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March 20, 2019 - click here for index of articles.

Fascist agenda must be stopped

The fascistic political shades present in the current federal government and in mainstream politics are making themselves known, encouraged by successive Coalition governments; from the snarling, attack dog approach of former PM Tony Abbott; former Attorney General George Brandis (“I want the right to be a bigot”) to the abuse of children, women and men in offshore detention centres and the dispossession of Indigenous Australians driven by continued policies underpinned by genocide.  more ...

Editorial – School students demand action on climate change

Last Friday 150,000 primary and secondary school students and supporters marched in 53 different locations around Australia, protesting about the appalling lack of Coalition government policies to tackle the climate change menace.  more ...

Taking the Party to the people through the Guardian

The Guardian is a key point of contact between the Party and the people. Comrades Ellen and Seamus of CPA Perth branch share their experiences of selling the newspaper.  more ...

Students strike for Climate Change

In Perth, Western Australia, over 2,000 public and private school children and their supporters responded to the call for a lunchtime strike for climate action as part of the March 15 national day of action. Despite the front page of the West Australian newspaper suggesting the school strike was the students responding to “brainwashing rather than passion” and the ALP Minister for Education Sue Ellery saying she had a responsibility to ensure the children attended school rather than miss two hours of tuition, school students who attended the rally had no doubt where their priorities lie.  more ...

Pacific Ocean: environmental disaster zone

Oil spilling from the stricken oil tanker Solomon Trader on Rennell Island in the Solomon Islands has created an environmental disaster. On February 5, the ship, which had been loading bauxite despite cyclone warnings, ran aground on the island, the largest raised coral atoll in the world.   more ...

Film launch – Cubanas: Women in Revolution

As part of the IWD 2019 activities, the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, ACFS WA Branch launched the Australian premiere of Maria Torrellas documentary Cubanas, Women in Revolution (Cuban women, Women in Revolution).  more ...

A special place The Southern Cross Brigade

Every year since the mid 1980s a brigade of intrepid and progressive citizens of Australia and New Zealand have signed up for a brigade in friendship with the Cuban Revolution to see how socialism is travelling in that distant Caribbean island.  more ...

Bread and Peace

This is a speech by Dorothy Costa at an IWD function at the Cyprus Community Club in Sydney – Abridged.  more ...

The sovereign will

The Revolutionary Government of Cuba strongly condemns the sabotage perpetrated against the power supply system in Venezuela, which is a terrorist action intended to harm the defenceless population of an entire nation and turn it into a hostage of the non-conventional war launched by the government of the United States against the legitimate government headed by comrade Nicolás Maduro Moros and the civic and military union of the Bolivarian and Chavista people.  more ...

Culture & Life – Miss Fisher revisited

Last year I had occasion to criticise the ABC series Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries for the gratuitous anti-Communism in its portrayal of trade unionists. The series is set in Melbourne in the late ’20s-early-’30s, in other words, at the height of the Great Depression. It would be hard to ignore the activity of the Reds at that time as they fought to defend working class people from the twin predations of greedy employers and fascist goons.  more ...

On the 6th anniversary of the passing of Hugo Chávez, Commander in chief of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, your example keeps defeating imperialism. Chávez lives on!

Quote of the Week

A slave who has become conscious of his slavery
and has risen to struggle for his emancipation
has already half ceased to be a slave.

VI Lenin – Socialism and Religion

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, March 19, 2019.

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