Posts Tagged ‘ABC Czech Republic’

Trial with the accused in Fenix 2 (Czech Republic)

Saturday, September 28th, 2019

On September 30th, 2019, the trial with 4 anarchists and one environmentalist accused in operation Fenix 2 will be taking place at the district court of Most, at 8:30 a.m. Come to support them at the courthouse or by any solidarity action. Let them know you are not apathetic to their future as you are not towards the freedom of all of us. Any way of expressing support is welcomed!


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Support an anarchist who was sentenced in so-called Germany

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019

Support an anarchist who was sentenced in so-called Germany. This person was captured by a civilian security guard in a shopping mall while nonviolently expropriating some goods. Without noticing he has a small pocket knife on him which he didn’t want to use as weapon. Even though he was accused of: A theft with a weapon prepared to use.

The German court imposed punishment of 90 days in prison or paying 1000 Euro. That means if he doesn’t pay those money he will have to spend three months in prison. The Czech ABC group decided to support him with organising a money collection. You can send your solidarity contribution to an account at: https://abcnews.noblogs.org/kontakt/ or put it in a box by the ABC stall at public events.

The expropriation is not a crime. Different forms of expropriation of capitalist and state sources is a legitimate way of a fight against dictatorship of a capital. We are supporting those who act in this way and are punished.

Solidarity is our weapon!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

What is Fénix 2 about? (Czech Republic)

Monday, April 1st, 2019

Information about Operation Fenix 2 translated into English, German and French received from ABC CZ:

EN: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/03/27/what-is-fenix-2-about/

DE: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/03/28/worum-geht-es-bei-phoenix-2/

FR: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2019/04/01/quest-ce-quest-loperation-fenix-2/

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Posted in Social Control

Trial against the accused of Operation Fenix 2 (Czech Republic)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

On April 8th, 10th and 12th, 2019, the trial with 4 anarchists and one environmentalist accused in operation Fenix 2 will be taking place at the district court of Most, every day at 8:30 a.m. Come to support them at the courthouse or by any solidarity action. Let them know you are not apathetic to their future as you are not towards the freedom of all of us. Any way of expressing support is welcomed!

Ve dnech 8., 10. a 12. dubna 2019 proběhne soudní líčení se čtyřmi anarchisty a jedním environmentalistou obviněnými v kauze Fénix 2. Podpořte obviněné přímo u soudu nebo jinou solidární akcí. Dejte najevo, že jejich budoucnost, stejně jako svoboda nás všech vám není lhostejná. Jakékoliv vyjádření podpory je vítáno! Soud bude probíhat každý den od 8:30 u okresního soudu v Mostě.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Call for international solidarity with imprisoned comrades Markéta and Mirek (Turkey, Kurdistan, Iraq)

Friday, August 25th, 2017

Two activists Markéta Všelichová and Miroslav Farkas were arrested on the 13th of November 2016 while attempting to cross the Habur border crossing from Turkey to Iraq. They were accused of participating in terrorist activity in Northern Syria and taken into custody.

On the 2nd of August they were sentenced to 6 years and 3 months for belonging to the Kurdish defence forces YGP/YPJ (these non-state kurdish groups are fighting Daesh/ISIS, the turkish army which has been repressing Kurds for several decades, and the dictatorial regime of Bashar Al-Asad).

Markéta had been to Rojava twice, according to her own words she joined the defence forces and fell in love with the region and its specific cultural and political situation. This time she and Mirek were on their way to Rojava, where they planned to set up a field hospital for fighters and civilians, and eventually help with defence, as she says herself. Together they made a campaign before their big journey, during which they wanted to acquire the necessary material, while also not being afraid to make lectures about life, fighting and revolution in the region. These public activities also probably raised the interest of Turkish agents.

In an interview Markéta said she feels with people, who risk their life in the fight against evil, that she would like to help Rojava with anything it needs, and that she realizes that as a European she has greater possibilities how to get involved and help. A bit my own way, but with them, as she said. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

ABC Czech Republic: Presentation on Operation Fenix and related issues (A-Radio)

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Dear all,

In the end of November of 2016 we had the opportunity of recording a presentation in Berlin by the Anarchist Black Cross in Czech Republic on the topic of Operation Fenix. The talk comprised the following topics: a short review of what had happened, the use of the term „terrorism“, the topic of solidarity in Czech Republic and in general, a reflection on mistakes and how to deal with repression and police infiltrators, and finally the current development of the anarchist movement in that country.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 1:11

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here.

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Posted in Social Control

Imprisoned anarchist Martin Ignačák is bailed (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Martin was released from remand! WELCOME HOME!!!

The supreme court denied the confidential file written by former criminal police chief about his sister as an anarchist organizer and criminal element whom the court deciding about Martin awaiting trial outside of remand should not trust. Therefore the court had to decide to “free” Martin. The struggle is not over at all. In contrary it is in its beginning and Fenix 5 (people being charged of a conspiracy of preparation a terrorist attack against the train with military equipment – prepared by two undercover/infiltrated state agents) will face another series of court hearings on October 3rd to 6th.



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Posted in Prison Struggle

A-Radio: Interview on the repression against anarchists – Operation Fenix (Czech Republic)

Thursday, September 8th, 2016

Interesting interview about the Operation Fenix which gives a round-up and highlights civil anarchist positions within the anarchist movement in Czech Republic.

In the context of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23.-30th of August 2016), we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Czech Republic. The interview gives a short summary of the repression that started in 2015 and explains the singular cases and their current development, but deals also with the problems the movement had in the beginning to show www.topphentermineonline.com solidarity. Last but not least, you get very good advice on the topic of solidarity and what to do yourselves.

Since the interview, another comrade is in prison. Lukáš Borl, who had been living underground, has been arrested by the police on September 4.

More information (in different languages) on the Antifenix website.

Length: 22:30 min


If you want to write the two imprisoned comrades, please use these addresses:

Lukáš Borl

Vazební veznice Litomerice
Veitova 1
412 81 Litomerice
Czech Republic

Martin Ignacák
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57
Czech Republic

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Posted in Interviews

Flyposter against Operation Fenix (Czech Republic)

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

Here is the newly updated poster about the repressive operation called ‘Fenix’ striking anarchists in the Czech Republic. In this poster there is news about the
appeal/higher court against Igor Shevcov and the first two days of the court hearing against the “Fenix 5”. Besides that you can find information about the case, police tactics, tips on how to support the defendants and donate and many more.

Please print it in A2 format, so the letters don’t get too small. Spread it around your favorite radical places and streets.



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Posted in Social Control

Imprisoned vegan anarchist comrade Martin Ignačák birthday – 10 Aug (Czech Republic)

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Trial Update – Also read this on actforfree.

On August 10th Martin will celebrate his already 2nd Birthday behind the bars. You can greet him by making noise behind the wall, sending a letter or any other way you like. Below, there is Martin’s address and bank connection.

In these uneasy times we wish him all the best and sending solidarity
greetings. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Response on the lies spread about anarchist comrade Lukas Borl (Czech Republic)

Friday, March 11th, 2016

On several profiles, blogs and web pages we saw that our comrade – 100% trusted person and friend LUKAS BORL is accused of being a collaborator with Nazis and giving information to cops. Also someone started FAKE Facebook profile under Lukas’ name. All of this is a COMPLETE LIE! These fake messages are probably spread by cops or entrepreneur Vladimir Krulec. Krulec is for longer time in conflict with local anarchist movement because he and his company is not paying the wages to workers and he’s been angry because of sabotages which have been done on his property. Lukas Borl has been living in underground for several months because he is officially wanted. The website of Czech police says that he is dangerous and armed.

However he never harmed anyone this shows how much police wants to discredit him and make his life as hard as possible. This false messages about Lukas Borl being an informer were probably written in order to make already difficult living situation of our comrade even harder and or to monitor how anarchist network communicates. (more…)

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Antifenix – Financial help needed (Czech Republic)

Monday, July 20th, 2015

Hello everybody,

Since we are still under the pressure of repression, there are quite big expenses in theFenix case and we are somehow unable to pay all these things (lawyers, support of the family of one imprisoned guy, food for prisoners, packages for the prisoners, etc.)

We would like to ask for any financial help possible. First we though that we will be able to do it ourselves and also we were already supported from some groups from other countries, but now it seems to be harder then we expected.

If you would like to donate/do a benefit event, please let us know.
Every amount of money is valuable for us..

Info in English is here on the website http://antifenix.noblogs.org

Thanks to everybody!


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