I got the opportunity to perform again in February!! I’m gonna have to drive to Philly for rehearsals and everything but WHATEVER, I’m so excited!!

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

Lowering my lamictal to 25mg tomorrow… 6 more weeks and I could be off it completely 😀

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

I have to go to the mall tomorrow and buy basically an entire new wardrobe.
Clothes shopping is rough.
So is spending money.
I’ve been trying to find new sneakers for WEEKS.
This should be fun… 

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

So I saw a text post earlier today that said “do you ever just kinda wonder what your selling point as a human being or friend is? like, what was the point at which people were like: hey, i’ll keep this human?” so I sent it to Dan because I could really relate to it and his response was “you are your selling point” so I asked him what that meant and he said, “it means you’re the reason i like you. you don’t need a ‘selling point’.”

He’s my favorite.

Original text post was by Withering Ghost, and the actual post is here.

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

I love that my boyfriend knows how to handle my episodes and doesn’t judge me. 

Anyone else would probably be annoyed at getting 49 texts in 3 minutes but he just points it out to me so I’m aware I’m speeding up and tells me to relax. He doesn’t let his friends make mean comments about it when he’s with them and gets 12 full length paragraph texts at once. Even though he can’t keep up or follow my train of thought, he doesn’t make me feel bad about jumping topics. He helps me take a deep breathe to slow down if I can’t keep up with myself.

He picks me up and brings me to his house so I don’t have to drive when I don’t feel safe to. He lets me lay in his bed and be sad but also puts a puppy next to me because cuteness cheers me up. He hooked up a second TV in his room so we can spend more time together and I can play Mario Kart while he plays his games. He plays guitar and sings to me. He doesn’t force me to do anything when I feel like I’m unable to function. He doesn’t judge me when I can’t shower.

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

It’s too cold. I am not enjoying this.

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

So apparently I think my house gets broken into more than the average person.

Dan had to come rescue me again…

His parents must think I have so many issues. Oops.

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

I know my teeth are just numb from the spray the doctor used in my nose but it’s still freaking me the fuck out.

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

I’m suddenly in a very bad mood… so naturally I put on an iTunes playlist I know is only going to feed into it.


(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

Why did I wake up with palpitations and a (kind of) high HR. This hasn’t happened in years.

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

Dan and I have decided that people would probably be very entertained by watching me play Mario Kart.

I hate when I let stupid little things fuck up my whole day… esp. when the day started out so good and then just one little thing totally throws me off.

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

I feel guilty about some of what I ate today and I want the feeling to go away.

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

I get to go hiking with Dan today :)

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)

Dan wants me to start seeing a therapist again…

(Source: recoveryisbeautiful)