Alyssa Vinsonhaler - White Supremacy's So-Called Antifa Convert

A recent addition to Patriot Prayer’s mob of far-right activists, Alyssa Vinsonhaler quickly made herself a key player in white nationalist Haley Adams’ entourage by presenting herself as a “former member” of antifa. In promoting herself as a so-called insider source on the radical left, she’s given Adams and others fresh targets for harrassment and facile rhetorical fodder for their bigoted agenda. A screenshot from far-right troll Keith Campbell’s Youtube video labels Vinsonhaler a member of Rose City Antifa.

Haley Adams - White Nationalist Wanna-be Celebrity

Haley Adams Haley Adams is a white nationalist member of Patriot Prayer who has been a consistent presence at Patriot Prayer and Proud Boy events and struggled to transform herself into an alt-right celebrity. Recently, Adams’ constant attempt to propel herself into the far-right media spotlight has been a cause for significant in-fighting amongst Patriot Prayer, the Proud Boys, and her own group of far-right amateurs. After a feud led former Proud Boy Kim Costello to be outed, Rose City Antifa was sent another tip, detailing Adams’ home address.

Identity Europa in the Pacific Northwest - Jacob Labudda, Chad M Jerald Jr, Nicholas Williams, and Bogdan Gerasimyuk

Unicorn Riot recently released the chat logs of the white nationalist group Identity Europa, which contains almost 250k messages from approximately 900 unique users. Identity Europa (IE) began in 2016, as a project founded by Nathan Damigo. The focus was on mass-movement building among white, college-age youth, typically framed in terms of white “Identitarianism”, and influenced by European organization Generation Identitaire, or Generation Identity. A significant part of IE’s messaging has focused on shifting away from openly racist rhetoric, and establishing a respectable facade for their organization by claiming that they merely support “pro-white” positions.

Statement Regarding the City of Portland and the Police Bureau's February 21 Listening Session

The recent uproar in the media and activist community regarding the Portland Police Bureau’s communications with Joey Gibson did not take us by surprise, but only served to prove what has been known to many for some time. The City of Portland has attacked and injured anti-fascist activists, and done so at the behest of and in collusion with far-right groups. An Incomplete Timeline of the City of Portland’s Collusion with Far-Right Violence The Portland police provided free buses to transport white supremacists at the tax-payers expense on April 29, 2017.

Kim Costello - Secret Proud Boy Business Owner In Montavilla

At the center of a current maelstrom of far-right infighting involving Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys is a relative newcomer calling himself “Vittorio DiNove.” Thanks to information leaked by “Vittorio’s” resentful fellow far-right activists, who tend to get paranoid about new recruits rising too quickly through their ranks, we are exposing his real identity today as Kim Warner Costello, an extremely violent member of the Proud Boys hate group who works at Gearheads Motorworks, an automotive repair business owned by his partner in the Montavilla neighborhood of Portland, OR.

Regarding the Portland City Council Resolution - Portland Must Fire Quincy Franklin and Gregory Isaacson

On Thurday February 7, 2019, Portland City Council passed a resolution acknowledging Portland’s grotesque and ongoing history of white supremacy and racism, and “reaffirm[ing] its commitment to continue, in collaboration with Portlanders, pursuing policies and directing bureaus in the next year and beyond to ensure civil and human rights to all individuals.” The resolution also states that “the city of Portland is proud to stand united against those who propagate hate and incite fear and violence in our community.

Michael Dorsey - Gresham OR neo-Nazi

Rose City Antifa is exposing the identities of three neo-Nazis who are part of the local Daily Stormer Book Club (DSBC), known as the PDX Stormers. Since 2016, the PDX Stormers have harassed and threatened members of our community with anti-Semitic, white nationalist propaganda as members of the internet’s largest community of Nazis and white supremacists, organized via the web forums of The Daily Stormer neo-Nazi website. Follow along with us using the hashtags #stormerbreaker and #debaseddoxx.

Bogdan Gerasimyuk - Vancouver WA neo-Nazi

Matthew Blais and Bogdan Gerasimyuk, two neo-Nazis associated with the Portland Daily Stormer Book Club, are employed by Securitas in Vancouver, WA as private security guards. These individuals have a long history of posting racism, anti-Semitism, and threats of genocidal violence online, and have taken part in organized campaigns of racial intimidation in local Portland and Vancouver neighborhoods, and on college campuses. Having these two fascists licensed and employed as private security in our community is unacceptable.

Matthew Blais - Vancouver WA Neo-Nazi

Matthew Blais and Bogdan Gerasimyuk, two neo-Nazis associated with the Portland Daily Stormer Book Club, are employed by Securitas in Vancouver, WA as private security guards. These individuals have a long history of posting racism, anti-Semitism, and threats of genocidal violence online, and have taken part in organized campaigns of racial intimidation in local Portland and Vancouver neighborhoods, and on college campuses. Having these two fascists licensed and employed as private security in our community is unacceptable.

PDX Stormers - Franchised Neo-Nazi Organizing In the PNW

Daily Stormer Book Clubs The Daily Stormer Book Clubs (DSBC) are a network of neo-Nazi cells spread throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Begun on Andrew Anglin’s The Daily Stormer web forum, these groups have allowed white supremacists and fascists in different metropolitan regions to meet and coordinate racist intimidation and violence since 2016. The Portland, Oregon DSBC chapter (referred to in this article as the “PDX Stormers”) was until recently one of the largest and most active.
