‘Direct Action’ Archives

Who’s to judge? About the shooting attack on the courthouse in Kiev (Ukraine)

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

The time has come to elaborate further on our attack on Holosiivskyi district court in Kiev.

Among the commentaries on the attack, we’ve read more than once that some people don’t understand our motives. They don’t get how does Azat Miftakhov’s arrest in Moscow have anything to do with a courthouse in Kiev. We’ll try to explain, because it’s important to get this seemingly obvious message across.

Choosing the target:
We decided to go for a government court building. A lot of us have a good idea of what exactly is a courthouse today. Who among us hasn’t been in court? Who’s never had a friend or acquaintance on trial? Everyone felt this utter disdain for judicial robes, those who are fainter of heart – even fear. Why do we have to respect and accept them? Someone gave them the right to take our freedom and our lives, so now they sit there, up high, when you are languishing underneath, behind bars, with a watchdog in uniform hovering over you. (more…)

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[Berlin, Allemagne] Du feu contre ThyssenKrupp, DB Schenker, Dr.House et Wisag – pour la convergence des luttes

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Publié sur https://de.indymedia.org/node/28420 le 21.01.2019 par: Autonome Gruppen (groupes autonomes) Cellule „Soledad Casilda Hernáez Vargas“:

„Encore une fois, ce sont pas ceux qui le méritent qui se retrouvent dos au mur. La politique se plaît dans le role de médiatrice entre Padovicz(1) et la Liebig34(2) et Padovicz se plaît dans le role du gros capitaliste influent qui malmaine quelques locataire.trices et squatteurs.ses rebelles. Celles et ceux qui voient dans le Nordkiez(3) de Friedrichshain la graine d‘une vie meilleure, se retrouvent là, comme toujours. Derrière elles et eux, rien d‘autre que le mur. Il n‘y a pas de main tendue puissante, et pas non plus d‘issue. (more…)

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Kiev: Anarchists shoot 15 rounds at the windows of Goloseyevsky court (Ukraine)

Friday, March 15th, 2019

On the morning of March 12, 2019, the police reported on the attack on the court.

The day before, we – the anarchists of Kiev, held an action of solidarity with the anarchist Azat Miftakhov detained in Moscow.

Once in prison, in the clutches of the punitive system, our comrades should be aware of the support, which is usually expressed in the form of concerts, pickets, letters… But more important is the confidence that their cause continues to live, confidence in the justification and consistency of their struggle. We do not care about Azat’s involvement in explosives and other episodes, because anyone who calls himself an anarchist is already guilty, and deserves punishment from the point of view of the state.

The best we can do for them is to continue the struggle and resistance. To make it clear that repression is not only a reason to show solidarity out of a sense of comradely duty, but also to once again realize the need for the complete destruction of the state and all its manifestations. What could be better for a comrade than to realize that the repressions only radicalized and rallied the movement, and his being in captivity is not in vain and, whatever may happen to him, his cause will live until the complete victory of the social revolution.

This time we decided to use the method of attack, unpopular for this case, among anarchists – firing from a rifle firearm. We have made 15 shots at the windows of the judges of the Goloseevsky district court of the city of Kiev.

The angle and place of fire were not chosen by chance, we took all measures to avoid casualties among the not involved population. Only persons belonging to power structures, representatives of the authorities and conscious citizens who decided to prevent us could suffer. Accidental victims were excluded.

Freedom to Azat! Comrades anarchists, it’s time to move from protest to resistance! With solidarity and partisan greetings!



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Car of Sodexo set on fire in Graz (Austria)

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

(Graz/Austria) – Car of Sodexo set on fire

In the darkness of the 6th of march we set a car of the company Sodexo in Graz on fire. Sodexo makes a profit with the deportation system by delivering shitty food to deportation centers. All companies that profit from this industry are our enemies and just deserve our hatred.

We feel connected to all accomplices who are fighting against the domination in this world.
Above all, those behind bars and those who support them, we want to show our revolutionary solidarity through this fire!

Through the walls we specifically send a burning hug to all recently detained anarchists in Turin, Trento and Rovereto. SILVIA, NICCOLO, BEPPE, ANTONIO, STECCO, RUPERT, AGNESE, SASHA, POZA, NICO, GIULIO tutti liberi!

We also send a burning greeting through the bars to Loić! We hope that you will feel supported by such acts in your unbending attitude.

For this action, we used fire accelerators that we filled into emptied beverage cans. We put the cans on the floor under the tires of the car. After 5 to 10 minutes, the tires burn and the car flares off.

Fire to Sodexo!
Fire to all cages!

(Graz/Austria) – Karre von Sodexo angezündet

In der Dunkelheit des 6.3. haben wir in Graz eine Karre der Firma Sodexo angezündet. Sodexo macht mit dem Ausschaffungssystem Profit indem es Abschiebeknäste mit schaebigem Essen versorgt. Alle Firmen die aus dieser Industrie Profit schlagen sind unsere Feinde und verdinen unseren Hass.

Allen Kompliz_innen die gegen die Herrrschaft dieser Welt kämpfen fühlen wir uns verbunden.
Vor allem jenen hinter Gittern und jenen die sie unterstützen möchten wir mit diesem Feuer unsere revolutionäre Solidarität zeigen!

Durch die Mauer senden wir speziell eine freurige Umarmung an alle kürzlich Inhaftierten Anarchist_innen in Turin, Trient und Rovereto. SILVIA, NICCOLO, BEPPE, ANTONIO, STECCO, RUPERT, AGNESE, SASHA, POZA, NICO, GIULIO tutti liberi!

Ebenfalls senden wir einen feurigen Gruss durch die Gitter an Loić! Wir hoffen das du dich durch solche Taten in deiner unbeugsamen Haltung unterstützt fühlst.

Für diese Aktion verwendeten wir Brandbeschleuniger den wir in entleerte Getränkedosen umfüllten. Die Dosen stellten wir auf den Boden unter die Reifen der Karre. Nach 5 bis 10 Minuten brennen die Reifen und die Karre fackelt ab.

Feuer für Sodexo!
Feuer allen Käfigen!

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Berlin – Incendiary attack against police station (Germany)

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Berlin: Our propaganda remains the attack: cops are murderers!

No words of justification are necessary for that, what has happened to a cop station in Berlin on the morning of February 27, 2019. All those who were already handcuffed, humiliated by the cops, sexually assaulted, beaten, driven through the streets, jailed, or detained understands our language. Our fire speaks to those who have understood or learned that it is always a danger to life and limb to fall into the hands of the state. Many who were dragged in patrol cars or cop stations did not leave them alive.

We do not hope for justice, nor for more humanistic cops. Instead, we deepen our enemy determination and draw a line that is appropriate to the quality of social conflicts. There is nothing to discuss with the killers and their collaborators. Not even if you present yourself all year round as friends and helpers at their police congress.

Nothing is forgotten and we are not ready to forgive. Instead of celebrating its own role as a victim, it is necessary to organize further attacks against the cops and to disassemble their sense of inviolability step by step.

Part of this we have contributed with our act. The casualness with which the cops and the press deal with the attack on the building on Invalidenstraße belies their losses. As we ignited the used 60 liters of gas under the canopy of the entrance area, the fire could jam under the ceiling and cause considerable damage there, which will remind them for a long time that they need to expect nothing but our hatred.

We greet Loic in the Hamburg prison and all upright prisoners of the social war and promise them to continue to aim at the pigs.

For Ebuka Mama Subek, who was recently murdered in an Athenian police station. For Oury Jalloh, Hans-Jürgen Rose and Mario Bichtemann, who were killed by pigs in Dessauer. For Halim, Carlo, Dennis and Amed!

For the revolutionary revenge!

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Quema de dos vehículos carsharing de “E-move” y “Car to Go”: fuego a la ciudad del Capital. Fuego al Madrid de Ahora Madrid (España)

Friday, March 8th, 2019

En el marco de la semana de “Agitación y propaganda contra la gentrificación y la especulación capitalista y en defensa de la okupación” dos vehículos de las empresas “E-Move” y “Car to Go” fuegon incendiados, en los barrios de Arganzuela y Prosperidad.

Nos encontramos en la consolidación de la última reinvención democrática y de las ilusiones renovadas en las caducas estructuras del Estado y el parlamentarismo. La irrupción en el panorama político de la “nueva política” ha servido al sistema para renovar sus estructuras de dominio y dotarles de un nuevo aire de legitimidad, desgastada tras los años de la crisis. A medida que la vía electoral cobraba fuerza, la agitación en las calles disminuía. Como siempre.

Paralelamente, nos hemos encontrado con la infiltración y convivencia dentro de los llamados “movimientos sociales” de políticos y lidercillos que instrumentalizaban cualquier conato de lucha entre las muchas marcas blancas de Podemos a nivel municipal, en un reparto de la tarta del Poder municipal. Es cada vez más habitual ver a personajes como Errejón en las protestas contra los CIES, parlamentarios en desahucios como el de la calle Argumosa o observar como pululan concejales y otros tipos de políticos por algunos centros sociales okupados o no okupados, en tal o cual asamblea… (more…)

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Madrid: ATM burned in solidarity with Lisa and other anarchist prisoners (Spain)

Sunday, March 3rd, 2019

On the night of February 18, a bank ATM in the Usera neighborhood was set on fire. This small action is a sign of encouragement for Lisa, recently moved from Germany to Madrid; for the repression of the G20; the comrades arrested in Madrid on 30 October – accused of burning another Bankia ATM – and for the comrades in Italy, recently beaten in new operations against the anarchist environments in Turin and Trento, as well as for the comrades on trial in the Scripta Manet and Panic operations.

Let the Spanish and Italian states know that anarchist solidarity will not stop. And it will be formed by more than words. Sabotage is easy and simple. In the possibilities of its reproduction is its strength.

Also, this small action serves as a contribution to the week of agitation and propaganda against gentrification, spatial capitalism and in defense of squatting.

Freedom for Lisa, freedom for all!

Long Live Anarchy!

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Spanish State: Monument to the División Azul in the cemetery of La Almudena is Vandalised

Thursday, February 28th, 2019

Last Friday, February 8, we vandalized the monument to the División Azul in the Almudena cemetery in Madrid. There are reasons to do it any day, but this date we chose with pleasure because the next day the fascists paid homage and on Sunday an amalgam of rancid ultra-Catholics, fascists, geriatics, neo-Nazis and various imbeciles walked with their anachronistic and disgusting symbols for a few streets in Madrid.

We carry the historical memory in our hearts. In the invisible scars that have left us with centuries of oppression. In our ideology and our practices. In our incessant search for freedom. We do not need governments or laws that change symbols for others. We will always have fun staining the dirty symbols of the authorities, whether they represent democracy or fascist dictatorships.

Death to the State and Long Live Anarchy!

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Explosive attack on a Ford car showroom by the Earth Liberation Front (Mexico)

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

Communique received on 02/01/2019:

It’s obvious that techno-industrial progress is advancing and with it the impact on nature is becoming stronger and more irreversible…

We won’t take a reformist and conformist attitude in the face of this situation, now less than ever as the ‘ecologist’ struggle has been absorbed by governmental institutions and platform groups, which prepared the ground for a new form of irrational consumerism, depicted as ‘ecological’, ‘green’… (sic) so as to allow companies to make profits at the cost of the destruction of the planet and all the beings who inhabit it… as hypocritical happiness and tranquillity dominated the end of the year festivities, we preferred to prepare and carry out an attack with an explosive device at dawn on 1st January, against a Ford Gimsa car showroom situated in Mexico-Texcoco Carretera in Reyes a la Paz, which caused damage to the façade and to some cars that were parked there… with this action we express solidarity with the comrades on the run in this territory under surveillance and with the Argentinian comrades who are been subjected to a wave of repression following an explosion; this attack is also part of a coordination of attacks in several areas of the country and responds to a call for agitation and attack.

Earth Liberation Front – Anti-Civilization Cell

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

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Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility for the arson attack on Procurer’s vehicles

Friday, February 1st, 2019


PDF Version

What does the lair of a procurer do at Heraklion avenue, uh?


At the dawn of Thursday 20/12/2018 an unpleasant surprise roiled the whole family of Aggelos Giannakopoulos, boss of “Horiatiko” and “Attica Bakeries” baker’s shops, at the family apartment building of 29 Heraklion Avenue in Ano Patisia. Three of the family’s cars were wrapped in flames, the front was damaged and the windows of the ground floor were broken. The forementioned dorm is the same building where, years ago, Giannakopoulos bros were imprisoning, blackmailing and prostituting women from the Eastern Bloc, in their owned lap-dancing clubs, at private appointments, as well as in sleazy “bars” all over Greece.

Police stories…

In the summer of 2007, cops, prosecutors and Department of Financial Crime auditors bust in the said block of flats. In the press, information is leaked that Angelos Giannakopoulos is the head of an international trafficking network. The pimps with the synergy of employment agencies in Eastern European countries were bringing women, withholding their credentials, and selling their bodies to punters. Despite the “coordinated” operation, the two Giannakopoulos brothers get away, while dozens of smaller fish are captured, among them the name of retired cop Konstantinos Kyrou being exposed. The network’s profits were laundered in dozens of “legal” bakeries and shops of Giannakopoulos bros and with the facility of an off-shore company. In addition, those wanted are accused of trafficking of minor and adult women, abduction, injuries, drug trafficking, forgery and money laundering. The next act of the drama is played sixteen months later in November 2008 when a second police operation for the activities of Giannakopoulos is conducted, in cooperation with Interpol (as well as the first time). (more…)

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Solidarity with Rojava from East Borneo, Balikpapan, Indonesia

Monday, January 28th, 2019

“All power to the Kurdish people fighting for their autonomy and liberation.”

Ikarus Gang Solidarity. East Borneo, Balikpapan.

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Leipzig – Attack on the Federal Court on New Years Eve (Germany)

Monday, January 28th, 2019

During new years eve in Leipzig, eastern Germany, the night of excess was used to initiate an attack on a target that, up until then, deemed itself as heavily protected and untouchable. Every year for the first half hour of the new year, the
big cities in are covered in thick layers of fog and smog, never ending noises of explosions and masses of people who take over the sidewalks and community spaces to get a good look at the fireworks. The attackers goal was the federal court and the state prosecution. This institution figuratively and literally represents the central organ of the judiciary, this state and its democratic society.

200 meters away from the federal court, a burning barricade blocked the crossroad, so that the group could carry out the attack on the federal court and the neighbouring fraternity Corps Lusatia without any disturbances. Stones broke
through the windows of the fraternity house and paint balls were thrown at the facade. The mobile cameras of the court house were sprayed followed by people jumping the fence and trying to break through the security glass. Fire was set to the front door and the window frame, sadly the insides of the building were left undamaged. In front of the court, another barricade was set ablaze, cars were smashed and burned. The whole street was covered in smoke, released from the
cartridges of the attackers.

A choreography, which led saxonies attorney general to believe in a high level of professionalism behind the attack. He was very quick to announce a new level of left radical violence. Not only did the delinquents attack the state, but the whole society. Nothing that actually hasn‘t been heard before.

Around the new year, several attacks against state property were carried out. For example the arson attack against the district court in Berlin-Wedding and the district court and the district attorneys office in Hamburg in the last week of December 2018. In the first weeks of January there were attacks on the Court Building in the south of Germany, Stuttgart and some days later in Freiburg and against the Court in Göttingen, as an attack against deportations and the racist law regime.

Let‘s continue to target these institutions.
As long as we walk these streets we will try to burn down every court, that people get dragged in front of every day!

Press: 1 & 2

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Two actions in Santago, Chile – Núcleos Antagónicos de la Nueva Guerrilla Urbana

Monday, January 28th, 2019

1) Colocación de artefacto simulado en bus del transantiago + Revindicacion y reflexión de la Columna Insurreccional “Ira y Complot” – FAI/FRI Núcleos Antagónicos de la Nueva Guerrilla Urbana.

2) Artefactos explosivos descativados contra banco Estado en Vitacura + Revindicacion de “Amigos de la polvora- Núcleos Antagónicos de la Nueva Guerrilla Urbana”

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Berlin, Germany: Incendiary sabotage of a prison profiteer

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Columns of smoke escaping from the roofs of the rich district of Elbchaussee, helicopters turning in the sky. By far, that was what let some early-bird residents guess that something was going on, perhaps beyond the statements of the riot police and secret services. A crowd of hooded people pursued their goal of publicizing their vision of things, destroying both in a targeted and blind manner a tiny part of this world of prosperity.

A wonderful sign. A street of cars in flames, souls completely helpless absolutely not wanting to understand why they had just been the victim of this useless violence. We have a great mark of respect for the risk that people had been ready to take.

After all, it already seemed to appear on the radar of all the intelligence services, before the summit, that the limits of the city were going to be surpassed. A moment of offensive demonstration, whose character has only rarely been achieved in this country.

Since 18 December, five comrades from Frankfurt, Offenbach and from France have been going before the higher regional court of Hamburg. They are accused of having been part of this ride. The relevant items are films and video material that the cops have analysed in detail . They claim to be able to identify people in a cohort of hooded individuals dressed all in black. (more…)

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Philadelphia, USA: Cop Cars Attacked for Black December

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

On the last day of the year we slashed the tires of two cop cars parked outside their precinct. This attack was carried out in revenge, specifically for the police brutality against anarchists in Philly this summer, and in general for all the indignities, small and large, that police cause every time they do their jobs.

This attack taught us the importance of patience and determination.

It warms our hearts to see the police also being attacked in Portland, even though we disagree with some of the goals we read in the most recent claims because we don’t think there’s any justice to be found in the system. We hope the comrades
mean themselves when they speak of continuing “until something serious is done”, it’s obvious to us that the city and liberal campus they paint are not with us. We think it’s up to us to seek our own revenge.

The dead are with us in memory and through our actions.

Fuck the police!

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