Good Weekend | The Age

Good Weekend

The agent, her authors and the legal battles worthy of a bestseller

The agent, her authors and the legal battles worthy of a bestseller

For decades, Selwa Anthony has been one of Australia’s top publishing agents. In the past year, she’s been on the losing side of two high-profile court cases.

  • by Jane Cadzow


Tears and cake with Vietnam War nashos

Tears and cake with Vietnam War nashos

Interviewing war veterans brought a son closer to his nasho dad – and gave a better insight into those sent to fight.

  • by Mark Dapin
Your 20s: equal parts awesome and angst

Your 20s: equal parts awesome and angst

Your 20s: old enough to roam, young enough to be reckless, and plenty of time for rumination. A writer details her experience of adulthood’s first decade.

  • by Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen
Two of us: Inside the marriage of top scientists Alan and Elizabeth Finkel
Two of Us

Two of us: Inside the marriage of top scientists Alan and Elizabeth Finkel

Alan Finkel is Australia's chief scientist and a former chancellor of Monash University. His wife, Elizabeth is a science writer and editor-at-large for Cosmos.

  • by Peter Wilmoth
There are lessons for the whole family in trashy reality TV

There are lessons for the whole family in trashy reality TV

Reality TV shows may perform a valuable service, bringing families together to enjoy quality time while eliciting crucial conversations about social norms.

  • by Tim Elliott
Dicey Topics: Osher Günsberg talks money, death and sex
Dicey topics

Dicey Topics: Osher Günsberg talks money, death and sex

The TV host, author and mental health advocate discusses the topics we are told to keep quiet.

  • by Benjamin Law
Why are insects dying in such numbers?

Why are insects dying in such numbers?

It's been dubbed the bugalypse – study after study rolling in from countries across the globe pointing to dramatic declines in insect populations.

  • by Greg Callaghan
My infant's sleep routine is a 'moving meditation'
Foreign correspondence

My infant's sleep routine is a 'moving meditation'

They say it’s about the journey, not the destination. Looking after a newborn has proven this cliché true in a way I would never have imagined.

  • by Amelia Lester
Listen: Troubadour Elvis takes the stage – in my own backyard

Listen: Troubadour Elvis takes the stage – in my own backyard

Parlour is an Australian web-based company that lists artists who want to play intimate shows – in your living room, kitchen nook or on the back verandah.

  • by Konrad Marshall
Modern Guru: Is it wrong for me to pocket coins I find when cleaning homes?

Modern Guru: Is it wrong for me to pocket coins I find when cleaning homes?

My work involves tidying up people's homes. Occasionally, I find change – sometimes as much as $2 – in places like the washing machine, or stuffed down the side of the sofa. Is it wrong to take them?

  • by Danny Katz
The Empty Plate: Grab a fork and spoon in one hand and help yourself

The Empty Plate: Grab a fork and spoon in one hand and help yourself

We all could do with a little helping hand when the communal dishes and shared plates arrive.

  • by Terry Durack