‘Prison Struggle’ Archives

Argentina: Update on the Cruel and Inhumane Treatment of Anarchist Prisoner Anahi Salcedo

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Anahi Salcedo has been held in Ezeiza Prison since January 10th. She is on remand accused of the explosive attack against the tomb of the infamous, genocidal torturer, Commissioner Ramón Falcón, Chief of the Argentine Federal Police that took place on November 14th, 2018 – 109 years since Falcón was executed by Anarchist comrade Simón Radowitzky.

Anahi received serious injuries to her hand and face, allegedly following the premature detonation of a homemade explosive device at the tomb. At the time of her arrest, Anahi lost three fingers on one hand and suffered serious injuries to the rest of her body including a fracture of the clavicle on her other arm. (more…)

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‘We Will Never Abandon Rojava’ by Keith Malik Washington (USA)

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

From AMW:

“Revolutionary change will not come as a singular event, nor an immediate exchange of power, but an ongoing struggle to free us all from the bonds of oppression and distribute power to communities of resistance. The illusion that a small group can seize state power and enact the will of the majority has dried up in the gulags, prisons, and killing fields of nation-states around the world. The Cantons of Rojava, a network of councils without the State, has introduced a new revolutionary paradigm… As we formulate our next steps, we harken to Rojava as a model. Just as it is grounded in the Kurdish liberation movement in Rojava, we here must ground ourselves in the black liberation movement against slavery.”

Burn Down the American Plantation (What We’re Working Towards), pg 68-69, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement

Revolutionary Greetings Comrades!

Did you really think for one moment that I was going to remain silent?

I began working with RAM because of Rojava. The Kurdish struggle struck home. Do you realize that these Sisters and Brothers in Northern Iraq and Syria helped fight and defeat ISIS? Yeah! That is right! These beautiful people, who Donald Trump wants to abandon, sacrificed their lives for the good of all. I was careful when I decided to speak out. Right around the time Trump made his announcement that the U.S. would pull out of Syria – George W. Bush had died. It wasn’t really good for me to say what I needed to say but now I am going to say it!! (more…)

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Santiago, Chile: 4º Comunicado público de la Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

“Tokata Antikarcelaria” en solidaridad con Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda en Peñalolén el 15/03/2019.

A 11 años de los hechos en San Martín de los Andes, Argentina
Solidaridad activa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda a la calle

La expropiación al Banco Security en el centro de Santiago el 18 de Octubre de 2007, la persecución mediática, policial y estatal que se desató contra varios compañeros subversivos cuando ellos tomaron la opción de fugarse para salvaguardar sus vidas fueron golpes que calaron hondo en toda una estructura que se muestra fuerte, intocable e invulnerable.

La detención de los compañeros Marcelo y Freddy el día 15 de Marzo de 2008 en San Martín de los Andes (Argentina) pone fin a su clandestinidad, momento en el que se encontraban con David Cid Aedo, quien es detenido, puesto en libertad y expulsado a Chile con posterioridad. En esta ocasión Marcelo y Freddy son acusados de porte ilegal de armas de guerra, por lo que son condenados a 3 años y 6 meses de prisión. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial against the accused of Operation Fenix 2 (Czech Republic)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

On April 8th, 10th and 12th, 2019, the trial with 4 anarchists and one environmentalist accused in operation Fenix 2 will be taking place at the district court of Most, every day at 8:30 a.m. Come to support them at the courthouse or by any solidarity action. Let them know you are not apathetic to their future as you are not towards the freedom of all of us. Any way of expressing support is welcomed!

Ve dnech 8., 10. a 12. dubna 2019 proběhne soudní líčení se čtyřmi anarchisty a jedním environmentalistou obviněnými v kauze Fénix 2. Podpořte obviněné přímo u soudu nebo jinou solidární akcí. Dejte najevo, že jejich budoucnost, stejně jako svoboda nás všech vám není lhostejná. Jakékoliv vyjádření podpory je vítáno! Soud bude probíhat každý den od 8:30 u okresního soudu v Mostě.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update about anarchists imprisoned following “Scintilla” and “Renata” operations (Italy)

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Some comrades arrested on 19.02.2019 in Trentino as part of the repressive operation called “Renata” were transferred to other prisons (Ferrara, Rome Rebibbia and Tolmezzo, where Giulio and Stecco were already located). We remind that the main accusations against them are “attack with the purpose of terrorism” (article 280 of the penal code) and, not for all the comrades, to have constituted or participated in a “subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of democratic order” (article 270 bis of the penal code). Here the updated addresses:

Agnese Trentin
C. C. di Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma
Italia (Italy) (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Spain: Our comrade Lisa has been transferred to Catalonia

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Wednesday, March 13, we received a call from the comrade that evening telling us that she had been transferred to Catalonia, specifically to Brians I. Her detention regime remains the same as in Soto del Real, second degree, with no intercepted communications, mail restrictions and not in isolation. We continue to encourage writing and live solidarity. New contact address:

Lisa Dorfer
C.P Brians I
Carretera de Martorell a Capellades, Km 23
08.635, Sant Esteve Sesrovires

Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Internationalistische Demonstration & Kundgebung zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen (Deutschland)

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Berlin: Internationalistische Demonstration & Kundgebung zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen

Samstag 16.03.2019, 15 Uhr Hermannplatz Demo

Montag 18.03.2019 16 Uhr (Kundgebung), Justizministerium, Mohrenstr. 37 in Mitte

Solidarität mit allen politischen und revolutionären Gefangenen!

DEVRİMCİ TUTSAKLARA ÖZGÜRLÜK!, الحرية للثوار في السجون

Anlässlich des 18.März als „Tag der Pariser Commune“ und „Tag der politischen Gefangenen“ rufen wir zu Solidarität mit den politischen und revolutionären Gefangenen weltweit auf. Viele von ihnen sind seit Jahrzehnten in Haft. Sie befinden sich in Knästen, weil sie gegen Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Besatzung und imperialistische Kriege einen organisierten Kampf führen.

Aktivist*innen sind politischen Verfahren ausgesetzt und werden teilweise zu langjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt, ins Exil oder zur Flucht getrieben, wo sie wiederum verfolgt, angeklagt und eingesperrt werden. Menschen, die in Europa und der BRD ankommen, werden mittels Anti-Terror-Gesetzen, in Deutschland beispielsweise nach §129b StGB, jahrelang eingesperrt. So befinden sich in der BRD dutzende Revolutionär*innen aus der Türkei und Kurdistan in Haft. Die Gefangenen unserer Bewegungen dürfen nicht vergessen werden. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Scripta Manent Trial Statement by Comrade Gioacchino Somma (Italy)

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Two years after the beginning of this trial, which I am facing with my comrades, anarchist brothers and sisters, and after letting the prosecutor speak, with a sick fantasy that does not surprise anyone, today more than ever I reaffirm with even more force the fact that I am an anarchist, an individualist and an insurrectionist.

Having read thousands of pages of court files, written by the different inquisitors of Turin and Naples, has made me even more convinced that it is better to sometimes have problems with justice, rather than for it to agree with you.

I keep my ideas, which you do not like because they aim at the destruction of everything that has to do with your miserable world.

If I could have chosen, I would never have been born, but others chose for me and I was only able to live in this world in my own way. I will never be part of the herd to which you dictate the path of grazing… I am different. I prefer to leave the trails and walk with the wolves. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Madrid, Spain : Imprisoned anarchist comrade Lisa no longer in isolation

Sunday, March 3rd, 2019

Lisa was put in isolation following her transfer from Willich prison [in Germany] to Madrid. In a recent letter she says she has gone [from the FIES regime] to ordinary detention conditions and that she no longer has restrictions on her mail. She is well and strong.

To write to her :

Lisa Dorfer
C.P. Madrid V
Módulo 13
Carretera M609, km 3,5
28971 Soto del Real, Spain.

via: Sansattendre
Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation (Italy)

Sunday, February 24th, 2019

[Below in French and Italian / Sotto in francese ed italiano].

Text read in solidarity to anarchists under trial following Scripta Manent operation.

On Monday 11 February in the bunker hall of the Turin prison a large group of comrades expressed their solidarity with the anarchists on trial following the “Scripta manent” operation (6.09.2016). Roberto Sparagna (the public prosecutor in the trial) was unable to take a word to formulate his indictment. After several slogans and the reading of the following text, the Court interrupted the hearing. The courtroom was evicted through the intervention of the riot squads. During the protest, solidarity was expressed to all the anarchists arrested and on trial during this period, following the repressive operations “Scripta Manent”, “Panico” and “Scintilla”, and against the eviction of Asilo Occupato in Turin.

Freedom for all prisoners! Long live anarchy!

Below the text: (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

(Argentina) Actividad de presentación de revista realizada por compañerxs en prisión

Friday, February 22nd, 2019

Saludamos y alentamos la iniciativa de lxs compañerxs que aun
transitando una situación de encierro deciden sacar estas páginas a las calles. Páginas cargadas de experiencias, anécdotas y reflexiones que a su vez son parte de un recorrido salvaje que con sus errores, contradicciones y aprendizajes nos demuestran que la lucha no termina en el cautiverio, por el contrario, ella prevalece como una de las múltiples acciones que dan vida a la ofensiva contra el poder, por encima de todos los pronósticos y aun en un terreno con total adversidad.

¡¡¡ Adelante compañerxs, el abismo no nos detiene, decididxs vamos en busca de la libertad absoluta !!!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted Revolutionaries from Greece – Firefund

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants is a structure from Greece, which for the past 9 years has been actively organizing the political, ethical and material support of imprisoned and persecuted revolutionaries. Due to the immense amount of money we have to collect and send _each month_ to the imprisoned comrades in order to cover their needs inside the prisons, and thus the tough financial situation we’re facing, we decided to use the firefund platform.

Firefund is an online crowdsourcing platform, run by activists, in order to fund radical causes. You can donate safely either by using credit card or with cryptocurrency (ether). Also if you want you can choose to contribute an amount to the team that administrates the platform.

The link of our campaign is this: https://www.firefund.net/prisonsoli

You can find more info about us and why we choose to use firefund in the link.

The contribution of each and every one who wants to help our cause is ESSENTIAL. While we also believe that it’s rather important to forward this initiative to anyone with whom we may not have contact with. To any comrade/collective who stand with solidarity against oppression.

Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants from Greece
(for contact: tameio (at) espiv (dot) net)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Three anti-prison and prisoner solidarity initiatives from UK

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

1: 2019 – Year of Action against Prison Expansion

2: March 2019 – Month of Action against Prisons and the State – For Anna

3: 13 March – Global day of solidarity with Kevan Thakrar & Against Solitary Confinement

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Palabras del compañero Joaquín García en prision (Chile)

Thursday, December 27th, 2018

“Antes, oh astro, matinal brillabas sobre los Vivos. Ahora, al extinguirte, vespertino brillas sobre los Muertos”

“Murió Adonaïs y por su muerte lloro.
Llorad por Adonaïs, aunque las lágrimas
no deshagan la escarcha que les cubre.
Y tú, su hora fatal, la que, entre todas,
fuiste elegida para nuestro daño,
despierta a tus oscuras compañeras,
muéstrales tu tristeza y di: conmigo
murió Adonaïs, y en tanto que el futuro
a olvidar al pasado no se atreva,
perdurarán su fama y su destino
como una luz y un eco eternamente”

-P.B. Shelley-

Quería escribirle a un tú ausente, tal vez inexistente; pensaba contribuir a las palabras de Shelley y darle vida a esta hermosa elegía, pero nunca le he escrito a un muerto y esta no será la excepción.

Cae sobre mí una falsa responsabilidad; muchos, consciente o inconscientemente, creen que nosotros, sus compañeros, poseemos el derecho o la autoridad de decir quien fue realmente nuestro hermano, y la verdad es que es una tarea imposible, tanto porque dicho derecho no existe, como por la complejidad que supone escribir en palabras sobre nuestro compañero; tal vez podríamos, como aquel alemán, destruir a martillazos la imagen que de él se ha construido. Es difícil comprender la falta de vergüenza de quienes revindican el nombre de Kevin, aun tal vez sin nunca haberlo leído/conocido, han acomodado a su interés la imagen del nuevo mártir, ni siquiera hace falta preguntarse cuantos realmente estuvieron, no hace falta porque aquí no existe ni existió nunca la mendicidad, la misericordia le pertenece a las víctimas y quien murió fue un guerrero: como bien lo recordó un hermano; “Él era solo él, Kevin contra el mundo”. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Days of Rages’ Patches Project (USA)

Thursday, December 27th, 2018

Days of Rage Patches is an anarchist project that focuses on making vegan, straight edge, green anarchist, anti-fascist, queer nihilist, post-left anarchy patches in exchange for funds to support prisoners.

Days of Rage Patches supports a list of eco-anarchist and Standing Rock imprisoned fighters. At the present time, the individuals we are supporting are: Joseph Mahmoud Dibee (https://bit.ly/2ozUXsO), Brian Vaillancourt (https://bit.ly/2Q3s5FV), Little Feather (https://bit.ly/2wE6dYF), and Dion Ortiz (https://bit.ly/2oJ4Dl3).


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