TOTW: Anarchist Anti-Imperialism

  • Posted on: 24 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

Anti-imperialism is a term used in a wide variety of contexts, usually by nationalist movements who want to secede from a larger body politic (often in the form of an empire, but also in a multi-ethnic sovereign state) or as a specific theory opposed to capitalism in Marxist–Leninist discourse, derived from Vladimir Lenin's work Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. People who categorize themselves as anti-imperialists often state that they are opposed to colonialism, colonial empires, hegemony, imperialism and the territorial expansion of countries.

Yellow Vestiges: Inside the Riots of March 16

  • Posted on: 24 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

Against all odds, the yellow vest movement is still alive more than four months after it erupted onto the French political stage. To the surprise of many, it drew a breath of fresh air last weekend in a new outbreak of rioting in Paris, proving that it has lost neither its fierce determination nor its unpredictable and unruly power. Anarchists and other anti-authoritarian participants seem to have outlasted every effort by police to crush the movement by brute force, by politicians to co-opt it into fruitless “dialogue,” by “leaders” to pacify and dominate it, by fascists to use it as a recruiting platform. It remains to be seen whether the developments in France will spread elsewhere around the world and whether the far right or other actors will be able to capitalize on the disorder to impose a new and even more repressive order in France. But the trajectory of the movement up to March 16 shows that the conflicts that generated it cannot easily be suppressed and offers a model for how to outlast repression and co-optation.

RAM-NYC Statement on Fallen Anarchist Fighter Tekoşer Piling

  • Posted on: 24 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement

On Monday March 18th, anarchist Lorenzo (Orso) Orsetti, nom de guerre Tekoşer Piling, fell while fighting in Baghouz, as a member of the unit Tekoşîna Anarşîst (Anarchist Struggle). He fought in Afrin and Deir Ezzor, and helped build the only anarchist unit in Rojava.

Blumenfeld’s Stirner

  • Posted on: 24 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From The Anvil Review

All Things Are Nothing to Me is one of the latest books to emerge from the ongoing revival of interest in the work of Max Stirner. The title is taken from the opening line of the first English translation of Stirner’s The Unique and its Property, which can also be translated literally but more prosaically as “I have based my affair on nothing.” In his introduction, the author, Jacob Blumenfeld, says that his intention is to “reconstruct” Stirner’s unique philosophy1 and show a “contemporary, critical, and useful Stirner”. This already makes the book ambitious, as Stirner is all too often reduced to merely a meme or a punchline by both his detractors and his champions. Blumenfeld acknowledges this, considering and rejecting Stirner as a precursor to the troll culture of the alt-right as well as a would-be accommodator of the neoliberal status quo. Instead, he prefers to see Stirner as a kindred spirit of the notorious Invisible Committee, as both offer critiques of ideology and alienation. As he wraps up his introduction, Blumenfeld says that in the first chapter of his book he “discover[s] something interesting, namely, that one does not need the concept of the ‘ego’ to understand Stirner at all. In fact, this might have been the biggest stumbling block toward understanding his philosophy.”

Feminism is Everywhere: Building a Multisectoral, Transversal Movement in Chile

  • Posted on: 24 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From This is Hell!

Live from Santiago, organizer Bree Busk explores the rise of a multisectoral, transversal feminist movement in Chile – connecting the oppression of women, workers, migrants and indigenous people in Chilean society with the power of capitalism, patriarchy and the state, and linking social movements together in solidarity and shared struggle for liberation.

The Mall or the Agora? Revitalizing the Anarchist Bookfair

  • Posted on: 23 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From C4SS by William Gillis

Anarchist bookfairs are one of the most interesting features of anarchist life.

A bookfair is immediately recognizable as hierarchical. There are the booksellers and there are the consumers. What separates the two is not merely the physicality of a table, but the capital investment it represents. Those distroing have usually been required to purchase space in the bookfair. But moreover they have had to invest in the things they are now trying to sell.

Solecast w/ Drowning Dog & Malatesta on Anarchy, Radical Culture and Life In Europe

  • Posted on: 23 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Solecast

In this episode of the solecast i speak with anarchist rap innovators Drowning Dog And Malatesta.  As far as I know them and Test Their Logik are some of the first rappers to come out and really rep anarchy front and center.  They’ve been making music together for about 2 decades and have self released a number of ground breaking records, like Got No Time  , Black Cat  and their most recent “Sick Of This Shit

Anarchist Dmitry Palienko detained in Minsk

  • Posted on: 23 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Pramen

Former political prisoner and anarchist Dmitry Palienko was detained at March, 20th around 10 AM at his apartments in Minsk. He is accused in committing crime at article 339 p. of the criminal code (“Exclusively malicious hooliganism”). The sanction of the article – from 3 to 10 years of prison.
