‘Library’ Archives

PDF: ‘UK Eco-Anarchy’ Zine

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

PDF: UK Eco-Anarchy #0

Direct action and listings for hand out and flypost…

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‘Trying to Fix a Broken Spirit’ – Anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol (UK)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

PDF: ‘Trying to Fix a Broken Spirit’ Zine

“I’d rather scratch cars than gamble on scratch cards, at least I know I’m under no illusion of winning!”

Hooligan poetry from the streets of the scum-town of Bristol, leafy city of disease rotting in the West.

The theme’s grimy and you can combat the down-trodden feeling. Laughing that you have nothing, but nothing holds you back.

That’s what this zine is about.

If you like this zine, read these others:
‘Step into the Unknown’
‘Tool 4 Crowd-control – Class War-Horse’

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Sortie de « Des Ruines » n°3/4 (France)

Friday, March 8th, 2019

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer, après une longue absence, quelques complications et un travail de plusieurs années, la sortie d’un double numéro de la revue anarchiste apériodique mais loin d’être prématurée Des Ruines, au format A4 relié et avec cette fois-ci 308 pages et trois grands dossiers.
Des Ruines se donne toujours pour ambition de remuer les réflexions, recherches et débats autour des perspectives révolutionnaires anarchistes et antiautoritaires ; certains débats vifs et d’actualité, certains autres intemporels ou laissés de côté et exhumés pour l’occasion.

Sur le site de la revue, on pourra télécharger les quinze premières pages au format PDF (couverture + édito + sommaire):

Pour plus d’infos sur ce double numéro, son contenu, comment se le procurer et sur les commandes :

Des Ruines,
Revue anarchiste apériodique.

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New Issue of Anathema! (USA)

Friday, March 8th, 2019


In this issue:

Krasner was Never a Prison Abolitionist
Checking in on Amazon
What Went Down
Policing Update
Whether Guilty or Innocent: The Vaughn 17
Neither God Nor Master
Who do you Protect?
A Review of “Diagnostic of the Future”
Yiddish Anarchist Conference Reportback
World News
Poem: Faceless

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What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality (USA)

Friday, March 8th, 2019

~ New morals, Same governance ~

“Morality is common sense ideas that we can all agree on. We need to expand morality to include non-human animals.” -Logic commonly found in the vegan movement

Most movements who attempt to make social change en masse rely on the “appeal to morality” tactic as a primary method of gaining support. For example, “Meat is Murder” is a common catch phrase within the animal rights movement. This catch phrase relies on the assumption that all people are against murder since, by the same logic, murder is morally reprehensible. But this assumes that there is a singular, universal morality that guides everyone’s decisions when, in reality, it may have different interpretations to some, and only guide those who embrace it to begin with. For example, some self-proclaimed moralists defend the violent manifestations of patriarchy; others advocate white supremacy and many moralists support violence towards non-human animals. “Common sense” is only common to those who make up the membership of a specific group, who feel the need to universalize its principles. But “common sense” does not apply to others outside that group who have self-interests that run contrary to its assumed collective “good”. Often times, it is not a lack of morality that is problematic but the very existence of morality; the set of principles and values independent of the complexity of self-interest, which externally guide and justify one’s actions. (more…)

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PDF: Solidaridad con lxs represaliadxs del G20

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

Recibido por correo electrónico

A principios de julio de 2017 tuvo lugar en Hamburgo la reunión del g20. Representantes de los países dueños de la economía mundial, planeaban durante dos días como seguir manteniendo ese sistema de miseria, explotación y muerte. Manifestaciones, bloqueos, sabotajes, enfrentamientos con las fuerzas del orden, saqueos… (al igual que ataques descentralizados las semanas previas) pretendieron, y lograron durante muchos momentos, interrumpir el normal funcionamiento de esta cumbre.

El 6 de junio, el día que llegaban los políticos, acompañados de sus más de 6000 delegados, seguidos en todo momento por más de 3000 periodistas y protegidos por unos 10000 policías, estaba convocada una manifestación anticapitalista bajo el lema de Welocome to Hell. (more…)

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Italy – Issue 3 of the anarchist paper Vetriolo is out (Winter 2019)

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

This is the fourth issue of ‘Vetriolo’. Four issues are certainly not a few for a publication such as this. Rather than accumulate and reinforce certitudes, we believe the paper has tried to corrode and crush them, as it posed new doubts and nourished old questions. Certainly not out of a
mere taste for rhetoric or polemics, but because we think that there are always a lot of ‘knots to be untied’. At the same time we think that it’s necessary to reflect and analyse, a difficult task which is certainly not opposed to the corrosive demolition of certitudes; on the contrary it’s complementary to it. In these reflections and analyses we have always maintained that reality is not an incomprehensible enigma, contrary to what those who want to impose their resignation on us have always stated. So in this issue we also tried to analyse the current reality, and in particular we wanted to do so by proposing some hypotheses, besides carrying on the reflections and analyses which characterized previous issues with more or less extended theoretical articles alongside articles of agitation and topicality. To the readers their own considerations. We reiterate and remind, once again, that this paper is neither an aseptic intellectual product nor a container of opinions and points of view. Precisely because it doesn’t intend to close itself up in easy answers, shout solutions ready for consumption or brandish pre-arranged theses, this is an instrument which can imply a lively involvement with the ideas it affirms, and we always wish this is the case.


– L’Idea indicibile [The Idea that cannot be said]
– Azione… e reazione [Action… and reaction]
– L’assalto con l’asta. Un incontro sportivo tra lotte e repressione [Pole vaulting. A sports competition between the struggle and repression]
– Quale internazionale? Intervista e dialogo con Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Ferrara. Seconda parte [What international? Interview and talk with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara. Part two]
– La punta dell’iceberg [The tip of the iceberg]
– A Marco [To Marco]
– Degenerazioni. Tra orgoglio e vittimismo di genere [Degenerations. Between gender pride and victimization]
– Pensieri e parole. A proposito del karaoke su Battisti [Thoughts and words. On the fuss about Battisti (a member of PAC, Armed Proletarians for Communism, he was accused of participating in the murder of a marshal, a police officer and a jeweller in the 1970s. After escaping from prison in Italy, he found refuge first in France and then in Brazil. He was arrested in Bolivia in January 2019 and he’s facing extradition to Italy)]
– Nazionalismoduepuntozero. Dodici ipotesi su robotica, crisi della globalizzazione e «ritorno» dello Stato-nazione [Nationalismtwopointzero. Twelve hypotheses on robotics, the crisis of
globalization and the ‘return’ of the nation-State]
– Libia: guerra per procura tra Italia e Francia [Libya: proxy war between Italy and France]
– La fine dell’insurrezionalismo? [The end of insurrectionism?]
– La morte dello Stato [The death of the State]
– I grandi editori [Big editors]
– Una storia sinistra. Terza parte (1962-1982) [A sinister story. Part three (1962-1982)]

Orders and contacts: vetriolo@autistici.org

2 euros per copy. For distributors: 1.50 euros per copy for orders of five and more copies. Postal fees in Italy: 1.30 euros (up to 2 kilograms). Free for prisoners. Issues 0, 1 and 2 are still available.

[Translated by act for freedom now!]

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PDF: Compilado de textos de los companeros presos del Kolektivo Kamina Libre (Chile)

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

portada kaminalibre

PDF: Kolektivo Kamina Libre. Diciembre 2018

“No podemos alimentar la amnesia, el silencio o kualkier tipo de
inkonsecuencia ke tienda a obviar la existencia de una realidad ke está
presente en Chile (…)”.
Kolektivo Kamina Libre. 2002.

Con esta nueva y última edición buscamos multiplicar algunas palabras que fueron emitidas desde diferentes cárceles de Chile por los compañeros miembros del Kolektivo Kamina Libre (1997-2004) quienes estuvieron más de una década en prisión por haber combatido la dictadura militar y la democracia solapada. (more…)

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La Bomba #30 Diciembre 2018 – Santiago, $hile

Monday, January 28th, 2019

PDF: La Bomba #30 Diciembre 2018

Por la expansion del caos y la anarquia…

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PDF: Issue #3 of Trespass Journal

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

We’re glad to finally present Issue 3 of Trespass Journal!


In this issue, which is online and freely distributed, you’ll find a translation from English to Dutch of a journal article about how a moral panic was generated to enforce the criminalisation of squatting in the Netherlands and a translation to French of a brief text about migration on Idomeni in Greece, near to Macedonia, which was previously published in Trespass 2 in Italian.

As interventions in five languages, we have an analysis of the lack of support to the ZAD in Brittany, plus short pieces about the opening of a new anarchist social centre in the Paris suburbs, community resistance to preserve a park in London, the demolition of a community gym in Athens, an (unsuccessful) eviction threat in Catania, and an eviction in Catalonia. And a report on the resquat of the watertower in Utrecht! There’s plenty more news and analysis on this website.

The language diversity contained in this issue mirrors the commitment we have been putting in towards overcoming the dominance of the English language and creating a journal that goes beyond borders. We’ve also been updating the blog in different languages. HOWEVER as you will no doubt have noticed, this introduction is only in English and we are sorry for that. We can only do so much, and this issue was already very overdue … to translate it into Catalan, Spanish, Dutch and French is too much work. (more…)

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PDF: New Issue of Anathema! (USA)

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019


Philadelphia Anarchist Publication

In this issue:

2018: Year in Review
Challenging Infrastructure Beyond the State
What Went Down
It’s Robbin’ Season
Selling Out the Neighborhood
From Cyntoia to Bolsonaro
Monkey Wrenches and Black Banners
Wendy Trevino Poem

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USA: Fire Ant – Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #2

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

[PDF for Printing] (8.5×11)

Fire Ant is a quarterly publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.

Issue #2 features writings by anarchist prisoners Michael Kimble, Jennifer Gann, Eric King, Sean Swain, Noah Coffin, and Marius Mason, as well as writings in solidarity with anarchist prisoners internationally.

If you would like to support Fire Ant and wider efforts in solidarity with anarchist prisoners, please print and distribute this publication or donate to Bloomington ABC’s Anarchist Prisoner War Fund.

The Fire Ant collective can be contacted at
Fire Ant
PO Box 164
Harmony, ME 04942

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Santiago, $hile: Sale el número 29 del boletín “La Bomba”

Wednesday, December 19th, 2018

Portada 29

PDF: La Bomba #29 Septiembre 2018 [especial]

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Anathema – Volume 4 Issue 11 (USA)

Wednesday, December 12th, 2018

A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical

Volume 4 Issue 11 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11)

Volume 4 Issue 11 (PDF for printing 11 x 17)

In this issue:

Cash Bail
Yellow Vests From Afar
Brosnan Security In Chico
Welcome To The Future
Revolutionary Letter #18
On Splitting
N17 Report
Black December
Phones & Security Culture

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PDF: Anarchist Animal Liberation – Zine from Bristol (UK)

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

PDF: Anarchist Animal Liberation – A Collective Project Based on Outcomes & Conversations From Animal Liberation Gatherings

From the introduction: ‘This article has been written as a collective project based on the Bristol Liberation gathering in June 2017. It is intended to give people who weren’t there an idea of some of the conversations we had. We hope that it is written in an accessible way and that it is clear and of interest to both those who are familiar with the idea of animal liberation and those who are new to it.’

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