Indonesia: Call for International Solidarity to End our Comrades Isolation

May 5th, 2020

Calling for anarchists global solidarity action



While we know that the state will act in a totalitarian manner in this times and as being an anarchists we don’t value their values, but in our constant struggle against the prevailing capitalist ideology that continues to colonialised our daily lives, the purpose of ABC are to help them in legal matters in which they get the “rights” for them and to communicate with them, to make them not isolated and feeling lonely.

Every decision are theirs we value that, but when the state are trying to orchestrate a bullshit narratives into scapegoating the anarchists or the anarchist movement in general in Indonesia in order to veil their own incompetency in dealing with the crisis and pandemic, we asked you, not for money or anything involving that, but to show your solidarity in whatever means. It can be graffiti, banner dropping, or most importantly to acknowledge every Indonesian consulate about the isolation and the arbitrary action that the police are doing to them. Please read the following articles (two of the were written by the Individualist Sect) and some of them are from mainstream media.

Mainstream media:

(On these reports or in any other reports Indonesian police only knew one tendency, that is anarcho syndicalism, which are false and poor research because the anarchist movement in Indonesia are very diverse and there’s only one small group inactive anarcho-syndicalist and not a union)



(These are the earliest reports from the Individualist Sect concerning the arrests and media sensationalisation)



Chronology of Tangerang Anarchists Isolation

On April 9, 2020, R, Af, and Ri were arrested in a tavern in Tangerang on vandalism charges. Apart from the minor crimes they committed, the police showed an arrest warrant that did not have their names listed. The family was also notified of this arrest on April 11, 2020, 2 days after the arrest. In fact, Af is a minor. The legal process is not in accordance with procedures and until now all three are still blocked by the police to get legal assistance. •

The right to receive legal representation is stipulated in articles 69, 70, 72, Law no. 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law. • “The tendency to obstruct access to legal representation is a violation of the right to a fair trial as contained in Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Ratified in Law No. 12 of 2005)” •

Immediately Fulfill Their Rights To Get A Legal Assistant!

Black Cross – WA www.palanghitamanarkis.noblogs.org

Ps: Three more arrested and are still behind bars in East Java, Malang. They are prosecuted with the same charges “public provocation” under 160 Law such those comrades in Tangerang.

Ps: There’s already small gestures of solidarity from Netherlands and Australia. Links below:



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Posted in Prison Struggle |

International Day of Solidarity with All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners – 2020 Call

May 5th, 2020

June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. In the 16 years this tradition has been observed, June 11th has facilitated support and action inspired by imprisoned anarchists — from noise demonstrations outside of jails to letter-writing nights, from fundraisers to arson. Setting aside this day is one way of remembering anarchists who are serving long prison sentences, generating support for them, and inspiring solidarity actions.

Because social struggles phase in and out, this day is a way to make sure that our imprisoned comrades are not forgotten. June 11th is a way of combating amnesia, of trying to sustain a long-term memory in the anarchist space. June 11th is a day against oblivion.

The context of June 11th this year is one in which our lives have been wrenched out of normality. A scary time, but also a time for innovation. And an especially important time to remember and support our imprisoned loved ones. While calls to release people from jails, prisons, and ICE detention facilities during the pandemic are growing louder and having some success, it’s likely that many of our comrades’ names will not be on the list for early release. Whether it’s due to marginalized identities, terrorism enhancements, a history of standing up to guards and prison administration, or just being an outspoken anarchist, this means that their long sentences and already abhorrent health care and mistreatment could carry even worse consequences.

Our new daily lives and our responses to the pandemic can carry with them the memory and support for imprisoned anarchists. Where we are working fewer hours, we can write more letters. Where our kids are now learning from home, we can include prisoners’ names in lessons about courage and about state repression. Where we give ourselves over to mutual aid projects, we can take inspiration from our comrades and invoke their contributions and memories

In the last year, Connor Stevens of the Cleveland 4, all remaining members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire urban guerrilla group in Greece, and Tamara Sol in Chile have been released from prison.

Eric King is still in segregation and now faces a 20 year charge related to self-defense actions he took in 2018. His support team has started a legal defense fund. He is scheduled to go to trial in the summer of 2020.

Anna Beniamino co-initiated a hunger strike against especially-repressive prison conditions in May 2019. Alfredo Cospito and other imprisoned anarchists in Italy later joined this hunger strike. Alfredo reported experiencing health problems related to the strike.

Michael Kimble was put in solitary after defending a prisoner from being beaten by guards. In February he and his support team launched a fundraising campaign for a lawyer to overturn his conviction. Jeremy Hammond was called in October to testify in the same grand jury that re-imprisoned Chelsea Manning. Both refused to testify. In March, Jeremy was released from contempt as the grand jury concluded and was returned to the federal prison system, though he is currently being held in the Grady County Jail in Oklahoma.

Marius Mason continues to serve his 22 year sentence, currently at Danbury CT. He is petitioning for compassionate release for health reasons during Covid-19. His support site is currently down, but people can donate through PayPal and Venmo and updates will be coming on Twitter and FB until the website is back up.

Lisa of the Aachen bank robbery case was recently restricted by a prison magistrate from being able to leave prison on weekends and during the day.

As members of the struggles of the ’60s and ’70s complete their sentences, and younger partisans of recent struggles emerge from shorter stints in prison, we can connect with them in mutually-enriching relationships. The challenges of being released from prison can be mitigated by a strong community of support; communities of support can deepen their own understanding of prison by direct interaction with former prisoners. These relationships can strengthen each of their participants, and expand beyond in the form of new projects and initiatives to free those still held captive.

One important and often neglected aspect of prisoner support is aid to the families of the imprisoned. Family members – often constituting a prisoner’s primary or only base of support – bear the emotional, financial, and mental hardships of their loved ones behind bars. The exorbitant costs of commissary, phone calls, and visits put undue strain on those who, in most cases, are already struggling to make ends meet. Social atomization, which leaves most of us feeling lost, can be hell for those whose close companions have been stolen by the state, and who lack communities of support. These struggles continue after prisoners are released, with friends and family trying to find them employment, places to live, help with parole or other forms of diffuse detention, etc. Project FANG provides travel funds to the families and friends of animal and earth liberation prisoners, allowing them to visit their imprisoned loved ones. The Rosenberg Fund for Children provides aid to the children of activists targeting by the state. Aside from supporting these projects, we encourage anarchists to form relationships with the families of anarchist prisoners: some may not share our ideas (though many do!), but they do share our desire to see loved ones in prison survive and thrive.

As the world descends further into crisis, we are less and less able to evade questions about how we live, what sorts of relationships we create together, and what worlds we wish to inhabit. On the one hand, there is ever-increasing state power, the slavery of the individual to the technological system, and the anomic loneliness of modern life. On the other, there are complex and difficult possibilities of decentralized lifeways in which individual freedom and shared joys mix in an alchemy which affirms both. Our bonds, tempered over years of living and fighting together, can prove the starting point for these new forms of existence. Those behind bars – who we have kept present with us in our garden plots and forest wanderings, in the melodies of our songs and in the adrenaline rush of our night work – are a part of the new world we hope for. Let’s not forget them for one moment.

We encourage translation and dissemination of this call. Please email translations to june11th (at) riseup (dot) net.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Chicago, IL: Heartland Alliance Prison Vans Attacked, Tires Slashed (U$A)

May 5th, 2020

“As for me, I have chosen: I will be on the side of crime. And I will help the children, not to win back access to your houses, your factories, your schools, your
laws and sacraments, but to destroy them.”
Jean Genet

As the realities of school and rent vanish at our backs we find ourselves unleashed into a world of urgency and play. The ubiquity of masks transforms even delayed grocery trips into hunting expeditions guided by howls of distress.

It is not naive to claim that we are the one’s we have been waiting for and emerge from quarantine to lay siege to the colony. Surviving Covid-19 and attacking at the heart of the plague-making machine calls for lots of affinity groups, shared risk thresholds and games to sharpen our claws. It is not enough to someday ‘burn a prison to the ground’ when new forms of captivity are being engineered to rise from it’s ashes as we speak, disguised as clinics, hospitals, shelters…

So just like that, we descended on Heartland Alliance’s driveway, slashed six tires, and disabled three vehicles.


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Posted in Direct Action |

Philadelphia: Anarchist Group ‘Bristling Badger Brigade’ Burns Cell Tower (U$A)

May 4th, 2020

Another May Day, another cell tower set alight. A small act in the earliest hours, but an escalation beyond the norm. And we never want to return to ‘normalcy.’ We don’t know the difference between 4G and 5G. All we know is we want none of it.

The tower’s proximity to a train yard, a major pharmaceutical company’s office, and other military/mercenary enterprises in the Philadelphia Navy Yard was intended to interfere with their operations, however small the impact. It should also be a reminder that no one is untouchable if you have the appropriate determination. And this particular act was quite easy.

The first flame was a warm hug for the comrade Badger, allegedly on the run after a series of similar incidents in Bristol. Stay free!

The ensuing smoke a signal to the comrades undergoing the Scripta Manent persecution in Italy… we stand with you!

For freedom,
for anarchy!

Bristling Badger Brigade

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Posted in Direct Action |

Incendiary attack against Amazon in Los Angeles County (U$A)

May 4th, 2020

For autonomous, decentralized May Day, we torched an Amazon van in Los Angeles County.

We could not sit idly by and watch the spread of COVID-19 turn ICE detention centers into full blown death camps

Amazon provides the cloud servers that hosts the Investigative Case Management system, the database utilized by ICE and other Federal agencies to compile public and private data to track and deport immigrants. Amazon plays a role in every raid; every family separation; and every death at the hands of ICE. It was the goal of this action to raise the stakes for companies like Amazon that provide critical border enforcement infrastructure.

In solidarity with with migrants currently on hunger strike in ICE facilities throughout the country. In solidarity with warehouse and grocery workers engaging in wildcat strikes on May Day.

Against the imposition of borders and the proliferation of the surveillance state

Anarchist Fire


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Posted in Direct Action |

Texas “control unit” prison: New writings and update from Xinachtli (U$A)

May 1st, 2020

“I will not equivocate — I will not excuse — I will not retreat a single inch — AND I WILL BE HEARD. The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal, and to hasten the resurrection of the dead.”

Fraternal, revolutionary greetings, in the true spirit of internationalism and solidarity against all forces of evil, destruction and self-destruction, hoping this one finds you, family and friends in the very best, as it leaves me, during these trying times of not only the deadly Coronavirus COVID-19, but of the same deadly white supremacist pig-germ that now occupies the White House, that is as deadly as COVID-19 for our impoverished communities, and for the imprisoned, and poor immigrants seeking a better way of life, all pushed back by this sheer imperialist arrogance and elitism of the billionaire, money-laundering pig club that has taken over the halls of political power in the U.S. of A., a clear and present danger to all of humanity and planet Earth. Let future generations disown us and label us as spineless cowards, if we do not act to stop this insanity and madness!

You have the free liberty to duplicate these materials and share them with the rest of the world, on social media or to whomever or wherever you find my words, in the hopes that this extreme state repression I am being subjected to by these racist police state pigs may stir the senses of world humanism, and motivate others to join the freedom train, in whichever ways they can, in spreading the word of the true realities of what Amerikkka’s racist, pig prison torture chambers are all about, all in the name of the corporate greed profiteering of those who make a livelihood of imprisoning others and upholding the fascism of this capitalist/imperialist totalitarian police state. There is only one way out of this misery for us, and that is through class struggle and social revolution. I have my shovel in hand, and have joined the club of grave diggers, to dig the future grave of this racist, oppressive and criminal system of robbery called capitalism. Expropriate the expropriators! Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Estado Español: No somos héroes. Somos explotados. Somo explotadas.

May 1st, 2020


No somos héroes. Somos explotados. Somo explotadas.

Recopilación de paros, huelgas y conflictos varios en los centros de
trabajo bajo estado de alarma.

Por la extensión del conflicto. Por la solidaridad y la acción directa.

El trabajo no ha parado a pesar de la pandemia del coronavirus. Desde el
comienzo del confinamiento los trabajadores y trabajadoras de todo el
mundo hemos sido y seguimos siendo golpeados duramente por las
decisiones que empresas y gobiernos toman sobre nuestras vidas. Sea
porque tenemos que acudir a nuestros puestos de trabajo por ser
considerados esenciales, sea porque trabajos que no lo son mantengan su
actividad, sea porque hayamos sido despedidos y despedidas o porque un
ERTE sea la solución de muchas empresas, sea como sea, somos quienes
sufrimos una de las tantas consecuencias agravadas por la pandemia: la
dominación del trabajo asalariado. Dominación que ya sufríamos antes de
la aparición del coronavirus por la mayor pandemia, el capitalismo.

Seguimos produciendo bajo unas condiciones míseras de seguridad, con
mascarillas que no protegen apenas, si es que las dan y no las tiene que
llevar el trabajador, sin guardar la distancia de seguridad recomendada,
mientras seguimos sufriendo accidentes o muertes en el trabajo. Nos
jugamos la salud y la vida. Pero ante esta situación cientos de
trabajadores tanto en el Estado español como en otros países del mundo
se han levantado contra los explotadores en momentos puntuales de la
pandemia. Aquí se recogen algunos casos en los que los trabajadores y
trabajadoras han exigido mejoras en sus puestos de trabajo, han parado
la producción en sus empresas o declaran jornadas de huelga para
enfrentar la miseria a la que nos condena el Estado y el capital.

En España, trabajadores de diferentes empresas se han rebelado mediante
plantes o huelgas ante la falta de medidas de seguridad tomadas frente
al coronavirus:

Desde comienzos del Estado de alarma…

Valladolid, 16 de marzo. En Iveco los y las trabajadoras de esta
fábrica, donde se producen vehículos, paran de trabajar para exigir el
cierre de la misma por la falta de medidas de seguridad frente al
coronavirus y en vista de que otras fábricas de la misma empresa han

Vitoria, 16 de marzo.
Trabajadores y trabajadoras de la fábrica de
Mercedes paran la producción mediante una concentración frente a la
cadena de montaje exigiendo su paralización total y no parcial ante el

Rubí-Barcelona, 17 de marzo. Unos 600 trabajadores y trabajadoras de la
fábrica Continental, dedicada a la automoción, paran la producción
concentrándose en la puerta y negándose a trabajar ante la falta de gel
hidroalcohólico y mascarillas.

Ciudad Real, 17 de marzo. En la fábrica de Vestas, que produce aspas
para molinos eólicos, unos 800 trabajadores protestan improvisadamente
plantándose y parando la producción ante las insuficientes medidas de
seguridad sanitaria tomadas por la empresa.

Illescas-Toledo, 17 de marzo.
Una gran parte de trabajadores y
trabajadoras de Airbus no acude a la fábrica a trabajar por falta de
medidas preventivas ante el coronavirus.

Zaragoza, 17 de marzo. Los operarios de Balay en Montañana paran la
producción, ante las amenazas de la empresa, por la falta de gel
desinfectante y mascarillas.

Jerez, 17 de marzo. Trabajadores y trabajadoras de Correos denuncian que
trabajan sin medidas de seguridad para protegerse del coronavirus.

Vigo, 18 de marzo. Los trabajadores y trabajadoras de una oficina de
Unísono, dedicada a call centers, abandonan su puesto de trabajo por la
falta de medidas de seguridad frente al coronavirus. La empresa amenaza
con sancionar a quien no acuda a trabajar.

Asturias, 18 de marzo.
Trabajadores del astillero de Armón se plantan
por la falta de medidas de seguridad ante el covid-19. En numerosas
empresas aumentan las denuncias de trabajadoras y trabajadores por el
mismo problema en la región.

A Coruña, 22 de marzo. Empleados y empleadas de Zara exigen mascarillas,
guantes y gel desinfectante.

Barcelona, 23 de marzo.
Repartidores y repartidoras de Glovo denuncian
trabajar sin protecciones frente al coronavirus.

Madrid, 25 de marzo. Convocan huelga indefinida a partir del 30 de marzo
en Airbus por no considerar suficientes la medidas de seguridad
adoptadas por la empresa. Son 120 las personas contagiadas en esta
planta de Getafe, 101 las que están de baja por presentar síntomas y 430
las que están en cuarentena sin síntomas.

Álava, 26 de marzo.
Convocan huelga indefinida en Aernova
Aeroestructuras por la falta de medidas de seguridad frente al

Algeciras-Cádiz, 1 de abril. Cerca de 1.800 trabajadores y trabajadoras
del puerto de Algeciras no acuden a su puesto de trabajo durante varias
horas ante la negativa de las empresas estibadoras de pagar pluses.

Madrid, 14 de abril.
Convocan una segunda huelga en Airbus por la
reapertura de las plantas de Getafe, Madrid capital, Illescas y
Albacete, continuando con la falta de medidas de seguridad para los

Madrid, 16 de abril. Los “riders” de la empresa Globo protestan por la
reducción de recogida de 2,5 a 1,2 euros por recogida. Una manifestación
con decenas de motos y bicicletas recorre algunas calles de la ciudad en
pleno estado de alarma. Trabajadores y trabajadoras de esta y otras
empresas de reparto convocan una huelga internacional para el día 22 de

Zaragoza, 14 de abril. Una decena de trabajadores de Telepizza son
sancionados con 20 días de empleo y sueldo por negarse a trabajar sin
equipos de protección individual referentes al coronavirus. Como
respuesta se convoca huelga para el día 18 de abril.

En otras partes del mundo los trabajadores y trabajadoras le plantan
cara a esta situación usando una de las herramientas de los explotados:
la huelga.

Italia, 23 de marzo. Obreros y obreras de diferentes regiones de Italia,
como Lombardía o Lazio, convocan huelga ante la falta de medidas de
seguridad frente al coronavirus.

Zimbabue, 25 de marzo. Trabajadores y trabajadoras médicos anuncian una
huelga para denunciar la falta de medios de protección para tratar el
coronavirus. Las enfermeras dejan de trabajar hasta que se cumplan sus

Camboya, 25 de marzo. Cerca de 1000 trabajadores y trabajadoras del
sector textil, hacen huelga y protestan a las puertas de la fábrica de
Canteran Apparel por el impago de su salario.

Staten Island, EEUU, 30 de marzo. En Amazon convocan huelga para exigir
el cierre de la planta y su desinfección, también para que los
trabajadores cobren.

Malaui, 16 de abril. Huelga de los trabajadores sanitarios del hospital
Central Reina Isabel para exigir al gobierno la contratación de más
sanitarios, la revisión de su salario y denunciar la falta de recursos
frente al coronavirus.

Ecuador, 17 de abril. Decenas de trabajadores y trabajadoras de Glovo se
concentran a las puertas de la oficina de la empresa con sus motos
exigiendo medidas de protección contra el coronavirus y denunciar que no
se estén respetando las tarifas acordadas hacía unos meses.

Estados Unidos, 21 de abril. Trabajadores y trabajadoras de 71 almacenes
de Amazon van a la huelga durante los próximos días a causa de la mala
gestión del coronavirus por parte de la empresa.

Argentina, 22 de abril. Más de cien trabajadores y trabajadoras de la
empresa frigorífica Penta cortan el puente Pueyrredón para exigir la
re-admisión de 240 empleados despedidos y el pago de los salarios de
hace un mes.

Argentina, Perú, Guatemala, España, Costa Rica, 22 de abril.
Riders de
diferentes empresas como Glovo o Uber, llaman a huelga internacional
para denunciar la explotación laboral a la que están sometidos.

¡Por el conflicto de los y las explotadas contra los explotadores en
todo el mundo!

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Posted in Autonomy |

Italy: Updates about the Scripta Manent trial / Italia: Aggiornamenti sul processo Scripta Manent

May 1st, 2020

Italy: Updates about the Scripta Manent trial

For the date of July 1, 2020, the first appeal hearing of “Scripta Manent” trial has been established at the bunker hall of “Le Vallette” prison in Turin. The dates set for the appeal hearings are as follows: 1, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 July; 9, 11, 16 September.

In spite of the pandemic, the Court of Turin is among those that have guaranteed the holding of “important” trials, and with inmates, already scheduled for this summer. So presumably this date remains confirmed.

The comrades are accused of article 270 bis (subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order) and for various anti-militarist actions, against the CPRs (Centri di permanenza per il rimpatrio, “Repatriation detention centres”, formerly known as CIEs, i.e. prisons for migrants), in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists, against barracks, headquarters and men of the institutions claimed by FAI and FAI/FRI (Federazione Anarchica Informale/Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale), from 2003 to date. The accused currently imprisoned will be in videoconference, as in all the last hearings of
the first degree.

In fact, during the period of the preliminary hearings, there was still no law requiring videoconferencing. Subsequently, at the beginning of the first degree, the law that provided for it was passed, which granted a year of time to prisons and courts to adapt, imposing, in that year, videoconferencing only on the defendants accused of being at the top of the “associations”. After one year, videoconferencing was applied to everyone as planned.

During the hearing on February 11, 2019, in the bunker hall of the Turin prison, a large group of comrades expressed their warm solidarity with the anarchists on trial. The prosecutor, Roberto Sparagna, was unable to take the floor to present his indictment. After several slogans and the reading of the text below, the Court interrupted the hearing. The courtroom was evicted through the intervention of the riot police.

Consistent with the strategy employed by the investigators to date, aimed at isolating the prisoners and undermining the support expressed to them, pursuing the various manifestations of closeness and solidarity, following the presence in the courtroom in February 2019 the Turin police headquarters issued about sixty “fogli di via” (prohibition to reside or to go to a specific municipality or area) from the city and seven accusations for interruption of public office and outrage.

It remains important to continue to show our solidarity with the defendants.

«Twenty years of the history of anarchism are being accused here. We are not accused, but this is our history and our revolutionary path. And it is precisely to this path that the practices on trial today belong.
We are all involved and the executioners of the State cannot define or understand our ideas and our lives.
Solidarity with anarchist and revolutionary prisoners!
Not a step backwards, Always Heads Up.
“Firmly and uncompromisingly towards our goal”.
For Anarchy!».


Italia: Aggiornamenti sul processo Scripta Manent

Per la data del 1° luglio è stata stabilita la prima udienza di appello del processo Scripta Manent presso l’aula bunker delle Vallette di Torino. Le date fissate per le udienze di appello sono queste: 1, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 luglio; 9, 11, 16 settembre.

Nonostante la pandemia, il Tribunale di Torino è fra quelli che hanno garantito lo svolgersi di processi “importanti”, e con detenuti, già in calendario per questa estate. Quindi presumibilmente questa data rimane in effetti confermata.

I/le compagni/e imputati/e sono accusati di 270 bis e per varie azioni antimilitariste, contro i CPR, in solidarietà agli anarchici
prigionieri, contro caserme, sedi e uomini delle istituzioni a firma FAI e FAI/FRI, dal 2003 ad oggi. Gli imputati prigionieri saranno in videoconferenza, come in tutte le ultime udienze del primo grado.

Infatti durante il periodo delle udienze preliminari non c’era ancora nessuna legge che imponesse la videoconferenza. Poi, all’inizio del primo grado è passata la legge che però concedeva un anno di tempo a carceri e tribunali per adeguarsi, imponendo in quell’anno di adeguamento la videoconferenza solo agli imputati accusati di essere ai vertici delle “associazioni”. Passato l’arco di tempo di un anno, la videoconferenza è stata applicata a tutti/e come previsto.

All’udienza dell’11 febbraio 2019, sempre nell’aula bunker del carcere di Torino, un nutrito gruppo di compagni e compagne ha espresso la sua calorosa solidarietà agli anarchici/e sotto processo. Il PM Roberto Sparagna, è stato impossibilitato a prendere parola per formulare la sua requisitoria. Dopo diversi slogan e la lettura del testo sottostante, la Corte ha interrotto l’udienza. L’aula è stata sgomberata dall’intervento delle squadre antisommossa.

Coerentemente alla strategia impiegata dagli inquirenti fino ad ora, tesa a isolare i prigionieri e minare il sostegno espresso loro, perseguendo le varie manifestazioni di vicinanza e solidarietà, la questura di Torino in seguito alla presenza in aula di febbraio, ha emesso una sessantina di fogli di via dalla città, e sette denunce per interruzione di ufficio ed oltraggio in concorso.

Rimane importante continuare a dimostrare la nostra solidarietà agli/le imputati/e.

«Qui si stanno mettendo sotto accusa 20 anni di storia dell’anarchismo.
Non siamo imputati, ma questa è la nostra storia ed il nostro percorso rivoluzionario.
E proprio a questo percorso appartengono le pratiche oggi sotto processo.
Siamo tutti coinvolti e i boia dello stato non possono definire né comprendere le nostre idee e le nostre vite.
Solidarietà ai prigionieri anarchici e rivoluzionari!
Non un passo indietro, Sempre A Testa Alta.
“Fermamente e senza compromessi verso il nostro obiettivo”.
Per l’Anarchia!».


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Posted in Social Control |

Thessaloniki: Responsibility claim for incendiary attacks by Constantly Fluid Union (Greece)

May 1st, 2020

This is a translation of a Greek text claiming the responsibility for some incendiary attacks on two vehicles of the Hellenic Post and a vehicle of a security company at Thessaloniki, Greece. This action took place during the quarantine days, in the middle of April 2020, by the “Constantly Fluid Union”. The photos are taken from corporate media. Here is the original source-link with the Greek text.

We responsibly declare that we are irresponsible

We move around insubordinate

We will not leave the fight for later

So let’s play

The night falls on the metropolis.

The roles have been consolidated, as the quarantine conjuncture builds a new routine, having passed a big period of time.

A routine being controlled and which simultaneously controls us.

Citizens are enclosed inside their homes, they open their TVs for the evening program. The question is if they ever closed them all day. Some of them, recalling the glorious days of their “freedom”, take a battle position on their balcony; they are the initiative protectors, those checking who moves around and who doesn’t. They don’t just gaze, they feed their thirstiness for control and police inspection of their neighbourhoods. Snitches, responsible citizens, good house-keepers, supporters of the military junta, alpha males; they emit the disgusting smell wafting around the city, which is empty of people and full of cops.

And of course cops experience once again the protagonist role. Dispersed on the streets, wandering around as imposing figures, they dominate the neighbourhoods and proudly check the people. Sometimes they don’t even need to do this, because they get their pleasure by the anxious glances and steps of the passengers, even if they don’t stop some of them.

The imposed routine of confinement that we experience since more than one month, has generated unprecedented feelings to us. Things that since now were considered as dystopic (reports of moving around, control of the social field in militarized terms, cops in the streets, drones), now are just reality, and other things (such us protests, posterings, gatherings) are getting criminalized.

Our hatred for authority and the complex of power in which we survive isn’t paused. We need to invent new praxises, both to achieve the pre-quarantine obvious things, and to continue causing open wounds and cracks on the existent. We try, by being close to each other, to not get seized by fear, wherever it comes from. We find targets to attack, so as not to die by tedium or in front of a screen, and simultaneously to elicit clandestine complicit smiles to our comrades.

And when does all this finish?

Probably when it is defined by those who set the game of law.

When is it crumbled up?

When some people choose to have some flammable stuff on them during a purposeless walk.

A fire can disturb the rules, disturb those who set them, because apparently some individuals intend neither to obey nor to submit. And maybe this fire is the healing element that can be channelized through the streets of the ghost-town, and through the eyes of the gloomy and almost lifeless people composing it.

On Friday 10/04, we set fire to two vehicles of ELTA (Hellenic Post), at Papanastasiou street, opposite to Ippokratio hospital.

On Wednesday 15/04, we placed an incendiary device to a vehicle of a security company at Sikies area.

We send a signal of solidarity to all those who, even if they are incarcerated and directly afflicted by the state of exemption, though they continue to have a decent and combatant position.

Our incendiary greetings to all the migrants who revolt inside the detention centres, to all the prisoners inside the Greek hellholes, who experience revengeful transfers or repressive investigations in their cells by the scum of Greek Police.

With happiness and pleasure overflowing from our eyes, we declare that nothing will remain unanswered, we will come back armed with more rage, being more rabid and dangerous.

From Korinthos to Malandrino, Thebes, Domokos, and from Paranesti to Corfu, Koridalos, Chania and Grevena: FIRE AND FLAMES TO EVERY CELL / CAGE.


Constantly Fluid Union

Received via Translation Initiative.

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Athens, Greece: Responsibility Claim for Domiciliary Incendiary Attacks

May 1st, 2020

Received on 30.04.2020:

Translation of a text claiming responsibility for incendiary attacks against people serving the political, journalist, repressive, judicial machinery. The attacks took place in the first days of March in Athens, Greece, by the “Anarchist Groups of Nocturnal Visits”. There are also a few photos from some of the attacks below. This is the source-link from the original publication on Athens Indymedia (including the Greek text and the photos)…

We live in the era of hyper-information and perpetual production and flow of news. The dominant power is defined by the control over the info-flow and the big-data. The control of human force is now possible via the constant analysis of the data daily collected by everyone’s digital tracks, and intends to a voluntary enslavement under the dominant order. These imposition terms are totally different and more whitewashed in comparison with the previous years. The strategy of counter-insurgency and preventive repression against the damned ones has been framed by dystopic new technologies, specialized knowledge and even more fluid and complex methods of investigation and evidence collection. The constant mapping of our anarchist environments from the police forces -i.e. the prosecutions and the arrests for postering and interventions, or the GPS trackers and the micro-cameras planted to comrades’ homes and vehicles- intends to the perpetual enrichment of their data-base, utilised by the State’s machinery.

Once more we see a systematic imposition of far-right and racist narratives by the media. This way, they justify the image of militarized public spaces and the droves of cops dispersing through every street and square. The national body is spreading its roots in the arid soils of its downfallen inheritage, supporting again the rising of neo-nazis and fascists who were hiding under the umbrella of patriotism and “frustration”. We also notice an increasing intensity on their actions, along with operational development of the means they use, and apparently the equivalent State’s support and analgaesia. The armed citizens’ guardings in Evros, under the tolerance and the covering of the police forces, are a gloomy depiction of the future. All those who had signed an informal or formal truce with the previous government due to their supposed social-democratic mediocrity, lost the “deal” after July. All those who supported the politics of SYRIZA due to ideological affinity, are now dully shouting, trying to persuade us that it was the lesser evil.

Greek State, in the present historical conjuncture, is coping with the interior enemy applying the intensive strategy, imposing states of exemption and “law and order” doctrines, erecting monuments of victory against our imprisoned and prosecuted comrades, striving for the establishment of capitalist normality and the interception of every insurrectional move. It’s our responsibility to develop a militant infrastructure and to carefully plan our next steps to the formation of a prepared anarchist movement, able to stand as a barricade against the totalitarian capitalist attack. At the last months, the actions of individual and collective insurgency become more frequent, painting the nocturnal metropolitan canvas with fiery shines of arsons, deafening melodies of explosions and beams of successful conspiracies.

Domiciliary incendiary attacks as one of the fine arts

The complex of the dominant capitalist relationship is not only composed by faceless nets of capitalist violence and relentless reproduction of the social relationships being imposed by them. It’s not only composed by our mental mutilation, by our fragmentation, by the repeated behaving of the capitalist ritual inside the metropolitan factory which destroys our memory, our creative imagination, our identity. It’s not only composed by the capital’s expansion on every second of our daily life, even further than the working condition; a process of denervation that destroys every non-capitalist cell of our individuality. The capitalist formation is also composed by human beings who become an integral part of it by serving a social, economical, political role. They are one among the many expressions of capitalist brutality; they are its body and it voice, its eyes and its ears, its guns which target us, and its stormy propaganda.

The strategy of personalized targeting serves plenty of political and tactical purposes. It transfers the fear and the terror -grown and practiced against the oppressed ones- to the dominants’ homes, to the places in which they feel safe and invulnerable. It proves that we are able to afflict them, when being organized and having the will; that, when we choose the time and the place, when we choose the guerrilla methodology as a tool of struggle and conflict, we can be the front of counter-attack against the state’s and capitalism’s strategy of counter-insurgency. It’s in our hands to remind the zealous guardians of the capitalist world that they can face determined resistance if we realize the social war’s full dimensions. If we reify the material consequences that will be paid by all those who serve the modern gloom.

If we take the decision to become really dangerous and to organize ourselves. Let’s bring the warfare to their garden, outside their doors. Because, even if the people serving important positions on the authoritarian pyramid are expendable, it’s still of a high political importance to give them back the fear and the psychosomatic pain which they’ve exercised over the oppressed bodies. Let’s become the constant threat dangling over their heads; the threat that makes them need 24/7 armed security outside their homes or during their transportations, cameras on every corner, and finally a whole machinery of research, prevention, data collection, repression and justification of their disgrace. Let this threat hunt them. The active supporters of the dystopic neo-liberal normality are targeted. Therefore, it would be appropriate for them to count their choices and their words, claiming the importance we intend to impute to them counting their addresses.

Unfolding our roots and origins on the public sphere

That’s where we come from: From the apartments of the miserable cement and the metropolitan isolation. From the failed crises of conscience attempted by the media via brain-washing and reality inversion; from the mass culture of consumerism and advertising which construct pseudo-necessities, so as to fulfill the bosses’ pockets; from the body punishment of the beatings at the police stations and the protests, when we decide to stand against power; from the “non-violent” ideology, which is nothing more than a humiliating bow and a call for the dominant subjects to continue their murderous work; from the depression, which is massively spread by capitalism via asphyxiating pressure, virtual stupor, ruination of every healthy social relationship – intending to give us the “solution” and heal us via psycho-pharmaceutical drugs, leaving us limp, unconscious, wandering victims of the post-modern decay.

Facing the violent present of our times, we regret remaining indifferent servants and pathetic observers.
We want to counter-attack; against the functions of management and reproduction of the capitalist reality, against the “bellum omnium contra omnes”, against the individualization and the constant antagonism. We want to make barricades of resistance against a state which rises nationalism and racism; which divides the people into locals and foreign ones; which decides for their life or their death at the ground or sea borders, under the sound of war drum beat and the screamings of the expanding social fascistization.

Anarchy -as the embodiment of the constant war for freedom- is a permanent reminder to those serving the authoritarian institutions that it can be perceived as a revenge on a small scale for everyone who feels that capitalism is social death in disguise, an open wound from which the blood of the world’s damned ones spills all over. A revenge on a small scale for all of us that feel we’ve lost thousands of beautiful days enclosed in the labour camps, producing profit for the bosses; that we’ve lost thousands of beautiful days incarcerated in the concentration camps, in their open or closed detention centres and prisons; that we daily destroy our bodies so as to cope with the ridiculous employer’s demands; that we become expendable so as not to disrupt the capitalist profit-seeking. That’s why these actions are also a signal of solidarity to those who will find a part of themselves reading this text; a promise that the struggle goes on; an open challenge, because we need comrades with whom to create militant bonds and collective prospects. Let’s fulfill the vision of freedom and resistance, so as to become the worst nightmare of those who want us with our head bowed.

Our relationships and our beliefs are planted like a seed deeply inside the soil. They flourish like cracks of vegetation out of the mousy and cold cement. They flourish everywhere and always. This time, they flourished from the flames and the whomps of the incendiary/explosive devices that we placed at the doors and the property of some wingmen of the capitalist abjection that we experience and fight inside our territory.

We claim responsibility for the incendiary attacks on the houses of:

Manolis Asariotis, a police reporter of ANT1 (Greek corporate media). His role as a person that totally supports the state and expresses the government’s propaganda on his public speeches, in fact being their physical extension; his total co-ordination with the (un)known circles of the counter-terrorist unit which publicize fake news so as to target comrades; his opportunism and his hatred against anarchists that lead him to build a “reality show” around the personal lives of anarchist combatants, to reproduce the police narratives, to construct guiltiness for many people, to prepare the ground for their repression; his role to cover up all the crimes of Greek Police against combatants, migrants, excluded ones; these are some of the reasons why we visited him. Next time he reproduces fake news and targets people, let him be aware that his house is known in our circles.

Thanos Tzimeros, a fascist politician. His role as a graphic, though potentially dangerous politician; his public statements that profane our fallen ones, such as Alexis Grigoropoulos and Pavlos Fyssas, his racist and xenophobic gutter against migrants, the shameful reproduction of the theory of the two extremes (horseshoe theory), and the equation of nazism with communism; these are some of the dozens of reasons why we visited him. To solve the question of our poor Thanos: maybe he hasn’t served any political position – even if he has elected 3 members on the county council of Attica. Though, he is still a visible voice of the far-right wing, of the neo-liberal pole, of the conservative narratives. His stupidity surprised us once more, as we learned that he makes a fundraising to collect money and fix his house’s burnt-down entrance. Let him be sure that now, as we know his house, maybe we will unsuspectedly give him our fund.

Ioanna Mandrou, a journalist of SKAI (Greek corporate media), and her judicial husband. Nothing was mentioned in the corporate media about the incendiary attack on the authoritarian couple’s house. Her role as a priest of the judicial reportage, based on the “objectivity” and the “valid information” coming straight out of her husband, who serves an important position on the judicial hierarchy; her constant slandering against political prisoners (i.e. the case of the negative decision about the furloughs of Dimitris Koufontinas) and prosecuted combatants; her offensive comments against Magda Fyssas (that during the court she was provocative against the murderer of her son, Pavlos Fyssas); her responsibility for the perpetual covering of every political and economical scandal (see Novartis), as she always creates atmosphere for the social justification of the pre-decided acquittals; the fact that she is politically organized on New Democracy party, and she can be noticed at every encounter, outing or meeting of ND politicians (see the video of her dancing at en event of the Minister of Maritime Affairs, Giannis Plakiotakis, along with all the far-right gutter); the fact that she is a fanatic supporter of fascism, of the memoranda, of the social inequality, of state repression; all these were enough for us to target her. Let both her and her husband keep in their minds that we still have unfinished business with them. The choice of Mandrou to pressure our comrades through slandering, lies and obsessions, opening the doors for the judicial scum -like her husband and his “high class” fellows, who hung our comrades on the loop of incarceration- will not remain unanswered.

Manolis Themelis, a veteran cop who is now a local politician next to the mayor (ex PASOK member) of Nea Filadelfia region, Giannis Vouros. This was an attack also not mentioned at the media. He is a fascist militant, with an active role on reproducing the governmental strategy on his neighbourhood. He has worked as a cop at the Police Station of Omonoia -known for its cops’ plenty of brutalities and murders (among others), having a prominent position on torturing, attacking, bullying and humiliating migrants over the past years. He has served the Greek Police in several ways, always reproducing the dominant cannibalistic and exploitative morality. He is one among the many “anonymous” cops, well-buried inside the slime of the supposed anonymity ensured by their position as expendable executive organs. We exhumed him as an example for every equivalent piece of human garbage, so as to remind them that they’ve made very specific and unforgettable life-choices. Maybe an incendiary gift to their cars or to their houses’ entrance can help them remember that they are on the first line of the war against the revolutionaries and the damned ones, and that this position will possibly have a personal price for them.

Our total solidarity to our comrades K. Athanasopoulou, D. Valavani and G. Michailidis, who are now imprisoned, after a counter-terrorist operation.

Strength for the four comrades who are prosecuted for their participation to the supposed organization “Comrades”, after a stupidly orchestrated operation intending to terrorize the anarchist movement in total.

Signals of solidarity and strength to our comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, to the two comrades arrested for the arson of an ATM in Madrid, to the Park Bench three in Germany, and to all the anarchist, anti-authoritarian and antifascist prisoners in Russia and Italy.

Our thoughts for the imprisoned people who revolt against the state of isolation inside the Italian prisons, after the generalized emergency situation.

Inside our hearts, the flames of the Chilean insurrection are still burning, and we don’t forget neither the fallen ones, nor the imprisoned ones, nor the people who experienced the brutality of the uniformed scum.

And because memory is a weapon on our hands, Lambros Fountas always accompanies our hearts and our struggles. On the 10th of March nobody dies, as the 10th of March gives birth to guerrillas.

Anarchist Groups of Nocturnal Visits

PS: We consider as non-equivalent for this situation to just make a fragmentary mention on the issue of COVID-19. We would just like to simeologically focus on the enforced exercises of social distancing, alienation, self retirement, loneliness, insecurity and fear for the people next to us. Exercises of consolidation of the emergency state, of the metropolitan militarization, of the capitalist restructuring in terms of militarized and battle management on the social field, of the fluid and elastic readjustment of the working relationships via the house-work and the temporary engagements, of the destruction of every collective feeling inside the working spaces or the fields of social reproduction. Exercises of closed mouths end eyes in front of the modern upgraded panoptic control, the thermal cameras or the cameras of immediate biometric analysis, the silent drones, the justification of the mobile tracking. Exercises of insensitivity and apathy in front of the total unfolding of the modern death-politics and the social exclusion of migrants, prisoners, homeless ones, people that practically couldn’t follow the infamous “We stay at home”, because they don’t have a home, or maybe because their “home” is a place where they are invisibly accumulated, with no medical care, as they are not considered as “normal people”, as “citizens”, but as superfluous bodies.

The management of this “health crisis” in terms of war, is just one more point of the social-class war. It’s a straight attack against the exiled from the kingdom of privileges, as there’s no golden cell for them to be stoically enclosed, but precarious and underpaid long hours, savage working hours without the necessary means of hygiene, firings and unemployment, hunting for handouts, high anxiety and insecurity for what’s next. The class truce which we are about to sign, coping with the “invisible enemy threatening the society”, makes even more visible for us where to direct our fire. What we deeply need to communicate with our comrades now, is that -beyond the basic issues of solidarity, mutual aid and self-protection- this conjuncture should find us prepared. Let’s communicate – Let’s talk – Let’s organize – Let’s get ready. So that we can be able to stand on our ground and cope with the coming capitalist crisis and the war against us.

Translated from Greek by: Translation Initiative

Formatting via AWW.

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BAD News #33: Angry Voices From Around The World

May 1st, 2020

Welcome to the 33rd edition of Bad News. This is our Angry Voices From Around The World for April, 2020. A report from the international network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios.

If you’d like to get involved in the network or want to hear more – send an email to a-radio-network@riseup.net.
Check out all the shows look for the a-radio-network collection on archive.org or at our website, a-radio-network.org.


1. Črna Luknja sharing a thought on how does corona virus influence our society and thoughts on how to intervene politically in state of emergency – from Federation for Anarchist Organizing from Slovenia and part of Croatia.
2. 105fm (Mytilene, Lesvos) for the general situation in Lesvos, situation in Moria camp and hunger strike in Moria’s prison.
3. The Final Straw Radio sharing a short description of recent covid-19 subjects in the US and some commentary by anarchist prisoner Sean Swain on how to make it through isolation more safely.
4. R.O.S.E. (Athens) with updates and news from Athens.
5. A-Radio Berlin on a commentary about the global situation these days.
6. Free Social Radio 1431AM (Thessaloniki) about
the cut of power supply in BIO.ME. (an occupied and self-organized factory in Thessaloniki)
movements and struggles in prisons during the quarantine and corona-virus.
repression in so-called Greece during the quarantine and corona-virus.
arrests of Kurdish and Turkish comrades in Athens.
evictions of migrant’s “home” squats.
7. Dissident Island (London) focuses on issues around housing in the UK, discussing moves the state has made to protect landlords, the lip service paid to renters and homeless folk, and the self-organised solutions that are emerging through rent strike and mutual aid groups.
8. Frequenz A with an interview with somebody of the anarchist network Dresden (Germoney) about their initiative in their neighborhood during the covid-19 crisis.
9. Radio Fragmata (Athens) with an introduction on the socio-political situation and struggles in Greek territory.

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The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions: COVID-19, Corbyn and ‘Crisis’ (UK)

April 28th, 2020

Text from the UK reflecting on anarchy, “democracy”, coronavirus, and responses to the pandemic…

PDF: The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions: COVID-19, Corbyn and ‘Crisis’

We started to write this text last December, just after the general election in England, in response to the huge number of anarchists who voted…. then coronavirus hit. Struggling to make sense of the new context we are in, we wondered if our critique of “democracy” (and the surge of Labour voting anarchists) in the UK was appropriate. Some may read this text as an unsympathetic distraction from a global “crisis”.

We hope our humble (but fiery) reflections will spark some much needed discussion. Now is the time for difficult questions….and as there will be no return to “normal”, we decided to publish it now. Email us at theroadtohell [at] riseup [dot] net

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