Opera | News & Reviews | The Canberra Times
Salome review: Perversion writ large in this thrilling production

Salome review: Perversion writ large in this thrilling production

Opera Australia's Salome is a thrillingly-sung revival of a Gale Edwards production that emphasises the perverted, fetish-like aspect of Strauss' sadistically sensationalist reading of Wilde's Symbolist text.

  • by Peter McCallum


Kosky's Magic Flute enchanting and unforgettable

Kosky's Magic Flute enchanting and unforgettable

Barrie Kosky’s genius at wrestling this popular opera into something strange and scintillating and new can’t be denied.

  • by Cameron Woodhead
Joys aplenty among Werther's sorrows

Joys aplenty among Werther's sorrows

This revival of Elijah Moshinsky’s 1989 production of Massenet’s Werther is carried by strong vocal performances of its leads, Michael Fabiano and Elena Maximova.

  • by Peter McCallum
Time becomes space - if you have time - in Parsifal

Time becomes space - if you have time - in Parsifal

Victorian Opera kicks off its season with Wagner's epic Parsifal.

  • by Bridget Davies
Dicey Topics: Barrie Kosky talks death, sex and politics
Good Weekend

Dicey Topics: Barrie Kosky talks death, sex and politics

The artistic director of the Komische Oper Berlin discusses the topics we are told to keep quiet.

  • by Benjamin Law
Melbourne Opera soars with Flying Dutchman

Melbourne Opera soars with Flying Dutchman

It was only four years ago that a bigger company, Victorian Opera, staged this Wagner, but Melbourne Opera's is a far better production.

  • by Bridget Davies
Opera for the ages - with a twist

Opera for the ages - with a twist

The tale of Orpheus in the Underworld has been told many times over the centuries, but this production tells part of the story that has gone unexplored.

  • by Bridget Davies