Join the world’s premier event for Voluntaryists!



Why you should come to Libertopia

Posted by Jeffrey A. Tucker on Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Libertopia Festival is back and it’s bigger and better than ever with over 80 speakers confirmed! This year we are featuring awesome new program tracks such as “Cryptopia,” “Let’s Build Libertopia,” “Start-up Societies and Seasteading,” “Health and Wellness” and so much more. You’re not going to want to miss our main event, “The Birth of a Free Nation” where you will witness an Apache tribe sign their new constitution, birthing the first blockchain-based, Voluntaryist, sovereign nation.
Join us in our mission to create a worldwide movement of individuals dedicated to the ideal of voluntary societies premised upon mutual respect for each person’s dignity and sovereignty. Click one of the ticket options below to start your purchase using a credit card, PayPal, Bitcoin, DASH, or SmartCash. When you purchase with DASH or SmartCash you’ll get 10% off Regular tickets or 5% off Premium Tickets! 

Enjoy Sunny San Diego

Join us at the world-famous venue, Humphreys By the Bay, in San Diego, California and enjoy your stay at the beautiful Humphreys Half Moon Resort.

Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.

Meet our fantastic lineup!

We have an incredible lineup of over 80+ speakers!

Big love to our Sponsors!

It’s time…

To create a true Libertopia! Are you in?

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