The Secret Daughter, Transparent and The Bachelorette.

the recap

17 Oct 2016 · 43 minutes

The Secret Daughter, Transparent and The Bachelorette.
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If your television diet consists solely of blonde, white, conventionally beautiful women dating conventionally handsome men, we have the show for you. And if you modelled your relationship goals on Gossip Girl's Chuck and Blair, or Chandler and Monica from Friends, you may need to sit down because we have some bad news for you. Plus, is Georgia Love living up to her name? We swap theories on why this season of The Bachelorette is a bit of a letdown. And we invited Jordan Raskopoulos from Axis of Awesome to tell us about trans representation in the award-winning show Transparent.

Show Notes

This episode was hosted by Laura Brodnik and Jessie Stephens.

Thank you to Jordan Raskopoulos

Jessie recommends: Jane the Virgin
Laura recommends: Grey's Anatomy

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This show was produced by Rachel Wagner for the Mamamia Podcast Network.

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