The Post War Financial and Political Settlement

From Breton Woods to UK debt, austerity and nationalization

Bristol Radical History Group's Alan Brown will discuss the end of the British Empire to Pax Americana and the cold war, hidden histories 1944-1953.

Angela Carter and the Bristol counterculture

A radical history walk in Clifton and Hotwells

  Steve Hunt of Bristol Radical History Group will lead a stroll around some old haunts associated with Angela Carter and the 1960s and 1970s counterculture. Join Steve to reimagine the area around Hotwells and Clifton when it was a hotbed of what Angela Carter called ‘Provincial Bohemia. Angela Carter is widely appreciated as one of the most creative and engaging English writers of the late Twentieth Century, being author of such bestsellers as The Bloody Chamber, Nights at the Circus and […]

Bristol Radical History Festival 2020

  Bristol Radical History Festival 2020 Saturday 16th May 2020, from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm Bristol Radical History Group (BRHG) have organised a full programme of events for our 2020 Radical History Festival, in collaboration with our hosts at M Shed. The 2020 Festival has two main Themes, where once again we will reveal hidden histories, debate and agitate for a future of better pasts: - State and private surveillance of labour & social movements from 1792 to now - Hidden histories of […]
Section: Event Series
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1949 Dockers’ Strike (Avonmouth): Labour Government use troops

The 1949 Docks Strike was notable as an international solidarity action in support of strike action by Canadian seamen of the Canadian Seamen’s Union. Canadian employers had used scab crews (in the Seafarers’ International Union) to load ships. One of these, the SS Gulfside, had remained strike bound in Avonmouth from 1st April. A second ship, the SS Montreal City arrived with a cargo of tomatoes and bananas. As tugmen and dockers refused to work the blacked ships, the Labour Government brought […]

An Alternative History of Westbury-on-Trym Workhouse

Gilbert’s Act of 1782. ‘An act for the better relief and employment of the poor’

In November, 2019 Louise Ryland-Epton gave an engaging talk entitled ‘By Pity and by Terror? A Contrary View of Workhouses’ at the M Shed, Bristol as part of the UWE Regional History Centre series of talks. As I had read and examined reports on shocking victimisation, neglect, exploitation and dehumanising treatment of later workhouse inmates I was intrigued to hear about an alternative, pre 1834 Poor Law Act, workhouse erected in Westbury-on-Trym. We are all familiar with the many indignant […]

Talk Nautical Women – Women Sailors in History

Talk Nautical Women, The Hidden History of Women sailing the High Seas

By invitation of Pill Library and Children's Centre Crockerne House, Underbanks, Pill, BS20 0AT Wednesday, 19 February 2020 @ 2pm Author Rosemary Caldicott will be telling us about her book in which she investigated the intriguing histories of nautical women. These include stories of cross-dressing women who went to sea to earn a living and the mad, tragic and often funny consequences they encountered and endured. Living in or near Bristol, we’re all quite familiar with images of sailing ships – […]

The Dirty War on the NHS

Film screening

Miscellaneous Events 2020
Director: John Pilger, 2019, UK, 106 mins, Cert: 12A Bristol Radical History Group & Bristol Protect the NHS presents: The Dirty War on the NHS On April 6th the Cube will be screening John Pilger’s documentary The Dirty War on the NHS. It tells the story of the creation of the National Health Service in 1948, which liberated millions from the fear of illness, through to its invasion by private health companies and management consultants in recent years. The film includes the testimony of […]

Book Launch: Regicide or Revolution?

What Petitioners Wanted, September 1648 - February 1649

Miscellaneous Events 2020
The trial and execution of Charles I in 1649 has in the past been portrayed as the outcome of a crazed 'bloodlust' for revenge by supporters of parliament. This simplistic and dubious narrative obscures more than it reveals, and what is hidden by it is quite remarkable. Norah Carlin's new book Regicide or Revolution? What Petitioners Wanted, September 1648 - February 1649 is a collection and examination of the petitions from numerous units of the New Model Army and commoners around England in […]

Gadael Tir / Leave Land

the story of land rights and protest in Wales

Bristol Radical History Group, the Cube Cinema and the South West Land Justice Network are delighted to present the English Language version of Gadael Tir / Leave Land. Owen Shiers and Gwilym Morus-Baird will treat us to a live-performance show that tells the story of land rights and protest in Wales. This follows the popular and successful performance at the Cube by their English sibling show Three Acres and a Cow, which we hosted in October 2019. Description from the Gadael Tir / Leave Land […]

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