This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Steven Goldman
  • TOPICS: Baseball, sociology, and decline of journalism.

Three Lessons for the Left from the Mueller Inquiry

The left never had a dog in this race. This was always an in-house squabble between different wings of the establishment. Late-stage capitalism is in terminal crisis, and the biggest problem facing our corporate elites is how to emerge from this crisis with their power intact. One wing wants to make sure the pig’s face remains painted, the other is happy simply getting its snout deeper into the trough while the food lasts.  More

The TSA’s Role as Journalist Harasser and Media ‘Watchdog’

Sometimes you have to leave the United States to understand how far this country has evolved towards becoming a police state. I got a good example of this just last week on a trip with my harpsichordist wife Joyce to Vienna where she had been contracted to perform a concert of music by a leftist Jewish composer who fled Austria just ahead of the Nazi Anschluss that took over and incorporated that country into Germany, eventually settling in the US. More

Epifanio Camacho: a Militant Farmworker Brushed Out of History

Cesar Chavez is perhaps best known for his role in the 1965-1970 Delano grape strike and boycott and his nonviolent tactics in those protests. Although Chavez insisted on nonviolence, there was dissent within the National Farmworkers Association as some workers believed more militant tactics were necessary. One of these workers was Epifanio Camacho.  With Cesar More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Wall From the Other Side

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on how Mexico views Trump’s border wall; Master of the Lost Cause: Lee Ballinger on Robert E. Lee, Then and Now; Trump Does Africa: Nick Pemberton on the 21st Century War on Africa; Abbie Hoffman: American Environmentalist by Jonah Raskin; The ESA: Noah’s Ark or Titanic? by Craig Collins; Plus: Dan Glazebrook on Alexander Dugin and the New Fascism; Ron Jacobs on the Antiwar Movement in Olympia; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on the Politics of Violence in Europe; Pete Dolack on Trickle-Down Economics’ Latest Failure; Ruth Fowler on Magnet Schools; Jeffrey St. Clair on Honduran Refugees; Chris Floyd on Virtual Reality Politics; and Charles Pierson on Trump and the New World Order.

Trump’s Secrecy Insulates U.S. Public from CIA Drone War
