March 25, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Words from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

Italy : Words from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

Translated by Act for freedom now!
via: parolealvento.
Degenerations – Between pride and gender victimhood 
(An article Degenerazioni – Tra orgoglio e vittimismo di genere
published in issue 3 of the anarchist paper Vetriolo)
I am anarchist, I am not feminist because I see feminism as a sectorial and victimist withdrawal, I have never made any gender discrimination although I don’t use gender-friendly linguistic conventions, on the contrary I often use dirty politically incorrect language. I think that the annulment of gender privilege and similar oppression is already contained in the search for anarchy, that is to say in the practice of antiauthoritarian relations, and should be cultivated there. Ah, I forgot, I loathe consciousness-raising in public meetings and I also consider assemblies to be blunt instruments. I understand and also have the will to meet. But I see how all too often the assembly degenerates into sterile self-representation.
You see nowadays you risk having to start off with such a preamble in order to enter the thicket of clichés on gender and feminism, disentangling yourself in the intricate incapacity to relate to the anarchist galaxy, with a range of behaviours going from hyper-emotiveness to the bureaucratic calculation of what stand (and degree of negotiable compromise) to take in a struggle. I don’t think that authoritarian and sexist behaviour can be fought by trying to spread new linguistic conventions or by cooking up shreds of mainstream indignant rhetoric (among which #nonunadimeno [enough is enough], the feminicide count on TV, pride, red shoes and rainbow ribbons) in an alternative sauce.

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March 25, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°15

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°15

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°15 (mars 2019) vient de sortir.
Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est en format A5, et celui-ci fait 20 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le blog:
“En y prêtant quelque attention, fracasser le miroir de la normalité et se retrouver de l’autre côté pourrait même se révéler plus surprenant encore. Car en plus du renversement provisoire de l’espace et du temps de la domination, c’est jusque la perspective qui pourrait s’en trouver chamboulée. Une fois rompu le charme de la vitrine, une fois le regard capable de se projeter au-delà de sa façade, pourquoi devrait-il en effet s’arrêter en si bon chemin ? La liberté et la rage ne seraient-elles pas aussi contagieuses que la passivité et la soumission ?
L’imagination et la perspicacité ne sont-elles pas des qualités pour celles et ceux qui veulent aller plus loin encore ? Et dans ce cas, pourquoi le regard ne continuerait-il pas à vagabonder à sa guise, non seulement derrière les vitrines mais aussi dans toutes les autres directions, y compris en bas ou en haut, là où prolifèrent les flux de données et d’énergie qui les alimentent. Sous nos pieds ou juste au-dessus de nos têtes.
Comme une manière de continuer à saccager le problème, cette fois directement à la source. Même à quelques-uns, et chacun selon ses propres échéances.”
Télécharger Avis de tempêtes #15 en PDF

March 23, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Montevideo, Uruguay: Paint attack on the Italian embassy (25/02/2019)

Montevideo, Uruguay: Paint attack on the Italian embassy (25/02/2019)

Solidarity with the comrades in Turin

On the morning of February 7 the police of the city of Turin deployed all their repressive apparatus with the intention of clearing the “Asilo Occupato” Social Centre of the Aurora neighbourhood.
A social centre for more than twenty years in the area, which fought against borders and racism. A horizontal, self-managed space, which fights against social inequality, facing a more and more cruel capitalism.

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March 23, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Update concerning anarchists imprisoned in operations “Scintilla” and “Renata”

Italy : Update concerning anarchists imprisoned in operations “Scintilla” and “Renata”

Some comrades arrested on 19.02.2019 in Trentino during the repressive operation “Renata” have been transferred to other prisons (Ferrara, Rome Rebibbia and Tolmezzo, where Giulio and Stecco are already imprisoned). We remember that the main accusations against them are “attack with the purpose of terrorism” (article 280 of the penal code) and, not for all the comrades, to have constituted or participated in a “subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order” (article 270 bis of the penal code).
Here are the updated addresses:

Agnese Trentin
C. C. di Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma
Italia (Italy)

Roberto Bottamedi, Luca Dolce (“Stecco”), Giulio Berdusco
Casa Circondariale
via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (Ud)

Nicola Briganti, Andrea Parolari
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

While Niccolò, arrested on 7.02.2019 in Turin as part of the “Scintilla” repressive operation, who for some days had not been in the AS2 (“high security 2”) section of Ferrara prison but in a “normal” section, was transferred  on 19.03.2019 to Ivrea prison (in the province of Turin). We recall that they are no longer accused of having established or participated in a “subversive association” (article 270 of the penal code), but on charges related to specific facts.
Here are the updated addresses:

Niccolò Blasi
Corso Vercelli 165
10015 Ivrea (To)

Silvia Ruggeri
C. C. di Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma

Antonio Rizzo, Giuseppe de Salvatore
C. C. di Ferrara
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

March 23, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Montreal : Notes on Our March 15th Against the Police

Montreal : Notes on Our March 15th Against the Police

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
I want to remember how it felt to be shook by the beauty of the crowd. Fear and anxiety dissipate as a hundred-strong black bloc takes the street, realizing its collective power that compels police units to maintain a safe distance. It’s happening. We can do this.
Attacking luxury cars, hotels, and banks when the police have been made unable to defend them is an attack on the police, which depends on the perception that it can maintain law and order to be respected by good citizens and feared by the excluded. A call-and-response of shattering glass echoes down Peel Street, as projectiles fly at bank windows in quick succession. Not to worry, several rocks, flares, and at least one decent firework are reserved for the SPVM.
Spontaneity works pretty well sometimes, and it’s cool when people roll a dumpster out of an alley, someone else drops a flare in it to start a small fire, an “ACAB” gets tagged on the front, and others decide to charge with it at some cops up ahead, all in the span of sixty seconds, as though carefully choreographed. Our time together is limited, yet expansive.

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March 19, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Free and dangerous by Elisa and Gabriel. EN/SP/IT

Free and dangerous by Elisa and Gabriel. EN/SP/IT

  Ardire, Scripta Manent, Operation Buyo … Do they mean anything to you? These are only a few of the police judicial “operations” that our “clan” has lived on its own skin for being and remaining anarchists to the extreme consequence.We are a nomadic clan that goes from country to country in search of accomplices who practice anarchism without asking for approval or consensus, who act without worrying about the “politically correct” discourse (so much in vogue in our times) that haunts our little shops today. We are also not interested in “aesthetics”, but “ethics”, the practical, the real…
  We are looking for an anarchism that dirties our hands, keeps us awake and always on guard (as opposed to any complacency); this anarchism that is not liked by and disturbs the servants of the State, who have not abandoned their efforts to imprison us.
  It is not easy to go from one place to another. It’s even more difficult along with our daughter, that little beauty we called Iraultza, and a canine companion that we will never fail to take with us, because she is an integral part of our clan.
     Apparently, the Spanish State has not stopped wanting to put me in prison for a “residual sentence” that exists only in its putrid mind and its disgusting papers.
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March 19, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Spain: Our comrade Lisa has been transferred to Catalonia

Spain: Our comrade Lisa has been transferred to Catalonia

Lisa has been transferred to Catalonia.
Wednesday, March 13, we received a call from the comrade that evening telling us that she had been transferred to Catalonia, specifically to Brians I.
Her detention regime remains the same as in Soto del Real, second degree, with no intercepted communications, mail restrictions and not in isolation.
We continue to encourage writing and live solidarity.
 new contact address:
Lisa Dorfer
C.P Brians I
Carretera de Martorell a Capellades, Km 23
08.635, Sant Esteve Sesrovires
Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rome, Italy : Cash machine attacked

Rome, Italy : Cash machine attacked

We receive and spread:
‘Ouch!’ the window said, but the cash machine didn’t answer because they had shut its mouth.
In the night of 7th March a window was damaged and a cash machine put out of use at the premises of Intesa San Paolo in Rome in solidarity with comrades in Turin and all those who struggle every day.
Against borders
Against cages
Against patriarchy
Against gentrification
Against every State, every boss, every husband, every party
Translated by act for freedom now!

March 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma’s final declaration to the court of the trial of ”Scripta Manent” in Turin

Italy : Anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma’s final declaration to the court of the trial of ”Scripta Manent” in Turin

Today, two years since the beginning of this trial in which I am accused along with the others, my anarchist comrades, brothers and sisters, and after letting this public prosecutor with an unsurprisingly sick imagination talk, I reiterate all the more forcefully that I am anarchist, individualist and for insurrection.
Having read thousands of pages of court papers written by various Neapolitan and Turin prosecutors, I am now even more convinced that sometimes it’s better to be in judicial trouble than to think the way you do.
I stick closely to my ideas that you don’t like because are for the destruction of everything that has to do with your miserable world.
If it had been up to me, I wouldn’t have been born at all, but others decided for me so I have no other choice than to be in this world my own way.  I shall never belong to the herd that you assign a path for grazing to…
I am different, I prefer to elude paths and go with the wolves.
Guilty or innocent?

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March 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Munich, Germany : Siemens attacked in solidarity with the imprisoned in Turin and Zurich

Munich, Germany : Siemens attacked in solidarity with the imprisoned in Turin and Zurich

The first of March 2019, two Siemens vehicles were burnt in east Munich.
Total destruction.

The role of Siemens has already been mentioned in detail in other circumstances.

Against war, borders, domination and exploitation.
Strength and courage to the arrested in Turin and Zurich.

[Translated from German from  Deutschland Indymedia, 09.03.2019]


[1] Various communiqués have already talked about the activities of siemens, which is involved in the technology of control, surveillance and war. One of them claims among others the burning of a Siemens vehicle on December 16 2018 in  Basel,  pointing out that « Throughout its history, of its collaboration with national-socialism to the manufacture of war and control equipment  going through the development of so-called  « smart» technologies, Siemens has always been in the sights of insurgents..
Technological progress is anything but a neutral process but rather the next stage of the history of capitalist expropriation .
Another claims the burning of « wagon of the pigs of Siemens » December 1, 2017 in Leipzig, while a conference of Ministers of the Interior was being held : « […] It was fatal for it to develop monitoring technologies, and in particular to provide them to dictatorships all over the world, but also to support projects in Germany that want to turn cities into Smart Cities. Thus, it also participates in organized surveillance and the advent of technology. […] »

via : Sans_Attendre
Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece Lefkimmi Corfu island : call for urgent financial support to persecuted comrade Vaggelis M.

Greece Lefkimmi Corfu island : call for urgent financial support to persecuted comrade Vaggelis M.

Actforfree receved on: 11/3/19


On 27/2 the police during an orchestrated plan arrested 3 persons in Lefkimmi, Corfu island  including comrade Vaggelis M and charged him with accusations for the recent arson on the landfill facilities in Lefkimmi. Another person was arrested a day earlier. The detainees were subjected to physical and psychological torture such as sleep, food and water deprivation, refusal of medication, physical violence, isolation and denial of accessing a lawyer.
Comrade Vaggelis M was released on a bail of €10.000 to be paid until Thursday 14.3.19 otherwise he will be imprisoned.
We hope that the bail amount will be accrued before the expiry of the deadline so that the comrade will remain free.
Financial support via Paypal
*In Greek
Σημαντική Ενημέρωση:
Στις 27/2 η αστυνομία σε μια συντονισμένη ενέργεια, συνέλαβε στη Λευκίμμη Κέρκυρας 3 άτομα, μεταξύ των οποίων και έναν σύντροφο, βαρυνόμενο με κατηγορίες σχετικά με τον πρόσφατο εμπρησμό εγκαταστάσεων του ΧΥΤΑ Λευκίμμης. Ένα ακόμη άτομο είχε συλληφθεί μια μέρα νωρίτερα. Οι συλληφθέντες αντιμετώπισαν βασανιστήρια σωματικά και ψυχολογικά, όπως για παράδειγμα στέρηση ύπνου, φαγητού και νερού, άρνηση φαρμακευτικής αγωγής, σωματική βία, απομόνωση, και στέρηση πρόσβασης σε δικηγόρο.
Ο σύντροφος Βαγγέλης Μ. αφέθηκε ελεύθερος με εγγύηση €10.000 που πρέπει να καταβληθούν μέχρι την Πέμπτη 14.3.19 ετσι ωστε να μην προφυλακιστει.
Ευελπιστούμε να συγκεντρωθεί το ποσό της εγγύησης πριν την λήξη της προθεσμίας, ώστε ο σύντροφος να παραμείνει ελεύθερος.
Oικονομική υποστήριξη μέσω Paypal

Anarchists in Solidarity

March 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Sardinia, Italy : Sos sinnos [the signs] of solidarity

Sardinia, Italy : Sos sinnos [the signs] of solidarity

Repression against comrades is increasingly taking the characteristics of witch hunts, fascist raids and the 1970s.
First in Turin then in Trentino and Cagliari the claws of the new pacificatory order have tightened on the flesh of our comrades, of those who think it is imperative to take a stance in the face of the current authoritarian, security and exploitative trends.

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March 17, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Zurich, Switzerland : Two letters from the anarchist comrade imprisoned since January 29

Zurich, Switzerland : Two letters from the anarchist comrade imprisoned since January 29

1st March 2019, Zurich prison
Dear comrades, dear friends
It has been a month since I was forced to stop by an unmarked car on my way to work on the 29th of January, just as I was cycling from Langstrasse to Josefstrasse, and was ambushed from behind by two other plainclothes police on bicycles. There was a woman among them whom I remember had followed me to my house not long ago. Then, along with about 15 other uninvited guests we left for one last visit to my flat, my car and the anarchist library where, among other things, electronic data equipment and documents were seized.
Now I have landed in this other dimension consisting of narrow rooms, block furniture, long corridors, bars, again and still more bars and steel doors, whose opening and shutting dictate the rhythm of daily life. Only a few hundred metres away from familiar places and people, separated by the violence of a whole society that prefers a regime of walls and laws to the reign of freedom and conscience.
Outside, we may dream, experiment, rebel from injured dignity in the face of the disgracefulness on which this world is based. Gradually our experiences and insights interweave into an overall view and we face the conditions of domination in thought and in action in order to free ourselves, constantly rejecting the catalogue of pre-established models, including anarchist ones. That’s how, as a matter of course, a revolutionary project unfolds within us in which theory and action constantly challenge and intermingle, we feel ourselves grow and think we can almost take on the world, and yet bang !, in an instant everything can be reduced to a few square metres. Every anarchist knows this and always has it more or less present somewhere in the back of their mind.

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March 16, 2019
by actforfreedom




Graffiti that appeared in recent weeks in Münich “Let us breakthrough the silence, the stillness that remains, with unmistakeable words and burning hearts.
You are not alone! Solidarity with the arrested comrade in Zürich”

March 15, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Ukraine: In Kiev anarchists shot at the windows of Goloseyevsky court

Ukraine: In Kiev anarchists shot at the windows of Goloseyevsky court

On the morning of March 12, 2019, the police reported on the attack on the court.
The day before, we – the anarchists of Kiev, held an action of solidarity with the anarchist Azat Miftakhov detained in Moscow.
Once in prison, in the clutches of the punitive system, our comrades should be aware of the support, which is usually expressed in the form of concerts, pickets, letters… But more important is the confidence that their cause continues to live, confidence in the justification and consistency of their struggle. We do not care about Azat’s involvement in explosives and other episodes, because anyone who calls himself an anarchist is already guilty, and deserves punishment from the point of view of the state.

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March 15, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Trentino, Italy : Addresses of the anarchists arrested in ‘operation Renata’ and IBAN code for donations

Trentino, Italy : Addresses of the anarchists arrested in ‘operation Renata’ and IBAN code for donations

cna — 6th march  2019
Translated by act for freedom now!

‘Operation Renata’ kicked off in the morning of  February 19th with raids in anarchists’ places and homes between Trento, Bolzano and Rovereto.
7 were arrested: 6 remanded in custody and 1 under house arrest.
The charges relate to articles 270bis and 280bis.
Raids were carried out at Tavan and Palestra Popolare in Trento, at Nave dei Folli and Cabana in Rovereto and at Katakombenstube in Bolzano.
Here are their addresses:
Roberto Bottamedi
C.C. Brescia Canton Mombello
Via Spalto S. Marco 20
25100 Brescia (BS)
Nicola Briganti
C.C.Verona Montorio
Via S. Michele 15
37131 Verona (VR)
Agnese Trentin
C.C. Verziano
Via Flero 157
25125 Brescia (BS)
Andrea Parolari
Via Basilio Dalla Scola 150
36100 Vicenza (VI)
Giulio Berdusco
C.C. Via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (UD)
Luca Dolce
C.C. Via Paluzza 77
33028 Tolmezzo (UD)
This is an IBAN code for any benefits in solidarity with those arrested:
IBAN: IT04H3608105138216260316268, account name Bezerra Kamilla.
For contributions from abroad you also need a BIC/SWIFT code:  PPAYITR1XXX
In Italy you can also pay money (cash) directly to a card number at the tobacconist’s (cost 2 euros) by providing your details.
You’ll need: your Fiscal Code (you need your card not just the number); card number where to pay the money in: 5333171070668120; Fiscal Code of the name on the card: BZRKLL80P60Z602C.

March 15, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Rome , Italy : From the Underground: Underground Hip Hop Festival, benefit for anarchist prisoners (28-30/03/2019)

Rome , Italy : From the Underground: Underground Hip Hop Festival, benefit for anarchist prisoners (28-30/03/2019)

From the Underground
Underground Hip Hop Festival, benefit for anarchist prisoners (28-29-30/03/2019)
Bencivegna Squat (Via Bencivenga 15 – Rome / bus 90, 60, 211, 84, N4)
Free donation entry
8pm Pizzas
6pm FREESTYLE JAM mics and beatmakers all invited
8pm Pizzas
Wild hip hop session outside the female unit of the Rebibbia prison
3pm sharp

Translated by act for freedom now!

March 15, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Genoa, Italy : F. Ferrer Library opening times 2019

Genoa, Italy : F. Ferrer Library opening times 2019

From Monday 4th February and subsequently in continuity from Tuesday 19th February the Library will be open again. You’ll find the days and opening times for the year 2019 at the bottom of the page, in the home page of the website ( or by clicking the designated button. 
Updates on the library’s calendar of appointments and initiatives will follow shortly.
The website and database are being updated and adjusted. Something will surely be missing, probably also in the coming months in terms of accessibility/availability; but be patient, we are not experts in the marvels of information technology and hi-tech, we are just self-taught persons.
It will also happen sometimes that we won’t be able to update the ‘news and previews’ section of the website in time, in order to communicate that the Library is to be closed on a given day or that it will have different opening times.

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March 15, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece: Revolutionary Struggle Statement: Lambros Foundas Is Immortal

Greece: Revolutionary Struggle Statement: Lambros Foundas Is Immortal

March 10, 2019
On March 10th, 2010, Revolutionary Struggle was first struck:
Comrade Lambros Foundas fell dead from a cop’s bullet during the expropriation of a vehicle. He fell dead during a time of preparation for Revolutionary Struggle, which constituted the continuation of the organization’s action against the crisis, against capitalism and the state itself, against the policies of the system, which were formed by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF on the same days. It was an act of opposition to the burdens of borrowing contracts (memoranda) which, two months after his death, were imposed by the supranational economic and political power. It was an action-response to the fascist extortion imposed by the Greek political and economic power: “Memoranda or Destruction.” It was an answer to the dilemma of “salvation of the system or salvation of the social majority.”
To this dilemma, our companion Lambros Fountas and everyone in Revolutionary Struggle had already answered: the only response to the crisis is Social Revolution.

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