No fair! One Nation's James Ashby makes a complaint to Sergeant Al

No fair! One Nation's James Ashby makes a complaint to Sergeant Al

Secret recordings leaked by a journalist masquerading as a desk sergeant called Al have revealed the scene when One Nation’s James Ashby rushed in to Australian Federal Police headquarters to lodge a complaint about a TV investigation into his and the party’s adventures in the gun trade.

Senator Pauline Hanson with chief of staff James Ashby.

Senator Pauline Hanson with chief of staff James Ashby.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Ashby A dirty low-down TV outfit from the Middle East has been following me around.

Sergeant Al You don’t say.

Ashby I do say. And they’ve been recording stuff that was supposed to be secret.


Sergeant Al Say, aren’t you the bloke who got filmed thumping a Senator a few weeks ago? Bloke named Burston?

Ashby He committed treason against One Nation!

Sergeant Al Got yourself banned from parliament?

Ashby Listen, I demand to make a complaint. This TV outfit’s called Al Jazeera. Don’t tell me that doesn’t sound suspicious right there.

Sergeant Al Say, aren’t you the young fella who made those complaints years ago against that Speaker bloke, Peter Slipper? Made you keep the shower door open? Sent spicy emails? Stuff like that?

Ashby I was vindicated.

Sergeant Al I thought you withdrew when the going got tough.

Ashby It was going to cost too much. Anyway, Mr Slipper wasn’t well. I said at the time that under such circumstances, I didn’t wish to continue lengthy proceedings that could potentially cause him great harm. They were my exact words.

Sergeant Al You don’t say. Didn’t want to cause the poor fellow harm, eh?

Ashby Exactly. Now, this Al Jazeera mob from Qatar. They hired a spy and dressed him up as a proper bloke, farmer’s hat and everything, and tailed me and my colleague all the way to Washington and got us talking about squeezing money out of this perfectly legal organisation so we could fight for the Second Amendment in Australia.

Sergeant Al You don’t say. That’d be the National Rifle Association, hmm? And that Second Amendment? That’d be the one that says, ah, ‘‘A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.’’ Not sure anyone understands exactly what it means, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t apply in Australia.

Ashby Not yet. But with 10 or 20 million bucks, we’d have ‘em by the balls in parliament.

Sergeant Al Watch your mouth, son. This is a police station.

Ashby Touchy, touchy. Lucky you didn’t hear what Pauline said when she saw that TV show by the Arabs...

Sergeant Al Told you to mind your mouth. So what’s your complaint?

Ashby They didn’t play fair!

Sergeant Al You don’t say.

Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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