
The anarchist sage/'Der Goen Anarkhist': Rabbi Yankev-Meir Zalkind and religious genealogies of anarchism

Anna Elena Torres' essay on Rabbi Yankev-Meir Zalkind's anarchist thinking.

Sade as moralist

MAURICE CRANSTON, who lectures on political science at the London School of Economics, wrote the imaginary conversation between Marx and Bakunin which appeared in ANARCHY 22. His reflections on the Marat/Sade play, recently performed at the Aldwych Theatre by the Royal Shakespeare Company, are reprinted from The Guardian by kind permission of the author and editor.

A partner not envisaged

LEILA BERG, well-known as a writer for and about children, has contributed to several recent issues of ANARCHY.

Anarchy #046

Issue of Anarchy magazine published in December 1964. This issue collects a series of book reviews of recent books including EP Thompsons the Making of the English Working Class