Posts Tagged ‘Gender’

Italy : Words from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Translated by Act for freedom now!
via: parolealvento.


Degenerations – Between pride and gender victimhood
(An article Degenerazioni Tra orgoglio e vittimismo di genere
Published in issue 3 of the anarchist paper Vetriolo)

I am anarchist, I am not feminist because I see feminism as a sectorial and victimist withdrawal, I have never made any gender discrimination although I don’t use gender-friendly linguistic conventions, on the contrary I often use dirty politically incorrect language. I think that the annulment of gender privilege and similar oppression is already contained in the search for anarchy, that is to say in the practice of antiauthoritarian relations, and should be cultivated there. Ah, I forgot, I loathe consciousness-raising in public meetings and I also consider assemblies to be blunt instruments. I understand and also have the will to meet. But I see how all too often the assembly degenerates into sterile self-representation. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty