asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليلVerifizierter Account


Professor at California State University, Stanislaus. Obviously, my views are my own and not of the university where I teach or the city where I live.

Modesto, CA
Beigetreten Juli 2009
Geboren 16. März 1960


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet

    الساكت عن فلسطين صهيوني ناطق.

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  2. 14. März

    “...Obama’s normalizing gaze at inequality, almost accepting it as a fact of nature, reinforces the status quo for her largely black audience—and that is a dangerous proposition.”

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  3. This cliche "it is a free country" needs to be interrogated and deconstructed.

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  4. "جنبلاط أبرق لرئيسة وزراء نيوزلندا مستنكراً الحادث الإرهابي". وقد عبّرت رئيسة الوزراء عن جزيل شكرها لجنبلاط وتمنّت عليه الرأفة بتيمور.

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  5. This is international law for the sole super power of the world.

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  6. vor 4 Stunden

    Washington doesn’t like its Muslims or Arabs to take pride in their heritage or oppose the Israeli occupation. By

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  7. فشرت: "على جميع نواب الامة واللبنانيين ان ينحنوا اجلالا امام دم استشهاد الرئيس بشير الجميّل". فلتنحنِ أنتَ ونتانياهو.

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  8. This right-wing Lebanese station(founded by Bachir Gemayel) doesn’t report on Israeli bombimg of Gaza. Check their page.

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  9. It is too easy for Western liberals to claim that Islamophobia in Western societies is an exclusively right-wing phenomenon. I know from the US after Sep. 11 that liberals-and some leftists-were no less Islamophobic than right-wingers.

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  10. Notice US administration condemnations strictly avoid using the word “Muslim” in reference to victims.

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  11. So success is 50% rate of interception?

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  12. “There is also an entirely legal way to corrupt the elite admissions system, which for some reason generates less outrage.”

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  13. “Imperialist war is a prerequisite for the expansion of capital and its market economy and the outstanding industry of waste. It is a permanent feature of the market economy. It engages labour and consumes labourers.” Resist to exist – IDEAs

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  14. This Mom Went To Prison For Enrolling Her Son In A School Outside Her District

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  15. Muslim Americans were not included in the survey.

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  16. Tel Aviv was a suburb of Jaffa now they call Jaffa a district in Tel Aviv. via

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  17. Anything embarrassing to Israeli military-intelligence is buried deep into newspaper articles in the US: “Separately, Iran hacked into Mr. Gantz’s private cellphone some time ago, his campaign confirmed” via

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  18. They really heart Netanyahu: “Mr. Netanyahu has sought to avoid war with Gaza and has tended to respond to scattered rocket attacks over the past year with relative restraint.” via

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  19. vor 18 Stunden

    BREAKING: Pitzer College Council upholds faculty vote to suspend study abroad program with Haifa University due to Israel's discriminatory policies against Palestinians. 67 in favor, 28 opposed.

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  20. Western media of course never commemorate Arab tragedies. Who today among them mentioned that today marked the anniversary of the horrific invasion of Lebanon in 1978? I was a high school student and we forced the closure of the school. Every week marks an Israeli massacre.

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  21. There has never been an election campaign in Israel which didn’t splatter Palestinian blood. Review the history of the occupation state.

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