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Sounds with this tag

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This is made from parts of SqueakyGate.wav by acclivity and crash.wav by sagetyrtle, using Goldwave. Thanks ;) Basic editing only: ...

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Close recording of the body fall on the ground with grass during the summer day. Fall, grass, birds in distance. ...

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We were cutting down giant trees the other day on our farm, and I recorded this amazing sound. A great, ...

December 28th, 2011
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Cartoon style sound of throwing things, as requested by StackProne in this thread: http://www.freesound.org/forum/sample-requests/34571. Obtained processing this sound of a ...

2 more results in the same pack "Interacting With Stairs"
  • Currently /5 Stars.

(Small warning to headphone users) A quick and raw recording of an artificial waterfall in Guildford. You can loop this ...

1 more result in the same pack "bethewumpus"