Islamophobia has been stirred up and promoted in the political mainstream.

Mag highlights

Putting government investment in renewables on the agenda

The most straightforward way to begin cutting emissions is to replace all the coal and gas-fired power stations with renewable energy.

Sending in the army: How Labor broke the 1949 coal strike

Even in its supposed golden age, a Labor government was prepared to use all the tools at its disposal to wage war on unionism and break a strike, writes David Glanz

Capitalism vs the climate: Why we need system change

The action needed to avert climate catastrophe means fighting the logic of capitalism and profit, argues James Supple

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Contents March 2019
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Does Venezuela’s crisis show socialism can’t work?

Venezuela's crisis shows what happens when there is a partial challenge to the rich. It is not an example of too much socialism, but rather not enough.

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