Existent


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Berlin, Germany: Arson Attack Against a Securitas Patrol Vehicle by ‘Amad Ahmad’ Cell FAI-FRI

Saturday, October 27th, 2018

Berlin, October 15th, 2018

The anarchist movement has sharpened it’s profile. This has meant that the repression against us has intensified in recent years. From Germany, the G20 has triggered an increase in activity by security agencies because they have realized that they are not in control of us and it became so obvious that a response was necessary. The destruction in Hamburg, the lack of compromise and the determination of the hooded ones hit them exactly where it was intended. Uncertainty was triggered there, in a place where people people’s property defines themselves and their complicity in a warring society. The luxury automobile or the patrol car on the verge of becoming a pile of charred plastic – a casualness towards the war against the poor, the outcast and the inept.

Following the publication of the text ‘The Insurgent’s Autism’, in issue 9, June 2018 of the eco-anarchist publication Fenrir, we felt an urge to respond. And for a moment we attack the illusion of security in this society in a very specific place to engage in communication and open a space for discussion.

…We do not know what to think regarding what out comrade Alfredo Cospito is saying when he speaks about a vision of an anarchist praxis that would become more dangerous because it keeps on experimenting. We can only speak for ourselves, that we have become more dangerous and are quite successful because the power misjudges our real potential. The willingness to remain alone, the claiming of total responsibility for our destiny… (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Mexico: Day of Agitation and Propaganda (10/11/2018)

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

Day : 10/11/2018 – 15:00 to 23:00
City: City of Mexico
Place: Foro El Mundano
There will be interventions, reflection, discussions and critique on current anarchism, as well as various activities concerning agitation.
There will be an informal talk with the comrades of Croce Nera Anarchica from Rome.
There will be live music and stands with anarchist material and self-productions. If you want a stand at the fair, send us your request before 1st November, as numbers are limited because of the space available.

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

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Posted in Autonomy

Paris, France: Enemies of this World – Incendiary Action Against Vinci and SNCF

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018

We think that direct action is also a way to escape the impasses of the middle-class activist swamp and its unoffensive slogans and common practices that are uncritically accepted and all to often remain a dead end. Alone, associated for a night or for life- according to the needs of each- let’s leave the dogmas behind and choose the chaos of life. For the defenders of this world we are criminals. We are simply its enemies and we are proud of it.

On the night of Thursday, October 11th to the 12th, on rue d’Hautpoul in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, a utility van of prison construction company Vinci and a car of SNCF (who hunt the poor and undocumented) were torched.

A thought for Krème, for the comrade incarcerated for the Limoges gendarmerie arson and for the anarchists who are facing trial in Italy (Scripta Manent and Panico).

Long live anarchy, long live freedom!


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Posted in Direct Action

Italy : A few clarifications concerning a Key-logger installed in my computer by Somma Gioacchino (RadioAzione)

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

For recent report about Operation Scripta Manent, see this important article translated into English by Act for Freedom Now!

Recently, as I was reading the report on the hearings of the trial that we are facing following the Turin investigation “Scripta Manent”, staged by prosecutor Roberto Sparagna, I noticed an explanation regarding the keylogger (or Agent Elena, as the miserable Naples ROS called it).

A text that appears in some sites says that a keylogger was allegedly used to intercept off-line comments during RadioAzione live recordings. That would be nice, but unfortunately the reality is different.
The keylogger was a proper bug, sent to my PC via internet through a virus, and it was capable of intercepting everything around my computer. It was sufficient for the computer to be connected to the internet and the miserable ones were able to hear all audio nearby (no video because the webcam has always been blocked out).

So, because I have my PC in my bedroom they listened not only to radio off-line comments but even more… everything in fact! (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Madrid, Spanish State: Sabotage Within the Framework of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

During the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners more than a dozen ATMs in different neighborhoods of Madrid were sabotaged. The tools for these types of sabotage and simple and easy: hammers and sprays.

We understand solidarity as a continuity of the struggle that has led to our compañerxs being held in the prisons of the State. Anarchist solidarity is much more than just a written word or doing assistance work with the prisoners. This solidarity is materialized via attacks against the structures of capitalism and State, and seeks to deepen the conflict through direct action.

Down with the walls of the prisons. Long live anarchy.

For the compañerxs hit by Operation Scripta Manent!

For the compañerxs facing repression following the Hamburg G20 summit!

For the Indonesian anarchists prosecuted after May 1st!

For Lisa and all the anarchist prisoners!



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Posted in Direct Action

‘Furor Manet’ – Soli-poster in Italian for Operation Scripta Manent

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018


2016, September. Operation “Scripta Manent”, carried forth by the Turinese prosecutor Sparagna, leads to the arrest of 8 comrades, the main accusation being the creation of a subversive organization with terrorist aims. Along with this, the imputation includes several other attacks, all signed FAI (informal anarchist federation) and FAI/FRI (informal anarchist federation/international revolutionary front). At the present time, six comrades are still in jail and another one is kept prisoner in her own house. In the meantime, inside the Turin bunker courtroom the trial continues at a steady pace. Scores of policemen from several different towns climb the stage of the courthouse, supposedly in order to reconstruct the history of the contemporary anarchist movement. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Appeal for financial solidarity to the comrades in Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

About a year since its inception, the Scripta Manent process will resume in September. The hearings were scheduled weekly until November 22. Given the pace of court appointments, legal fees are increasingly high and, therefore, we must renew the invitation to those who wish to contribute to make payments to the CNA account.

IBAN IT67T0760101600001015950221

Some anarchists.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Reflection – Site down until Spring 2018

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Anarchist and insurrectionary autonomous counter-information is one more method of subversion aiming at the attack against the dominant paradigm of the existent and it’s attempt to control generalised narratives and perceptions. It is a tool to spread radical and critical ideas which can add to and create campaigns of direct action internationally.

Our project is just another group in an informal network of counter-information and translation where groups can communicate and exchange. Since 12 years we have been running this site where we have added to the anarchist war against the many states and corporations which want to wipe us out.

Understanding that the internet is in the hands of the enemies and one more tool of social control we use their means against them, as just one more method at our disposal, never separating ourselves into just a ‘news-site’ of semi-professionalised activist journalism intending to carve a niche into the ‘movement’. (more…)

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