Saturday, November 24, 2018

Will US global hegemony last for another century?

My weekly article for Al-Akhbar: "Will US global hegemony last for anther century"?

(A critical review of Michael Beckley's new book from Cornell University Press).

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

US Secret Wars against Communism

My weekly article for Al-Akhbar: "US Secret Wars against Communism: how the regime in Poland Collapsed".

The New Congress and Palestine

 My new article for Consortium news on The New Congress and Palestine.

Monday, November 05, 2018

Why the US-Saudi Crisis will Pass

My article in Consortium News about "Why the US-Saudi Crisis will Pass"

Saturday, November 03, 2018

The Khashoggi Affair

My weekly article for Al-Akhbar: "The Khashoggi Affair: Between the Western and Arab Media".

jets over Ridyah

Flash. I am receiving information from Riyadh that people are hearing military jets flying over. Anybody knows about that? يصلني من الرياض للتوّ ان هناك تحليق لطيران حربي. هل من معلومات؟