World Socialist Web Site


The World Socialist Web Site is a daily source of news and analysis published by the International Committee of the Fourth International.

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  1. Připnutý tweet
    21. 3.

    The WSWS needs your financial help to make its upcoming meeting series featuring Christoph Vandreier “The threat of fascism and how to fight it.” a success. Please donate generously!

  2. před 27 minutami

    The US bombing of Yugoslavia twenty years ago was an imperialist crime launched by the Clinton administration—with the backing of the pseudo-left—under the hypocritical banner of “human rights.”

  3. před 7 hodinami

    Die Lehren der 1930er und der Kampf gegen die extreme Rechte: Samstag, 23. März 2019 um 20 Uhr Baumwollspinnerei, Halle 18, Gutenberg Verlag und Druckerei (GVD) Spinnereistraße 7, 04179

  4. před 11 hodinami

    The dire social and economic conditions which prevail for millions of workers and toilers in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Madagascar have been tragically exposed by which has left a historic humanitarian crisis in its wake.

  5. před 11 hodinami

    announces bogus ‘job saving’ plan as moves to close Oshawa plant - World Socialist Web Site

  6. před 12 hodinami

    Why are they Back? Historical Falsification, Political Conspiracy, and the Return of Fascism in Germany from Mehring Books

  7. před 13 hodinami

    The mobilization of the French army against demonstrators marks a historic watershed and a warning to workers internationally. Faced with increasingly militant opposition, the financial aristocracy is rapidly moving towards military-police rule

  8. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 16 hodinami

    How Norwood Jewell and the pushed through the 2015 contract - World Socialist Web Site

  9. před 15 hodinami

    The unsealed documents concerning Chelsea Manning's legal challenge expose the fact that she has been the target of an endless campaign of intimidation and conspiracy in violation of her democratic rights.

  10. před 17 hodinami

    The dire social and economic conditions which prevail for millions of workers and toilers in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Madagascar have been tragically exposed by which has left a historic humanitarian crisis in its wake.

  11. před 19 hodinami

    The mobilization of the French army against demonstrators marks a historic watershed and a warning to workers internationally. Faced with increasingly militant opposition, the financial aristocracy is rapidly moving towards military-police rule

  12. před 21 hodinami

    The Kirk-Tsujihara scandal is one of the complex, unpleasant realities that the American media would like to obscure. The episode reveals too much about the actual social and economic dynamics in Hollywood for comfort.

  13. před 23 hodinami

    The dire social and economic conditions which prevail for millions of workers and toilers in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Madagascar have been tragically exposed by which has left a historic humanitarian crisis in its wake.

  14. 22. 3.

    The mobilization of the French army against demonstrators marks a historic watershed and a warning to workers internationally. Faced with increasingly militant opposition, the financial aristocracy is rapidly moving towards military-police rule

  15. 22. 3.

    Historic humanitarian disaster unfolds in southeast Africa in the wake of Cyclone Idai - World Socialist Web Site

  16. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    22. 3.

    Unsealed documents shed light on state conspiracy against Chelsea Manning: The imprisonment of is part of a US government conspiracy to punish her, and for telling the truth about the crimes of US imperialism.

  17. 22. 3.

    Macron sends the French army against anti-austerity protests - World Socialist Web Site

  18. 22. 3.

    This is the first time since the 1954–1962 Algerian war that the army is to be mobilized in policing operations on French soil against the population.

  19. 22. 3.

    The attacks were preceded by the claim of Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, head of the UK’s Counter Terrorism Policing, that “there is no intelligence linking these appalling events in to the UK.”

  20. 22. 3.

    69th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 8: Increasing pressures on Chinese filmmakers - World Socialist Web Site

  21. 22. 3.

    University of Illinois at Chicago graduate student workers go on strike - World Socialist Web Site


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