‘Anti-Fascist’ Archives

Conociendo al enemigo/a: El fascismo y sus distintos auges en Chile

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

Como introducción quiero decir que escribo este texto con ciertos antecedentes, nombres de personas y organizaciones para que pueda servir al/la lector/a indagar por cuenta propia más profundamente -si es que lo desean- sobre el fascismo y sus distintos auges en Chile. Esto es una pequeña contribución para la memoria anticapitalista autónoma la cual se va construyendo entre todos/as, esta no es exclusiva de nadie, por lo que se alienta la difusión por todos los medios posibles. Aclarar que las fuentes han sido sacadas desde internet, libros, medios de prensa y propios recuerdos.

Iniciamos relatando algunos hechos históricos. Nos remontamos al 5 de Septiembre de 1938, el Movimiento Nacional-Socialista de Chile (MNSCH) afiliados al partido político Alianza Popular Libertadora intenta provocar un golpe de estado contra el presidente Arturo Alessandri Palma para que Carlos Ibáñez del Campo se hiciese con el Poder. La intentona de los/as nacis(1) inicia con la toma de la Caja del Seguro Obrero, a pasos del palacio de La Moneda y de la casa central de la Universidad de Chile en la Alameda, existen enfrentamientos armados, toma de rehenes y bloqueos para impedir el avance de la policía, el gobierno llamó a tropas de las fuerzas armadas y acabó con la ocupación, asesinando ya rendidos/as y desarmados/as a los/as nacis, alrededor de 60 murieron. (more…)

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Indonesia – “Busca y Destruye el Eco-Extremismo En Todas Partes: Una Declaración Conjunta de la Red Individualista y de la Cruz Negra Anarquista de Indonesia”

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

TRADUCCIÓN: Voz Como Arma:

A continuación sigue una traducción que hemos hecho del texto “Seek and Destroy Eco-Extremism Everywhere: A Joint Statement of Individualist Network and Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross (Indonesia)” (Busca y Destruye el Eco-Extremismo En Todas Partes: Una Declaración Conjunta de la Red Individualista y de la Cruz Negra Anarquista de Indonesia), publicado en 325 y que viene a aportar otra reflexión contra el eco-extremismo y su influencia en algunos entornos del amplio “movimiento” anarquista.

“El que pelea con monstruos debería tener cuidado de no convertirse él mismo en un monstruo. Y si miras al abismo demasiado, el abismo también te mira a ti”
Más Allá del Bien y el Mal


Sabemos que no hay una tendencia eco-extremista en Indonesia, aunque declaraciones anteriores de las células de la Federación Anarquista Informal tendieron a tener algún mérito en relación con la hostilidad general contra las moralidades anarquistas sociales y de izquierda en relación con la violencia, la destrucción y el fetiche de la organización. Para ser sinceres, nosotres no tenemos ilusiones cuando hablamos, escribimos o actuamos contra nuestro enemigo usando cualquier medio posible. Atacar al Estado y al Capitalismo es esencial para anarquistas de todas las tendencias (vamos a ignorar a la tendencia pacifista ya que necesita un contexto de discusión diferente), aunque esto es una declaración conjunta que implica a una amplia gama de tendencias anarquistas, la mayoría de nosotres no tenemos este punto de vista liberal sin sentido hacia la violencia contra el sistema y las personas que lo defienden, mantienen y materializan en la vida cotidiana. Algunas individualidades en nuestra red mantienen su postura anticivilización y postizquierdista mientras que otres encontraron algunos aspectos del anarquismo social como necesarios para organizar la interrupción de la máquina. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

„Weitere Nicht-Nachrichten über die `Öko-Extremisten Mafia`“ von L (UK)

Monday, November 12th, 2018

EN: ‘More non-news about the “Eco-Extremist Mafia”’ by L (UK)

ES: ‘Más no-noticias sobre la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”‘ por L (Reino Unido)

Unsere letzte Veröffentlichung von Informationen über die sogenannte Öko-Extremisten Mafia verursachte einen Aufruhr in der Kirche von ITS Mexiko. Ohne ihnen den Sauerstoff zu geben, den sie in ihrer parasitären Natur für die internationale anarchistische Bewegung benötigen, die für sie lebensnotwendig ist, veröffentlichen wir diesen Bericht und antworten auf die Verleumdungen und den Schwachsinn ihrer Position.

Innerhalb von 12 Stunden nach der Veröffentlichung des Doxings [1] von Vasquez, war die sogenannte ITS Mafia, die praktisch nur im Internet lebt, so verärgert, dass sie das Alter und die Trockenheit meiner Vagina beschreiben mussten! Und sie übernehmen die Verantwortung für das „Niedermetzeln“ („massacre“ beating) eines Anarchopunks nach einem Zapatista Treffen im letzten Dezember! Was gibt es noch zu sagen zu oder über diese frauenfeindlichen, misanthropischen, psychopathischen Hohepriester des ITS-Totenkults?

Vorhersehbare Verleumdungen der postfaktischen ITS, die Verantwortung für Aktionen übernehmen, die sie nicht getan haben, eine Taktik des IS/Daesh nachahmend, und jetzt bezeichnen sie uns als „Cops“, da wir angeblich die britische Polizei per Mail informierten, dass der lächerliche „Archie The Robot“ „Archgonas“ für die „Misanthropos Cacoguen“ ITS Bombe verantwortlich wäre, die willkürlich an einer belebten Straße in Edinburgh, Schottland, platziert wurde, wo viele junge Leute rumhängen und ihren Treffpunkt haben.

Urkomisch! Und die Grundlage dafür? Der Bericht einer Mainstream-Zeitung, laut dem die Cops ein Kommuniqué (welches sich eher als psychotischer Zusammenbruch liest) von einem riseup.net Mail Server erhielten! Es ist wahrscheinlicher, dass „Archegonas“ oder ein anderes Mitglied der „Öko-Extremisten Mafia“ etwas so Dummes getan hat, um dem von ihnen gehassten Riseup Ärger zu bereiten und nun Lügen zu drucken, wie es ihnen gefällt. Nach Jahren der Scheiße dieses Idioten „Archegonas“ ist das alles was er und ITS erreichen können? Nein, ihre Worte und Texte offenbaren alles und wir lachen uns kaputt über die Kirche der ITS Mexiko und ihre Chorknaben. Das ist die Taktik ihrer verrückten Verleumdungen, die nun von einem wahnhaften Idioten in Brasilien nachgeahmt werden. Wenn dies das Ausmaß ihrer Logik ist, ist es kein Wunder, dass sie durch die ideologischen und praktischen Fehler die sie gemacht haben, in den Abgrund der Scheiße geraten sind, die Verantwortung für kleinere Tötungsdelikte und das Platzieren von Bomben an öffentlichen Plätzen, um so viele Menschen wie möglich zu verletzen, zu übernehmen. Ökofaschistischer Abschaum. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

‘Más no-noticias sobre la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”‘ por L (Reino Unido)

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

EN: ‘More non-news about the “Eco-Extremist Mafia”’ by L (UK)

DE: „Weitere Nicht-Nachrichten über die `Öko-Extremisten Mafia`“ von L (UK)

Nuestra última liberación de información sobre la llamada “Mafia Eco-Extremista” causó una conmoción en la Iglesia de ITS México. Ahora, sin darles el oxígeno que necesitan, en su naturaleza parasitaria, del movimiento anarquista internacional que necesitan para sobrevivir, publicamos un informe y respondemos a las acusaciones e idiotez de sus declaraciones.

¡Dentro de las 12 horas posteriores a la liberación información de Vásquez, uno de lxs llamadxs “Mafia” de ITS, que prácticamente ahora viven en el Internet, estaba tan molesto que tuvieron que describir la edad y sequedad de mi Vagina! ¡Y asuma la responsabilidad de la “masacre” de un anarco-punk después de un mitin zapatista en diciembre pasado! ¿Qué queda por decir a estos sumos sacerdotes psicópatas, misantrópicos y psicópatas del culto de la muerte de ITS?

Manchas predecibles de lxs ITS después de liberar la verdad, que se responsabilizan de las acciones que no han realizado, imitando una táctica de IS / Daesh, y ahora, llamándonos “policías” que aparentemente enviamos un correo electrónico a la policía del Reino Unido para informarles que el risible ‘Archie El robot’ “Archegonas” es responsable de una bomba de ITS – ‘Misanthropos Cacoguen’ que dejó indiscriminadamente en una calle concurrida de Edimburgo, Escocia, donde los jóvenes se reúnen. ¡Divertidísimo! ¿Y la base para esto? ¡Que un periódico informó que los policías recibieron el comunicado (que se parece más a una crisis psicótica) de un servidor de correo de Riseup.net! Es más probable que el “Archegonas” u otro miembro de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista” haya hecho un acto tan estúpido solo para causar una mierda a Riseup, ya que lo odian tanto, y ahora imprimen mentiras contra nosotrxs como lxs caracteriza. Después de años de mierda de este idiota “Archegonas”, ¿es esto todo lo que él y ITS pueden conseguir? No, sus palabras y textos lo revelan todo, y nos estamos riendo de la Iglesia de ITS-México y sus coros. Esa es la táctica de su tontería, ahora repetida por un idiota delirante en Brasil. Si ese es el alcance de su lógica, no es de extrañar que hayan cometido los errores ideológicos y prácticos que los han llevado al abismo de la mierda, asumiendo la responsabilidad de los homicidios menores y colocando bombas en lugares públicos con la única intención de herir a tantas personas como sea posible. Escoria ecofascista. (more…)

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ES/EN: Algunas aclaraciones necesarias sobre los posicionamientos de algunes anarquistas ante la muerte en prisión de Kevin Garrido

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

Some necessary clarifications about the positions of some anarchists regarding the death in prison of Kevin Garrido

Update: English version below

Hace unos días llegaron a la bandeja de correo electrónico de este blog dos mensajes informando sobre la muerte de Kevin Garrido, que recordemos, se encontraba cumpliendo condena por los ataques explosivos contra la Escuela de Gendarmería de Chile y contra la 12ª Comisaría de San Miguel. La muerte, al parecer, se habría producido a manos de otros presos durante una reyerta donde Kevin recibió varias puñaladas en tórax y abdomen.

Ante esto, muches se han apresurado a reivindicar a Kevin Garrido como anarquista. Memoria a corto plazo quizá, pues en uno de sus comunicados públicos emitido desde la prisión en noviembre de 2016 (se puede leer aquí) el propio Kevin dice “falsamente me tildaron de anarquista” y si bien más adelante expresa su apoyo y solidaridad a anarquistas en prisión, también expresa su apoyo a la tendencia ecoextremista, quienes no sólo se han apartado totalmente de un discurso y una práctica anarquistas asumiendo posiciones autoritarias y dogmáticas, sino que de hecho han atacado a anarquistas. (more…)

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Instinto Salvaje: Regarding the Death of Kevin Garrido – Clarifications and Positioning (Chile)

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018



Касательно смерти Кевина Гарридо в тюрьме Сантьяго (RU)


On November 2nd, Kevin Garrido was murdered in the Santiago 1 prison, located in the Chilean region. As a result of the news that has been circulating via the different counter-info web projects about this individual, we consider it necessary to make some clarifications:

Kevin Garrido, WAS NOT AN ANARCHIST, in his last communiques he made clear his affinity with eco-extremist ideology: “They investigated me, traced my steps and managed to hunt me down with their guns pointed at my head. They exposed my face on TV and the newspapers defamed me, with a cluster of idiocies in their argumentation. They falsely labeled me an anarchist and presumed that faced with a large number of policemen that I would bow my head and not respond. They sat me in one of their courtrooms for more than six hours to hear the words that the prosecutor was spreading with a vomit-inducing stench.”

Why mention this? Because the diffusion of information in such an ambiguous and irresponsible way on who he was, and minimizing his political position, makes one wonder at the ease of which a person can be called a comrade in the Chilean region. (more…)

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‘More non-news about the “Eco-Extremist Mafia”’ by L (UK)

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

DE: „Weitere Nicht-Nachrichten über die `Öko-Extremisten Mafia`“ von L (UK)

ES: ‘Más no-noticias sobre la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”‘ por L (Reino Unido)

Our last release of information about the so-called “Eco-Extremist Mafia” caused a commotion in the Church of ITS Mexico. Without giving them the oxygen they require in their parasitic nature on the international anarchist movement which they need to survive, we release a report and reply to the smears and idiocy of their position.

Within 12 hours of the doxxing of Vasquez being released, the so-called ITS “Mafia”, who virtually live on the internet now, were so upset they had to describe the age and dryness of my Vagina! And take responsibility for the “massacre” beating of an anarcho-punk after a Zapatista rally last December! What is there left to say either to or about these misogynist, misanthropic, psychopathic high priests of the ITS death-cult?

Predictable smears from the post-truth ITS, who take responsibility for actions they have not done, imitating a tactic of IS/Daesh, and now, calling us “cops” who apparently emailed the UK police to inform them that the laughable ‘Archie the Robot’ “Archegonas” is responsible for the ‘Misanthropos Cacoguen’ ITS bomb that was indiscriminately left in a busy street in Edinburgh, Scotland where young people hang out and meet each other. Hilarious! And the basis for this? That a mainstream newspaper reported that cops received the communique (which reads more like a psychotic meltdown), from a Riseup.net mail server! It is more likely that the ‘Archegonas’ or another member of the “Eco-Extremist Mafia” did such a stupid act just to cause shit for Riseup, as they hate it so much, and now print lies against us as befits them. After years of shit from this idiot ‘Archegonas’, is this all that he and ITS can achieve? No, their words and texts reveal it all, and we are fucking laughing at the Church of the ITS Mexico and their choir-boys. That is the tactic of their silly smear, now repeated by some delusional idiot in Brazil. If that is the extent of their logic, it is no wonder that they have made the ideological and practical mistakes which have taken them to the abyss of shit, taking responsibility for minor homicides and planting bombs in public places with the sole intention of hurting as many people as possible. Eco-fascist scum. (more…)

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Remembering Şehîd Şahîn Qereçox (Syria, Rojava)

Friday, October 12th, 2018


This epitaph was written by a friend and comrade of Şahin / Waka / Farid

Şehîd Şahîn Qereçox, known as Waka to his many friends, was sadly martyred in the fight against Daesh in Hajin on 6th October. He had been serving in the YPG, fighting for the revolution in Rojava for 4 months. For as long as I’d known him he was a loving comrade and a true revolutionary. I’m still struggling to find the words to describe him – he was so thoughtful and creative he defied simple generalisation. Whatever I write will merely scratch the surface of what he meant to me and so many people. (more…)

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Wer ist Arturo Vasquez? Ein Anwaltsassistent oder ein Oeko-Extremist? (Amerika)

Sunday, October 7th, 2018

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

Arturo Vasquez
418 Westwood Dr.
Mandeville, LA 70471
Telephone: (831) 637-0339

EN: Who is Arturo Vasquez, a Paralegal or an Eco-Extremist Mafia? (USA)
ES: EE.UU: ¿Quién es Arturo Vasquez, un asistente legal o uno de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”?
BAHASA: Mengungkap Art Cabrera! (Mengungkap Gereja ITS bag i)

Lasst uns gemeinsam den Vorhang vor der sogenannten ‘Eco-Extremist Mafia’ zurueckziehen und sie mit Hilfe unserer Kontakte etwas mehr zu entlarven. Als Anarchist*innen gehoert es zu unseren Aufgaben, Informationen ueber unsere autoritaeren, faschistischen, reaktionaeren und irrationalen Feinde aufzuspueren und zu sammeln. Diese ‘Mafia’ sagte, dass sie sich lange Zeit im Schatten versteckt hielt, moeglicherweise haben sie sich allerdings in der Besenkammer mit Umschlaegen, Papieren, Stiften und Computern versteckt.

‘Art Cabrera’ ist Arturo Vasquez. Wer ist Art Cabrera’? Er ist Herausgeber der oekofaschistischen Zeitschrift Atassa, die das englische Sprachrohr der Kirche von ITS Mexiko ist: ‘Individualisten, die sich dem Wilden zugewandt haben’.

Vasquez, ein Stueck Dreck der fuer die Uebersetzung und Verbreitung des sogenannten ‘Oeko-Extremismus‘ aus den USA verantwortlich ist, versucht seine reaktionaere Doktrin voranzutreiben, waehrend er ein voellig falsches und verlogenes Doppelleben fuehrt. Wir freuen uns, seinen richtigen Namen mit Foto und Kontaktdaten vom Arbeitsplatz zu veroeffentlichen, um ihm kleinere und groessere Probleme zu bereiten. Da Vasquez immer froh darueber war, der Kirche der Oeko-Extremisten zu dienen, Morddrohungen gegen unsere anarchistischen Gefaehrt*innen anzuzetteln und dabei glaubte, unantastbar zu sein, haben wir grosse Freude daran, seine gesammelten Daten im Internet zu veroeffentlichen (doxxing). Hier ist die Firma, fuer die er in seinem wirklichen Leben arbeitet, nicht die seiner Fantasiewelt, in der er der Boss der ‘Oeko-Extremisten Mafia’ in Amerika ist:


Vielleicht moechten ja einige der antifaschistischen und anarchistischen Gefaehrt*innen in Amerika seinen Arbeitsplatz oder auch seine Frau kontaktieren, um vor ihm als gefaehrliches Mitglied der ‘Oeko-Extremisten Mafia’ zu warnen alle Kontakt daten sind dort zu finden. (more…)

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Human of steel | Haukur Hilmarsson | Immortal in Afrin (Rojava)

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Memorial video for the anarchist internationalist fighter of Rojava Haukur Hilmarsson (Sahin Huseyni). Sehid Sahin has fought against I.S. (DAESH) in Raqqa and martyred while he was defending Afrin from Turkish State’s military invasion.

Ruis Rojava

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

London: Demo against the far right – Oct 13 (UK)

Saturday, September 15th, 2018

A coalition of groups including London Antifascists have made a call-out for a unity demonstration against the far right Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA). The far right have proved themselves to be a resurgent threat this year, mobilising a 20,000 strong rally in central London in June and have attacked trade unionists, people of colour and left wing bookshops. Left unchecked they are sure to repeat these outrageous attacks.

Antifascists have started to come together to counter this new threat. In July a militant bloc of around 500 antifascists came together to oppose a #FreeTommy demonstration. Look out for ways you can get involved in building a mass antifascist movement in the coming weeks.

If you are in London please save the date and join the demonstration. If you are outside of London consider organising transport for your friends and comrades. Meet up point TBA.


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Who is Arturo Vasquez, a Paralegal or an Eco-Extremist Mafia? (USA)

Saturday, September 15th, 2018

Arturo Vasquez (Atassa)

Arturo Vasquez
418 Westwood Dr.
Mandeville, LA 70471
Telephone: (831) 637-0339

ES: ¿Quién es Arturo Vasquez, un asistente legal o uno de la “Mafia Eco-Extremista”?
BAHASA: Mengungkap Art Cabrera! (Mengungkap Gereja ITS bag i)
DE: Wer ist Arturo Vasquez? Ein Anwaltsassistent oder ein Oeko-Extremist?

Let’s help pull back the curtain on the so-called “Eco-Extremist Mafia” and expose them a bit more with the aid of our contacts. Tracking and collecting information on our authoritarian, fascist, reactionary and irrationalist enemies is part of our activities as anarchists. This “Mafia” have said they have been hiding in the shadows for a long time, but possibly this one has been hiding in the broom cupboard with the envelopes, papers, pens and computers.

“Art Cabrera” is Arturo Vasquez. Who is “Art Cabrera”? That is the editor of the eco-fascist journal Atassa, which is the English language mouth-piece of the Church of ITS Mexico, ‘Individualists Tending Toward the Wild’.

Vasquez, a piece of trash who is responsible for translating and spreading so-called ‘Eco-Extremism’ from the United States, is trying to advance his reactionary doctrine whilst living a completely fake and inauthentic double-life. We are happy to publish his real name, photo and workplace contact details to cause him problems, minor or major. Since Vasquez has always been very glad to serve the Church of Eco-Extremism, instigated death threats against our anarchist comrades and is believing he is untouchable, we take great delight in doxxing him. This is the company he works for in his real life, not the fantasy one where he is the boss of the “Eco-Extremist Mafia” in America:


Maybe some of the anti-fascist and anarchist comrades in America would like to contact his workplace and his wife to warn her that he is a dangerous member of the “Eco-Extremist Mafia”, all their contact details are to be found there.

Arturo is a paralegal in his day job. If he isn’t fully lying, his day job is supposed to be legal work for migrants, but he claims he voted for Trump. Considering the infusion of corporate espionage these days, it’s just as probable that a troll like Arturo might just as well be a corporate spy, as a deluded fantasist authoritarian. According to the workplace website of his real life, Vasquez graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor’s Degree in Latin American Studies, and he works primarily in the area of employment-based immigration law. It also mentions that Vasquez spent considerable time in both Mexico and Argentina, and is fluent in Spanish, which certainly fits the picture of a Berkeley University graduate who travelled abroad and thinks himself rather clever.

That this simple-looking, ugly, bald, fat-necked Catholic asshole has convinced quite a few supposedly radical ‘anarchists’ and ‘nihilists’ to join the Choir of the ITS is hilarious, more fool them. This is who Aragorn and LBC is willing to get into bed with just to irresponsibly try to stir shit up. Arturo Vasquez is a fucking loser and should be used as target practice. Shot, stabbed, beaten, burned, whatever. Come to Europe, Arturo, on a speaking tour and promote your book, let’s see what will happen to you. May there be some willing anarchists of praxis near-by who will put you out of your misery, you misanthropic waste.

And, as what most of us suspected to be true, the editor of Atassa is a Catholic, ex-Liberation Theologist, with a Marxist back-story. Arturo’s wife works for the same Legal firm, her name is Anitra. Apparently, neither Anitra nor Vasquez’s kids know about his online eco-fascist “Mafia“ life at all. Anitra studied Biomedical Engineering in Texas A&M University and has a doctorate in Neurobiology from the University of Chicago. Are they not similar studies to those ITS targeted in Mexico?

Maybe Arturo wants his wife dead, raped or maimed too in his secret life.

Arturo, maybe it’s time to tell your wife Anitra and your kids that you believe in rape culture, femicide, and indiscriminate terror in the name of your newest religious concept, Wild Nature. Or does Anitra already know you had a ‘Wild Nature’, a Janus? Is there something else that also is as two-faced and inauthentic in Arturo’s inner life that expresses itself in a life lived in deceit? Let’s find out.


Thank you to our source.

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International Week of Anti-Fascist Agitation and Propaganda (1-8 Sept)

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018



Call for a week of anti-fascist agitation and propaganda, due to the growth and visibility that far-right groups have achieved in recent times which has reached into spaces in the mainstream media, in neighborhoods and in bourgeois politics.

Because of the above it is necessary that we make ourselves present everywhere, mainly in the streets, making it clear that the intention is not only to act in an effective manner to fascist provocations, but to act in an offensive manner, permanently promote an anti-authoritarian attitude, to make visible, question and stress the daily reproductions of fascist attitudes such as racism, xenophobia, sexism and homo/transphobia.

We are present with Heather Heyer, Rodrigo Lanza and those who confront fascism in any of its forms.

Any info: latinxantifa(at)riseup(dot)net

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Known fascist has car vandalised in Bristol (UK)

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

The guitarist for ‘Queensbury Rules’ (a ‘Blood & Honor’ band) had his car sabotaged in the early hours of the 7th of August.

Wojciech (Woj) Wasilewski, a known fascist had all 4 tyres of his car punctured, the bodywork scratched and a message sprayed which reads: “Woj = Fascist” and on the otherside: “[heart symbol] ANNA YPG”.

The car was parked on Trinity St (New Town) St Philips, sometimes parked on Hassell Drive, both near Trinity Police Station, Bristol. The car is a red Hyundai, reg: EA60TWX

Woj and his Polish friends live above ‘Skin Deep’, a tattooist shop on Old Market (close to where the car was parked). The shop is run by ‘Ozzie’, an old National Fronter from Kingswood, Bristol.

Woj has been seen in a ‘Queensbury Rules’ T-shirt with “Pie and Mash” printed on the back (cockney slang for ‘fash’). It also had the slogan: “Five little words” which means “We go where we want”. But the reality is they don’t, their gigs are very secretive and so we decided to go below the belt and kick him in the bollocks.

There is graffiti near Woj’s flat, which is separate from this attack, that also mentions Anna Cambell: “When you fight fascism, the rules of engagement should be of your own making”

Take ’em on the blind side cell.

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Nitrako, a Brutal Rock & Roll band – Spain

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

Hello!! We are Nitrako, a Brutal Rock & Roll band, originated in 2014. We come from a little village of shitty La Rioja sewer, Spain. Now, We have a clip and 3 musical projects that are autoedited and also distributed in the best possible way we could, with the few means we have. Only we want that you hear us, that you download (free), that you show to your friends and that you spread this message if you like what we play. That´s everything we have, the only thing we trust and we are already crazy about going out to play this.

Hola!! Somos Nitrako, un Grupo de Rock & Roll acelerado originado en 2014 un pueblo de mierda de la cloaca riojana. Tenemos un videoclip y 3 proyectos musicales que hemos autoeditadoy distribuido de la mejor manera posible con los pocos medios que tenemos. Solo queremos que nos oigas, que nos descargues, que se lo enseñes a tu gente y que difundas este mensaje si te gusta lo que te enseñamos. Es todo lo que tenemos, lo único en lo que creemos y estamos locos por salir a tocar esto.

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