What is Blind Spot Monitoring

"Oops, sorry mate... didn't see you there."

How many times have you said that, and had to apologise to your motoring neighbours, while driving in heavy traffic?

I bet it's a fairly common occurance; when you want to merge into another lane and haven't spotted another car or motorbike is already beside you, or approaching quickly.

That is a consequence of a number of factors. Firstly, with stricter safety requirements, modern cars have a lot more metal in their basic structure with thicker A-pillars (the struts between the windscreen and front doors that hold-up the roof), B-Pillars (those in between the front and rear doors) and C-pillars (the ones at the back). Secondly, car designers want to improve aerodynamics and aesthetics with steeper rakes on the windscreens and smaller glass houses. And, lastly, we're driving bigger cars than ever before, and in more of rush to get to where we want to be, which means gaps in the traffic are, conversely, smaller.

All of that means, despite having physically bigger rear-view mirrors, drivers generally have what is known as blind spots in their vision; areas around them that may be obstructed by the furniture of the car itself.

And, really, if there is one thing that is going to stop you having an accident in the first place, it’s the ability to see where you’re going and the environment around you. Everything else - from ABS to ESP and the airbags - are all there as a back-up.

Which is where blind spot monitors come in to help.

So how does it work?

Basically, most systems use the ultrasonic sensors in the rear bumper - the same ones that beep and buzz when reverse parking - or rear-mounted radars to detect when another car is either beside you or approaching in an adjacent lane.

The sensors send out acoustic pulses (or a radar beam) with a computer recognising the time it receives a reflected signal to determine the distance within its boundaries.

If it determines there is an object within the prescribed area, it then activates a warning signal to the driver -somewhere in their peripheral vision at least, such as illuminating a display in the side mirror itself or the base of the A-pillar - to alert the driver.

If you intend to stay within your lane, then it is just a simple acknowledgement. But if you activate the indicator to move over - and haven't seen the early warning that is a car is already there or approaching quickly - then the system reacts to either display a flashing signal, an audible warning, or both, that is intended to prevent you moving across. Some even have haptic responses through the steering wheel, the seat cushion or the seat belt, and more advanced systems can use the lane keeping assistance technology to increase torque through the steering wheel in order to keep you travelling within the current lane.

While it is effectively widening the scope of vision from the rear-view mirrors, the reality is you shouldn’t actually need Blind Spot Monitoring in the first place.

Because if you go back to the absolute basics, then positioning your three rear-view mirrors correctly should eliminate most blind spots.

As a reminder, each time you get in the driver’s seat, sit in your normal position and move each mirror out wide enough so that you don’t see any panels down the side of your car on the inside of the mirror at all. If you need a reference point, just have the door handles in view - that’s it.

In terms of the rear view mirror, make sure you can see through the entire rear windscreen, looking back on the traffic at least a couple of hundred metres behind you. There is no point looking at the roof - or the cargo shelf - they’re not going to move anywhere.







Andrew Maclean

As Editor in Chief of the Drive Network, Amac is one of Australia's most experienced automotive journalists with more than 25 years experience in newspapers, magazines, broadcasting and digital media.

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