‘Eco Struggle’ Archives

UK Game Farm Map Has Been Released – “Cripple the Shooting Industry”

Monday, March 25th, 2019

From Unoffensiveanimal:

After seeing a few reports appear about game birds released from breeding farms, a map has been made public containing some of the breeding farms within the U.K.

The shooting industry in the U.K. breeds mostly pheasants, partridges and ducks in factory farm conditions, and then they have a whole system of introduction into the wild during the summer to get the birds in place for the shooting season that starts in September.

It isn’t new to see reports of game farms being visited by the ALF with thousands of animals released, and it is no surprise. As a tactic, game farms are at its weakest point right now, when mating season is happening and they need to collect the eggs to incubate them in huge hatcheries . When breeding birds are released into the wild, there is not only a loss of “stock” but also they are unable to breed the birds they need to then distribute them in shoots. Although it is a liberation action, it carries the weight of economic sabotage and finds a solution to the burden of caring for thousands upon thousands of animals in safe homes, as game birds can be simply released into the wild. There is no doubt that many of them will die, but let’s remember that all of them plus their offspring would die during the next shooting season. (more…)

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Andalucia: Two comrades sentenced in Arraijanal (Spain)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

On February 2018, Arraijanal, one of the last parts of natural beach on the coast of Andalucia (Spanish state), was squatted to protect it from the attempt of environmental destruction in order to build a football stadium and sports town on this area. Some centenary trees were cut down and the area was fenced in, but that didn’t stop the activists from establishing a permanent protest camp.

This protest camp have been evicted several times, but our comrades managed to reoccupy it and keep the struggle during six months, and for now the building works have been stopped.

On May 24th, two comrades involved in this project got arrested while the police was trying to remove banners and camping material from the occupation. That resulted in a court case in which they are accused of resistance, offense against authority and bodily harm to the cops proceeding this arrest. (more…)

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III Encuentro anarquista contra el sistema tecnoindustrial y su mundo (España)

Friday, March 8th, 2019


Por tercer año consecutivo tendrá lugar en el CSOA La Gatonera (C/ Valentín Llaguno, 32) el Encuentro contra el sistema tecnoindustrial.

Este encuentro surge debido a la necesidad de generar un discurso contra el sistema de dominación en el que nos hayamos, dicho sistema impregna el mundo que nos rodea bajo una lógica tecnocientifica donde todo es medible, cuantificable y por tanto, está sujeto a un control. Dicho desarrollo se basa en la sustitución de los procesos naturales por procesos técnicos sometiendo así a los individuos, animales y el ecosistema a la mega máquina.

Cómo anarquistas consideramos que la lucha debe integrar la necesidad de proteger nuestro medio y recuperar la autonomía que este sistema nos ha arrebatado.

Durante el encuentro se realizarán charlas sobre:

– Inteligencia artificial
– Lucha contra el desarrollo tecnológico en Inglaterra
– Transhumanismo
– Contra el ecoextremismo y las tendencias misantrópicas

Y mucho más…

+ Información próximamente en:

– Para contactar: contratodanocividad@riseup.net


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End humanity to end domination? – On the misanthropic current in anarchic environments

Thursday, March 7th, 2019


As a result of the recent explosive attack carried out by ITS at a bus stop in Chile, seeking to kill humans, we publish an article from #3 of the magazine Kalinov Most (October 2018). For more information it is also possible to read: Misanthropic Wild Trends: Other expressions of authoritarianism and sacred thought (Kalinov Most # 1 October 2017).

“Humans are a disease. They are the cancer of this planet.
They are a plague. And we are the only cure.”
(Agent Smith- The Matrix)

Previously we already outlined a critique (1) of the ecoextremist tendency and of several of its derivatives, particularly its authoritarian characteristics and its defence of a sacred quasi-religious thought that, as anti-authoritarians, produces so much disgust in us.

The preparation of that article sought to focus mainly on those aspects that seemed key to us to deepen the exposure of the reproduction of what we deeply despise, but without a doubt, it was not the only thing that has been written. Simultaneously, from different territories, there has been continuing reflections and critiques specifically against ecoextremism (2) in its different versions. Writings that, far from seeking to show a good, positive or citizenist anarchism, seek to sharpen the exercise of offensive anarchic praxis.

In this text we will look in depth at another aspect that we can identify in this same trend, but to be honest, it also exceeds it by far. We will not focus on any specific group, magazine, web page, publication or promotional acronym, but rather on a way of understanding and referring to this world. We are talking about the misanthropic tendency and its derivatives. (more…)

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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Animal Liberation Front rescues chickens from poultry farm

Thursday, February 28th, 2019


In the first week of this month; February, members of the ALF have entered a poultry farm and rescued more than 20 chickens, which now enjoy a life in freedom.

We will continue to rescue animals and sabotage centers of torture and death until the end of speciesism.




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Cuadrilla wants to use more chemicals to improve fracking at shale gas site (UK)

Sunday, February 24th, 2019

Tankers leaving Cuadrilla’s shale gas site, 2 January 2019.
Photo: Ros Wills

From Drill or Drop?

The shale gas company, Cuadrilla, is seeking permission to add new chemicals to its fracking operations in Lancashire.

In details published today, the company said it wanted to change the composition of the fracking fluid so that more sand could be carried into fractures in the shale rock.

This follows news earlier this month that Cuadrilla had fully fracked only 5% of its first well at the site at Preston New Road near Blackpool. Fracking operations, between October and December 2018, were paused at least five times because they induced earth tremors measuring 0.5ML or above. Fracturing equipment has since been moved off the site.

Today’s application to the Environment Agency also seeks permission to use methanol, alternative drilling muds and a new biocide. If approved, the changes would additionally make it clear that Cuadrilla can frack each well more than once. (more…)

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Wild Resistance #6 – A Journal of Primal Anarchy (USA)

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

No 6. Winter 2019.
210 pages. Printed on recycled paper.
Ebook/PDF versions are out now.
Books ship late February 2019.

Click here to pre-order the book.
Click here to buy the EBook.

Opening Editorial: Kevin Tucker
Reachin’ Out
To the Captives: Kevin Tucker
The Spectacular Growth and Failure of Cities: John Zerzan
Wolf Encounters: Four Legged Human
Breath at the Threshold: Joan Kovatch
Surprisingly Peaceful Extreme Anarchies: Peter Gardner
Art and Meaning: John Zerzan
Walking: Gabriella Halas
The Puzzle of Symbolic Thought: John Zerzan
Fucking it Up: Fossil
Twilight of the Evening Lands: John Zerzan
Sex & Gender, Less Exact: Kevin Tucker
Human Nature: John Zerzan
Rewilding with Children: Two Filthy Trolls
The Case Against Philosophy: John Zerzan
Casing Philosophy: Cliff Hayes
This is Not a Pipebomb: Kevin Tucker
Philosophy, Case-Skinned: Joan Kovatch
The Postmodern Now: John Zerzan
True Crime Case File: Attacks on Self-Driving Cars
Hunters by Choice: an Interview with Luis Felipe Torres Espinoza
The Point of Contact: an Interview with Madhusree Mukerjee
Regardless of Intent: an Interview with Sita Venkateswar
Block 22: Cliff Hayes
Affluence without Abundance
The Horse in Human History
Wolf Nation
Natural Causes
Lost Connections

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Posted in Eco Struggle

New site – ‘Unoffensive Animal’ – Animal & Earth Liberation

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

Unoffensive Animal was born out of the necessity to inspire activists. After complaining about how the radical left has an incline to disregard veganism and qualify it as classist and colonialist, and after feeling completely disheartened by animal rights activists disregarding human issues, we decided to create a media outlet able to bring both sides and to help radicalise activists.

Unoffensive Animal is an anarchist collective. We are non-profit and strongly anti capitalist. We are queer and/or queer allies. We are antifascists. We are vegan, animal liberationists and we have even been called forest “jihadis”. We stand against animal exploitation and against human exploitation. We oppose racism, bigotry and nationalism. We believe in direct action, but we also believe in diversity of tactics. We know that human liberation is animal liberation and that animal liberation will never happen under capitalism. (more…)

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¿Acabar con la humanidad para acabar con el dominio? Sobre la corriente misantropica en entornos anarquicos

Monday, January 28th, 2019

EN: End humanity to end domination? – On the misanthropic current in anarchic environments


A raíz del reciente atentado explosivo realizado por ITS en un paradero de bus en Chile, buscando matar humanos, difundimos un artículo del número 3 de la revista Kalinov Most (Octubre 2018).

Para más información también es posible leer: Tendencias Salvajes Misantrópicas: Otras expresiones de autoritarismo y de pensamiento sagrado (Kalinov Most#1 Octubre 2017) (Disponible AQUÍ)

“Los humanos son una enfermedad. Son el cáncer de este planeta.

Son una plaga. Y nosotros somos la única cura”

(Agente Smith-Matrix)

En su momento ya bosquejamos una crítica1 a la tendencia ecoextremista y a varios de sus derivados, particularmente sobre aquellas características autoritarias y la defensa a un pensamiento sagrado cuasi-religioso que, como antiautoritarixs, tanto asco nos produce.

La elaboración de aquel artículo buscó centrarse principalmente en aquellos aspectos que nos parecían claves a profundizar para develar la reproducción de aquello que despreciamos profundamente, pero sin lugar a dudas no fue lo único que se ha escrito. En simultaneo, desde distintos territorios, se ha seguido reflexionando y criticando a la especificidad del ecoextremismo2 en sus distintas versiones. Escritos que lejos de buscar mostrar un anarquismo bueno, positivo o ciudadanista, persiguen afilar el ejercicio de praxis anárquica ofensiva. (more…)

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‘Animals Thirsting for Freedom’ – Anti-Speciesism from an Anarchist Point of View (PDF)

Friday, November 23rd, 2018

PDF: Animals Thirsting for Freedom – Booklet

This is a text about antispeciesism from an anarchist point of view. This text was written mostly because of the reactions from reformist organizations following a series of acts of sabotage.

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„Nein ITS, ihr werdet nicht weiterkommen!“ von EAT (Indonesien)

Sunday, November 11th, 2018

Von dieser sogenannten Öko-Extremisten-Gang und all ihren misanthropisch-nihilistischen Schreibtisch-Cheerleader*innen ist so viel Bullshit ausgegangen. Euer Text „The Anarchist Myth“ vom letzten Jahr war voller vulgärer Christlichkeit, getarnt als Öko-Extremismus. Kommt schon, ist das das Beste was ihr habt? Und die willkürlichen Morde an hoffnungslosen Menschen für euch zu beanspruchen? Und eure Morddrohungen zu lesen während ihr Bilder von Leuten veröffentlicht, die ihr getötet habt (natürlich behauptet ihr dies nur) ist witzig, nein es ist wirklich witzig (Ich musste wirklich lachen, wortwörtlich lachen, als ich die Kommuniqués gelesen und die Bilder gesehen habe, was zur Hölle?).

[en] (Mexico) 60. Kommuniqué der ITS: Über die „NGO 325“ Verräter [öffnet den Link mit TOR]
[en] (Mexico) 60th Communique of the ITS: On the “NGO 325” snitching

Ich muss sagen, dieses Kommuniqué hat mir meinen Tag versüßt, es ist so verdammt komisch. Nachdem euer hässlicher Glatzkopf Abe entlarvt wurde, fangt ihr an, euch wie die kindischen Trottel zu verhalten, die ihr seid. Eure dummen Theoretiker*innen aus Nord Amerika und eure Cheerleader*innen in Europa?

Es ist eine Sache, wenn ihr Einblicke oder Grenzen von Gewalt diskutiert (Ich bin ganz Ohr!) und eine andere, wenn ihr behauptet menschenverachtend (anti-human) zu sein und doch bloß ein verzweifeltes Mädchen auf dem Universitätsgelände getötet habt (oh, ihr habt mehr als einen Mord begangen, bitte?) und euer verdammter Stolz darauf? Wenn ihr wirklich anti-human seid, bitte bitte, ich flehe euch an, baut eine Atombombe oder was für Mittel/Werkzeuge auch immer und begeht einen Genozid an mindestens 10 Menschen zur gleichen Zeit? Und danach tötet euch selbst, ihr dummen Menschen. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Athens, Greece: ‘The Future is Already Here’ – 2 Days of Resistance to the Technological Singularity (18-19/11)

Sunday, November 11th, 2018


Artificial intelligence, databases, augmented reality, high security cameras, digital ecosystems, drones, smartphones with smart advertisements and smart houses that steal our thoughts and turn them into merchandise, spectacle, suppression.

Surveillance. Order and security.

The laboratory escapes the four walls- the laboratory is the whole planet.

All this is what the yuppie entrepreneurs, academics, CEOs and scientists are shouting timidly but yet outrageously from Silicon Valley to Athens. On the 19th of November at the SingularityU Summit the enthusiasts of the technological dystopia will gather at Megaro Mousikis. Therefore, dystopia is here, dystopia is now. Singularity Summit is a gathering that will teach to the aspiring leaders and future entrepreneurs how they will thrive in an environment of competition and high technology. The foundation for all of this are the biggest multinational database companies in the world that govern the whole planet and reign in Silicon Valley, such as Google, Yahoo and Apple. Their dream is being presented worldwide by various arrogant scientists, such as Peter Diamantis, and is being spread to the elites of the international scene. Last year in Milan, now in Athens. The sponsors of this year’s summit here are Kathimerini and SKAI- we’ve always disliked them and they never miss out on reminding us- and the research center Demokritos, that test on non-human animals.

The future is already here, but us, our thoughts, our fears, our resistances are also here. Nothing is over – the future is still unwritten.

EVENT-PRESENTATION about the SingularityU Summit and the nanoworld
by the group Resistenze al nanomondo (Italy)

SUNDAY 18/11 (location soon) at 19:00
DEMONSTRATION against the SingularityU Summit

MONDAY 19/11 Parko Eleutherias (Vassilisis Sofias, by Megaro Mousikis) at 11:30

cooperation against the future
initiative from damala fera
traces of fire


Notes from Act for free:

Italy : NOT JUST A MEETING. 2-3 October 2018. Singularity University Summit

[September 27, 2017 Rho-Milan] Not just any meeting – Italy

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Animal Liberation Front liberate turkeys and sabotage farm vehicle (UK)

Thursday, November 8th, 2018

From Bite Back:

We sat in the hedge waiting until the house by the farm turned all lights off. The padlocked gates gave way easily under the bolt cutters and the sheds were accessible through the windows, giving us plenty of room to carry on the operation. We had not taken into consideration something important. The quick growth of the turkeys had turned them from easy-to-carry, chicken sized birds into huge animals since our last scouting. They were now almost ready to be slaughtered. We decided that thirty was as many as we could take and one by one we carried them to the transport. In less than fifteen minutes the birds were loaded and on their way to a safe new home. As the tractor was close by we decided to use a window punch to cost a little more money to the animal abuser. It is incredibly satisfying to see the glass shattering, thinking of the bills that the farmer will have to pay. We see this action not as an act of heroism but as a means to an end tool. Decentralised actions throughout the UK to destabilise the animal abuse system aren’t just a token of solidarity towards our non-human comrades, but a completely necessary behaviour that should be repeated across the board and combined with resilient overground campaigns that seek something else than the spread of veganism. We shouldn’t be discussing the ethics of sabotage and their impact on the general public, we should be attacking with all our rage towards what hurts them the most; their money.

Let this be your call to action. From butcher shops to slaughterhouses, from calves to fish, it is time to act. It is time to cause them enough money that their insurance companies decide to not cover them any longer. It is time to rescue as many animal victims as we possibly can.

It is time to act. We hope that our words transmit our sense of urgency.

The world, the animals and the environment around us cannot afford to wait a little longer. Every animal slaughtered, every tree cut and every person dead after being trapped by this system will accelerate exponentially the destruction of the planet. With this action we also want to remember Barry Horne.

Barry lives in those who act.

Who, if not you?
When, if not now?

Animal Liberation Front

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Indonesia: ‘No (ITS), ¡No Seguirás Adelante!’ por Eat

Thursday, November 1st, 2018

EN: ‘No (ITS), You Will Not Go On Forward!’ by Eat (Indonesia)

Han pasado tanta mierda de parte de la llamada pandilla Eco-Extremista y de todas sus porristas misántropas, nihilista y aspirantes. Encontré su texto del año pasado, “El mito anarquista“, lleno de cristianismo vulgar que esconden como eco-extremismo. Vamos, ¿es esto lo mejor que pueden hacer? ¿Afirmando haber matado a personas sin esperanza en alguna ocasión? Y leyendo sus amenazas de muerte mientras publicas fotos de alguien que asesinaste (según tu reivindicación, por supuesto), es realmente divertido, no, realmente lo es (realmente me río, literalmente cuando leo los comunicados y las fotografías, ¿qué mierda?).



[Abrir con el navegador TOR]

Tengo que decir, este comunicado hace mi día, es jodidamente hilarante.

Después de que tu fea cabeza calva, Abe, haya sido expuesta, comenzaste a actuar como el imbécil infantil que todos ustedes son. ¿Sus estúpidos teóricos de América del Norte y tu pequeño grupo de porristas en Europa? (more…)

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Italy : Flyer text from ‘NOT JUST A MEETING’ 2-3 Oct 2018, against the Singularity University Summit

Thursday, November 1st, 2018

Via TracesOfFire:

The “Singularity” is a metaphor taken from the physics of Ray Kuezweil, founder of the Singularity University, used to describe the technological process that will manage to combine human being with technology. That’s the reason why the Singularity University has the purpose of teaching the leaders how to apply modern exponential technologies to anthropological, social and ecologic changes required by the technological world.

This aim clearly succeeds in preparing the best transhumanist researchers and directors of the world since some of them merge with the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the most important research universities of the world; with the DARPA, a governmental institution of the United States Department of Defense for the development of new technologies for military use; With Google, Microsoft and others… (more…)

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